On your feet Çeviri Portekizce
2,227 parallel translation
So the simple objective, ladies and gentlemen, stay on your feet.
O objectivo simples, senhoras e senhores, fiquem de pé.
- On your feet!
- De pé!
You should on your feet within a few weeks.
Deve poder caminhar daqui por algumas semanas.
Just until you get back on your feet.
Só até tu te reergueres.
I thought you were just fast on your feet.
Pensava que eras simplesmente demasiado rápido.
Should you even be on your feet?
- Deveria estar de pé?
I think your struggle is really moving... and I wanna help you get back on your feet.
Acho que a tua luta é muito comovente... E quero ajudar-te a levantares-te.
On your feet!
De pé. Vamos!
And on your feet, too.
E não te esqueças dos pés.
Just until you're back on your feet again, okay?
Só até conseguires tratar de ti sozinho novamente, ok?
Die on your feet, Mike.
Morra com dignidade, Mike.
Okay. Rest, fluids, some antibiotics, and you'll be back on your feet in no time.
Descanso, líquidos, alguns antibióticos e vai estar boa num instante.
I can't believe how quickly you got back on your feet.
Não acredito que recuperaste tão depressa.
You've been on your feet for five hours.
Estás de pé há cinco horas.
think on your feet. Go.
Pensem em pé.
Yes, you seem to have landed on your feet quite nicely, Mr. Wedeck.
Sim, parece que se recompôs muito bem, Sr. Wedeck.
You're gonna land on your feet. I promise.
Vais reerguer-te, eu prometo.
Merlin, on your feet.
Merlin, levanta-te!
Come on! Get back on your feet!
Põe-te de pé!
You've landed on your feet, assholes!
Vocês safaram-se, sacanas.
Grab your gear, put your boots on your feet, and get over there with the rest of the Marines.
Pega nas tuas coisas, calça as botas, e vai para junto dos outros Marines.
- Okay, on your feet!
- Ok, de pé!
On your feet!
De pé!
Yeah, get on your feet!
Sim, de pé.
It's nice to see you back up on your feet now.
É bom vê-la recuperada.
You'll be back on your feet in no time, insulting people like there's no tomorrow.
Atendendo as pessoas como se não houvesse amanhã.
- You're learning on your feet.
- Estás a aprender com a prática.
Both you girls on your feet.
As duas de pé.
Please, get on your feet, and let's dance!
Por favor, ponham-se de pé e vamos dançar!
Now we're gonna have you back on your feet in a sec.
Agora vamos tê-lo de volta num segundo.
I'm leaving lshay enough for two more rounds of injections. That should keep you on your feet for another 48 hours.
Vou deixar mais 2 doses de injecções com a Ishay, isso deve mantê-la de pé durante mais 48 horas.
I'm leaving Ishay enough for two more rounds of injections. That should keep you on your feet for another 48 hours.
Vou deixar mais 2 doses de injecções com a Ishay, isso deve mantê-la de pé durante mais 48 horas.
Come on, you terrorist, on your feet.
Anda lá, terrorista, de pé!
You could be back on your feet in no time.
Volta a agrupar e a crescer. Recuperas em pouco tempo.
I'm sure with all his secrets, he'll soon have you on your feet.
Tenho a certeza que todos os segrêdos que ele guarda, te vão repôr em pé.
You are staying with us till you're back on your feet.
Ficas connosco até te recompores.
On your feet, show horse.
De pé, mostra cavalo.
On your feet or you're not gonna get your sugar cube.
De pé, ou não vais ter o teu cubo de açúcar.
On your feet.
De pé.
No, no, stay on your feet, Jenny!
Mantém-te de pé, Jenny!
Why do you have to put your feet up on everything?
Por que tens de meter o teu pé em cima de tudo?
So if she steps on my feet during the dance, I might pass out. We would, uh, be very happy to pay you for your time, Will.
Ficaríamos muito felizes em pagar pelo teu tempo, Will.
Which is exactly why you're gonna stop Dragging your feet and pull the trigger On this operation.
E é exactamente por isso que vais parar de arrastar os pés e vais apertar o gatilho nesta missão.
Me neither. Uh... back on your feet, I see.
Vejo que já estás a pé.
Position yourself on the balls of your feet.
Posiciona-te na base das patas.
Get your pets inside, stock up on extra water, and if possible seek out 4-5 feet underground shelter.
Recolham os animais de estimação, armazenem bastante água e se possível, vão para abrigos subterrâneo reforçados.
What is going on with your feet?
O que se passa com os teus pés?
- Come on, Collins, move your feet.
Mexe os pés! Vamos!
Sorry. During the twister, don't just kick your feet up like you're slipping on some slippery ground, okay?
Desculpa, durante o ciclone, não balances os pés para cima como se estivesses a escorregar num terreno escorregadio, certo?
- Yeah? Wrap it around a tree three feet thick,... drop it across the trail when someone's hot on your ass.
Amarrámos o cofre a uma árvore com um metro de espessura, rebentámo-lo na rua para ninguém ser atingido.
You spin, and your equilibrium is off, and you stand up. And all you have to rely on is how well you know your body... and when you place your two feet on the floor, finding your horizon within yourself.
Dá-se as voltas e perde-se o equilíbrio e para voltar a ficar parado há que confiar no bem que conhecemos o corpo, para que ao pousar os pés encontrarmos o horizonte.
on your mark 94
on your behalf 19
on your knees 587
on your marks 92
on your birthday 23
on your right 71
on your bike 16
on your toes 27
on your left 74
on your way 112
on your behalf 19
on your knees 587
on your marks 92
on your birthday 23
on your right 71
on your bike 16
on your toes 27
on your left 74
on your way 112
on your knees now 16
on your own 129
on your stomach 27
on your desk 31
on your way out 27
on your head 43
on your 38
on your side 26
on your back 34
on your face 24
on your own 129
on your stomach 27
on your desk 31
on your way out 27
on your head 43
on your 38
on your side 26
on your back 34
on your face 24
your feet 42
feet 1397
feet deep 20
feet tall 111
feet up 44
feet apart 19
feet high 56
feet per second 35
feet away 134
feet off the ground 16
feet 1397
feet deep 20
feet tall 111
feet up 44
feet apart 19
feet high 56
feet per second 35
feet away 134
feet off the ground 16