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Sheriff's department Çeviri Portekizce

516 parallel translation
Sheriff s Department.
Gabinete do Xerife.
Anne Arundel County Sheriff's Department is reporting a downed aircraft burning 2 miles outside of Crofton.
A Polícia de Anne Arundel informa que há uma aeronave caída e em chamas a três quilómetros de Crofton.
Operator, get me the County Sheriff's Department, quick!
Operadora, passe-me ao escritório do xerife, rápido.
Well, I've been talking to the Sheriff's department. They're gonna call it off.
- Que o Xerife vai cancelar as buscas.
Besides, the Sheriff's Department can't have their dogs... up here for another hour yet.
Além disso, o departamento do Xerife não pode trazer os cães aqui, senão daqui a uma hora.
Jerry, this is Lieutenant Mulvahill, Juvenile Division, Sheriff's department.
Jerry, este é o tenente Mulvahill... da Divisão Juvenil da Polícia.
Mr Polito, have I or anyone in the sheriff's department or the DA's office offered you any inducement to testify?
Sr. Polito, será que eu ou alguém do gabinete do X erife ou da Procuradoria lhe ofereceu um incentivo para vir depôr? .
- Sheriff's Department.
- Departamento do Xerife.
Sheriff's Department.
Neither the FBI nor Sheriff's Department will comment.
Nem o FBI, nem a polícia local quiseram comentar.
Hello, I'm Lieutenant Frescia from the Sheriff's Department.
Bom dia. Sou o inspector Frescia, da polícia de Los Angeles.
Sheriff Max Hubbard of the Mount Cascade Sheriff's Department has established a command post at the prison bus accident site.
O xerife Max Hubbard de Mount Cascade... montou um posto de comando no local do acidente.
Sheriff's department.
Departamento do xerife.
Sheriff's department.
Departamento do Sheriff.
We have to turn this over to the Sheriff's department.
Temos de entregar isto ao Departamento do Xerife.
Let me go inside that ship... please. Sheriff's department?
Deixe-me ir para o navio, por favor.
Malibu is Sheriff's Department, not L.A.P.D.
Malibu depende do Xerife, não da Polícia.
The Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department is currently involved in several disparate investigations.
A esquadra de Twin Peaks está de momento envolvida em várias investigações díspares.
Sheriff's Department. Sheriff...
Departamento do Xerife.
Travis Sheriff's Department.
Dep. Do Xerife de Travis.
Six years with the sheriff's department, DB'd twice for excessive force.
À 6 anos atrás no seu departamento, foi acusada 2 vezes por excesso de força.
- Hello, sheriff's department.
- Alô, delegacia.
- Sheriff's Department.
- Delegacia.
I'm with the County Sheriff's Department.
Sou do Departamento do Xerife local.
Is that your conclusion or the conclusion of the Sioux City Sheriff's Department?
A conclusão é tua ou do Xerife de Sioux City?
Townsend Sheriff's Department two nights ago.
Da polícia de Townsend há duas noites atrás.
The sheriff's department nabbed two guys pulling a stall-and-hook.
O Departamento do Xerife apanhou dois tipos a roubar num parque.
Except she wasn't - Sheriff's Department
- Só que não era.
I want the Coast Guard and the Sheriff's Department.
Quero a marinha e o departamento do sherife.
Can you give us a deal at our sheriff's department?
Podem fazer uma doação para o escritório do Xerife?
Sheriff's department.
Departamento do Xerife.
Sheriff's Department.
Departamento do Xerife. Está presa.
Aah! Ooh! Sheriff's Department, Larry.
Polícia, Larry.
There's detectives from the sheriff's department who need to speak to you.
Há detectives do departamento do xerife que precisam de falar consigo.
I'm Garnet Wallace from the sheriff's department.
Sou o Garnet Wallace do Departamento do Xerife.
We're with the L.A. Sheriff's Department.
Estamos com o Departamento do Xerife de LA.
Sheriff's department?
Departamento do Xerife?
I'm shifting personnel and oversight to the Anawalt County Sheriff's Department... who's got direct supervision of the river from here to the coast.
Vou passar a situação ao Xerife de Anawalt têm a jurisdição do rio até á costa.
Carl Tippett, St. Joe County Sheriff's Department, Indiana.
- carl Tippett, xerife.
We're working with the Sheriff's Department.
Estamos a trabalhar com o departamento do Xerife.
We're working with the Sheriff's Department.
Estamos a trabalhar com o Xerife.
- In an envelope... addressed to the Hanover Sheriff's Department.
- Num envelope... endereçado ao Departamento do Xerife de Hanover.
Sheriff's Department!
Departamento do Xerife!
Sheriff's Department.
Departamento de Polícia.
Sheriff's Department!
Sheriff's Department!
Departamento do Sheriff!
Sheriff's Department.
Departamento do Xerife.
- The Sheriff's Department.
- Departamento do Xerife.
There are some... uh... folks from the Sheriff's department who'd like to talk to you when you're feeling up to it.
Há alguns... agentes do Xerife que gostariam de falar contigo quando te sentires preparada para isso.
Sheriff's department.
Departamento de Xerife.
This is Sheriff Flinkman from Splendona Sheriff's Department.
Fala o Xerife Ronald Flinkman da Esquadra de Splendona.

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