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Of course it was Çeviri Portekizce

1,081 parallel translation
Of course it was nailed there.
É claro que estava pregado.
- Of course it was his own fault.
- Claro que foi culpa dele.
Of course it was.
Oh, well, of course it was nailed there.
Ah, bom, é claro que o tínhamos pregado lá.
Of course it was horrible.
Claro que foi horrível.
- Of course it was.
- É claro que foi...
Who could have imagined, of course it was an accident...
Quem poderia ter imaginado, claro que foi um acidente...
- Of course it was. But it will take more than a serpent to interrupt the investigation... of Hercule Poirot.
Claro que sim, mas uma serpente não me interrompe as investigações.
Of course it was a Jap plane.
Claro que era um avião japonês.
She couldn't exactly try and stop him but of course it was the last thing she wanted.
Ela não podia tentar impedi-lo, mas claro que era a última coisa que queria.
Of course it was. That's why you could bet the Sistine Chapel on it.
Por isso é que podia apostar a Capela Sistina.
When I left home yesterday - this morning - it was of course it wasn't like that.
esta manhã... estava... bem, supostamente não estava assim.
- It looked like her car. - Of course it was her car.
- Claro que era.
Unless it was perfectly valid, of course.
A não ser que fosse pertinente, claro.
Of course, it was the work that Brandt... was engaged on that sent him mad, you know.
Claro que foi o trabalho de Brandt que o enlouqueceu. Sabia disso.
Well, they fell nearly 39 miles But it's not nearly so remarkable, as that was due - to their combined weight, of course, Robert.
Caíram quase 62,5 km, mas isso não é tão espantoso, já que se deveu à soma do peso de todos, Robert.
It was a delayed honeymoon, of course.
Era uma lua-de-mel tardia, claro.
And the two shared a long conversation which was taped in his bedroom and during the course of it, she said- -
Os dois conversaram bastante e isso ficou gravado, e durante a conversa, ela disse :
Of course, there was the time... when he sold him a horse... and told him it was six years old... when it was really 12.
É claro, houve um tempo... em que ele vendeu um cavalo ao outro... e disse que tinha seis anos... quando na verdade tinha 12.
If it was an England cap, or a county cap, or club cap... then, of course, you could wear it.
Se fosse da equipa da Inglaterra, ou de um condado, ou de um clube, é claro que podias usá-lo.
Of course, it was hysteria, panic.
Claro, era histeria, pânico.
It was a damn sight better than the leftovers at the Globe, not that I'm in for any more of those, of course.
É uma visão bem mais agradável que os restos do Globe.
But of course, I was only joking. Well, isn't it little Filippo!
Quando ficamos velhos demais para outras coisas, adoremus Te.
Of course, it was terrible, that they took the grant away from you.
Claro, foi terrível tomarem a verba de você.
Of course, that was a cheaper wine you gave them. That was an ordinary wine, wasn't it?
É claro que o vinho que lhes serviu era barato, mais vulgar.
This was okay within itself... with the one exception : Jimi somehow would always manage... to pawn this guitar before a gig... before a dance, and, of course, the band would have to go pawn it... re-pawn it, repossess it.
Isto não era um problema, excepto, mas o Jimi empenhava sempre... a guitarra antes de um espectáculo... de uma dança e tínhamos de desempenhá-la... pagá-la e trazê-la.
It was in her car. The one he drove out to his house in later, while she was supposed to be getting their little party ready. Only, of course...
Estava no carro dela, aquele que ele levou para casa, depois, enquanto ela preparava a festinha.
No, I guess I was just wondering... if you had a file here on Nora Chandler and, of course, I never asked to see it.
Não. Só me perguntava se teria um arquivo sobre Nora Chandler. Claro que não pedi para o ver.
As a charlatan, of course, my job was to try to make it real.
Como um charlatão, o meu trabalho foi fazê-la parecer real.
The locomotives had been destroyed, although they were very necessary, therefore an evacuation was initiated that, in the end, it would save Russia e would modify the course of the war.
As locomotivas foram destruídas, embora fossem muito necessárias, pois iniciava-se uma evacuação que, no fim, salvaria a Rússia e alteraria o curso da guerra.
And, of course, the shock wave hitting us was indication it had worked.
E claro, a onda que nos atingiu indicava que tinha funcionado.
It was pitch-dark, of course, and my eyes were closed in terror.
Estava escuro e eu tinha os olhos fechados do terror.
It was a kind of funny weekend that, and then of course at the end of it we found out that Leggy had gone off to Australia which kind of put the mockers on the whole thing, really.
Foi um fim de semana estranho... e, claro, no fim dele descobrimos... que o Leggy tinha ido para a Austrália. O que tornou a atmosfera pesada.
Well, of course. It was brilliant.
Foi brilhante.
Of course, I don't know what your mission was but obviously it just isn't on now, is it, colonel?
claro, eu não sei qual era a sua missão... mas obviamente foi cancelada, não é mesmo, coronel?
I mean, it was me, of course, but it wasn't me.
Quer dizer, fui eu, mas não fui eu.
Of course I fired it, I was on the laser range today.
Claro que o disparei. Estive na carreira de laser, esta manhã.
Of course, making corn whiskey ain't quite as legal as it was once.
Claro, fazer uísque rural já não é tão legal como era antes.
- Of course, it was he or his girlfriend.
- É claro, foi ele ou a namorada.
And while the wrecking of that beautiful ship... upon our coast was, of course... a tragedy to those who were on the ship... it still was the catalyst that brought together... all of the people of this wonderful area.
E enquanto que o naufrágio desse lindo barco... em nossa costa foi, claro... uma tragédia para aqueles que estavam no barco... ainda foi o catalizador que uniu... todas as pessoas desta zona maravilhosa.
We could release it as an accidental overdose, which of course it was.
A menos que o Almirante Cook exigisse mais informações, poderíamos dizer que foi uma overdose acidental, o que é verdade.
Yeah, of course, I remember. It was my pleasure.
- Claro, foi um prazer.
Of course. It was Sir Horace Blatt.
Foi Sir Horace Blatt.
It is of course 25 to 12. She then asked Linda the time, who naturally said it was five to 12.
Era, claro 12 menos vinte e cinco, então perguntou à Linda que naturalmente lhe disse 12 menos cinco
And Dragisha, of course, until it was confiscated.
E Dragisha, é claro, até que foi confiscado.
Of course I remember. - Yeah? It was one of the most beautiful summer nights I'd ever seen.
Foi uma das noites de Verão mais bonitas que já vi.
And when it was over, he came up to me. I was with my husband, of course. And in front of him and all his colleagues he said,
Quando terminou, aproximou-se de mim... eu estava com o meu marido, é claro... e diante dele e de todos os seus colegas, disse :
Of course, it was Ethel.
Claro, foi a Ethel.
Of course it was.
- Claro que foi.
Of course it's impossible. Because it was you, wasn't it?
Pode voltar à cozinha.
But of course really, it was her kindness of heart that let her down.
A Dora Bunner escreveu-lhe uma carta.

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