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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ S ] / She loved it

She loved it Çeviri Portekizce

338 parallel translation
She loved it.
My, how she loved it.
E de que maneira.
She said she loved it.
- Ela disse que adorava.
She loved it.
Ela adorou.
She loved it here.
Lhe encantava este lugar.
At the screening, she told me she loved it.
Na exibição, disse-me que adorou.
I can only think of my cousin Ruthie... and how much she loved it.
Só me consigo lembrar de minha prima Ruthie... e do quanto ela gostava.
She loved it.
Gozou à brava.
She loved it all. The muggers, the winos the bag ladies, the wall-to-wall noise.
Os assaltantes, os bêbados as velhotas sem casa, o barulho.
She loved it because it had nothing to do with our childhood.
Adorava isto porque não tinha nada a ver com a nossa infância.
- She loved it!
- Ela adorou!
And when she said she loved it, I believe she was sincere.
E quando disse que adorou, acredito que foi sincera.
I gave her the best time she's had in years, and I believe she loved it.
Disse-me que nunca tinha tido tanto prazer há anos, e acredito que tenha adorado.
I shanked her pink ass and she loved it!
Dei-lhe umas facadas, no cuzinho rosado e ela gostou.
She loved it when he cried.
Ela adorava que ele chorasse.
She loved it.
Ela adoraria.
She loved it. Wait. You mean not be an actress?
Espera, queres dizer em vez de ser actriz?
That's what he'd have done, sir, and she'd have loved it.
Era o que ele teria feito, e ela teria adorado.
If you only knew who she really loved... You wouldn't believe it.
Se soubesse quem ela ama não acreditaria.
If someone loved you very much so that your happiness was the only thing that she wanted in the world and she did a bad thing to make certain of it... -... could you forgive her?
Se alguém o amasse tanto que desejasse a sua felicidade acima de tudo e ela tivesse de fazer uma coisa má para garantir essa felicidade poderia perdoar-lhe?
She would have loved to come back to England. But it seemed to me that I would be letting down my country in its greatest need. And so she stayed at my side.
Adoraria ter voltado... à Inglaterra mas, para mim, seria abandonar meu país... quando ele mais necessitava.
It was Basil Hallward's niece, Gladys, who had loved him since she was a child.
Era a sobrinha de Basil Hallward, Gladys, que o tinha amado desde que era uma criança.
I loved her, she knew it.
Por que gritou?
She loved me all her life. But this I didn't learn, until it was too late.
Amou-me a vida toda... mas, apenas descobri isso...
As much as she loved him, I doubt it.
Da forma como ela o amava, duvido.
But she confessed it was Terry she loved.
Mas confessou-me que era o Terry que ela amava.
She killed the only thing I ever loved and she's going to be punished for it.
Ela matou a única coisa que eu amei e vai ser punida por isso.
- She would have loved it, I know.
Ela teria gostado, eu sei.
Loved her when she was good. I m just there like night and day and she neverquestion it.
Bem, eu bati nela quando ela se portava mal, e a amava quando ela era boa.
She'll squeeze it out of him. My God, I'd have loved to eavesdrop.
Como eu adorava ter ouvido.
where people found it I guess they left bet you know she loved you a lot
Acho que era por não ter ido com a pessoa que amava. Sabes, acho que a Joanne gostou muito de ter ido contigo.
But it never did work, She kept right on being Ma' Which was all right, since we loved her a whole lot
Continuava sempre a ser a mãe, o que não era mau, porque gostava muito dela, tal e qual como era.
Did it ever occur to you she married him because she loved him?
Alguma vez lhe ocorreu que se casou com ele porque o amava?
It was in a dish of mushrooms, which he loved, and out of which she'd bean eating.
Foi num prato de cogumelos, que ele adorava, e do qual ela tinha estado a comer.
I loved her, in spite of it all. And now she's gone.
Apesar de tudo, amava-a, e agora ela morreu.
I'd like to tell her just once that she is loved wholeheartedly... but I can't say it in a way that she'd believe.
Eu gostaria de dizer-lhe pelo menos uma vez que ela é amada de todo o coração mas eu não saberia dizê-lo de uma forma que a fizesse acreditar.
It turned romantic. Did she tell you she loved you?
- Ela disse que te amava?
She's the most beautiful woman I've ever loved, and I think she knows it.
Ela é a mulher mais bonita Que eu já amei, e acho que ela sabe disso.
Who was it that she loved?
A quem é que ela amava?
She loved me, and I blew it.
Ela amava-me e eu dei cabo de tudo!
But despite it all, she loved me.
Mas apesar de tudo, ela amava-me.
How would you like it if Nedda said she loved you and wanted your baby?
Gostavas que a Nedda te dissesse que te ama e quer ter meninos?
Being forced into the sordid life by someone she loved could be so deleterious to her mental health that it had to be a substantial and contributory cause of her suicide.
Ser obrigada a uma vida sórdida por uma pessoa amada podia ter sido tão prejudicial para a saúde mental dela que teria de ser uma causa substancial a contribuir para o suicídio.
She loved that dog as if it were her child.
Ela adorava o cão como se fosse um filho.
But she loved her husband so vividly in a physical sense that she could hardly understand the mental even spiritual tie which held him to me or imagined that it was only my desire to influence his power for good which kept me under his roof.
Mas ela gostava tanto do marido - no sentido físico do termo - que era incapaz de entender o laço mental, ou espiritual, que nos unia. Ou de crer que era só o meu desejo de levá-lo a praticar o bem que me mantinha debaixo do mesmo tecto.
She had wept... because she had thought of that man from Cholon... her lover... and suddenly she wasn't sure... of not having loved him... with a love she hadn't seen... because it had lost itself in the story... like water in the sand... and that she was rediscovering it now... in this moment of music flung across the sea.
Ela chorou porque pensou naquele homem de Cholon... seu amante. E, de repente, Já não sabia se não o amara... com um amor que não vira... pois ele havia se perdido na história... como água na areia, e ela redescobria isso agora... enquanto a música se lançava pelo mar.
She had chosen... and I hadn't wanted to see it, hadn't wanted to understand... that she loved... as one loves the first time.
Ela tinha escolhido. E eu não queria ver, não queria entender... que ela o amava... como se ama pela primeira vez.
I swear to God, she absolutely loved it!
Juro por Deus, ela adorou!
Have you ever loved a woman... until milk leaked from her... as though she had just given birth to love itself... and now must feed it or burst?
Amou alguma vez uma mulher... até que o leite vertesse dela... como se ela tivesse dado à luz o próprio amor... e tivesse de amamentá-lo ou explodir?
With that scientist mind of hers, she would've loved it.
Com aquela mente de cientista dela, ela adoraria isto.
But giving up on it won't help. Is that what Lyla would have wanted? Is that why she loved you?
Deric, o seu filho não merece a vida de um fugitivo.

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