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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ T ] / Think about what

Think about what Çeviri Portekizce

6,837 parallel translation
Did you think about what I said about your plan?
E você lembra o que eu disse sobre o seu plano?
Listen, Homer, do you ever think about what you want to do when you're grown up?
Ouve, Homer, costumas pensar sobre o que queres fazer quando cresceres?
And I need you to think about what will happen to your immortal soul if you dare cross me.
E preciso que penses sobre o que vai acontecer à tua alma imortal se te atreves a fazer-me frente.
You need to think about what you're doing.
Tens de pensar no que estás a fazer.
I'll think about what I can do for him.
Vou ver o que posso fazer por ele.
You can't actually cash it, but think about what it represents.
Não podes descontá-lo, mas pensa no que representa.
Think about what happened to Vince and Kevin in the plane.
Pensem no que aconteceu com o Vince e o Kevin no avião.
Think about what it would be like to come home and have that little girl running towards you and throwing her arms around you.
Pensa em como era chegar a casa e ter esta miúda a correr na tua direcção, a atirar os braços à tua volta.
What did you think about his song?
O que achaste da canção?
What do you think about the lamps?
O que achas dos candeeiros?
And he had that ability about him. That other kids would kind of follow along then. And say, oh, okay, if that's what you think we oughta try.
E ele tinha essa aptidão que outros miúdos então tentavam seguir também, e diziam "Bem, se é isso que pensas, temos que tentar."
Just hand me pliers and, what do you think about a saw?
Traz-me alicates. O que achas de uma serra?
Let me ask you a question, what you think about this song that's playing?
O que acha da canção que está a passar?
What do you think Wells was talking about? I mean...
Sobre o que achas que o Wells estava a falar?
That's the wee lie. He wanted me to think he'd heard about Thorp through Kate, but what if it was through Lisa?
Ele queria que eu pensasse que soube do Thorp pela Cate, mas e se soube pela Lisa?
What did Sadie think about that?
O que achou a Sadie sobre isso?
And what did old Sadie Mae think about that?
E o que pensou a velha Sadie sobre isso?
What does Joe think about all this?
E o que acha o Joe disto tudo?
Think about it. We're so dialed in to Dark Web activity that we may be missing what's right in front of us.
Estamos tão concentrados na activade da "Dark Web", que podemos não estar a ver algo mesmo à nossa frente.
If Lizzie's the monster that I think she is, then what's it say about the woman that raised her?
Se a Lizzie é o monstro que penso que é, o que isso diz da mulher que a criou? Não tenho serventia para si.
But I'm curious as to what you think your wife's reaction would be should she find out about your art.
Qual acha que seria a reacção da sua mulher se descobrisse sobre a sua arte?
It gives us time to think, you know, about what's the potential fall-out?
Dá-nos tempo para pensar sobre as consequências.
What's this guy's connection to Yussef Khalid? Think about it.
Pensa lá, que ligação tinha este gajo com Yuseff Khalid?
I mean, she had no idea about what your mother really did, but I think she gets it.
Quer dizer... ela não faz a mínima ideia daquilo que a tua mãe realmente fez, mas... acho que compreendeu.
What do you think, Simon, about what, 20 %?
O que acha, Simon? Já está nos vinte por cento?
What do you think about just picking up And starting all over somewhere else?
O que achas de pegar nas coisas e começar do zero noutro sítio?
And what do you think about this whole government thing of, you know, listening in to people's private information?
E o que pensas sobre esse negócio de o governo ficar a ouvir informações pessoais?
I think we should be clear about what we're doing.
Acho que devemos ter a certeza do que estamos a fazer.
Really? That's what you think about after we make love?
É nisso que pensas depois de fazermos amor?
What do you think about Jeff Rutledge?
O que achas do Jeff Rutledge?
What do you think the beheadings are about?
Para que acham que são as decapitações?
What do you think that was about?
O que achas que foi aquilo?
Now, Jemima..... I want you to think back to what Betsy told you about Harriet.
Jemima... Quero que pense no que a Betsy lhe disse sobre a Harriet.
So let's not waste any time, please tell me what you think about it.
Então não vamos perder tempo, por favor diz-me o que pensas.
Let 2093 think about just what a bastard he really is, and then maybe he'll tell the rest of us that he thinks so.
Acho que teremos de esperar enquanto o 2093 pensa no bastardo que realmente é. E aí, talvez nos diga que concorda.
What do you think it's going to do to her when she hears all these lies about him?
O que pensas que lhe acontecerá quando souber de todas as mentiras sobre ele?
What do you think is gonna happen when the first person asks you about Daniel?
O que pensas que acontecerá quando te perguntarem pelo Daniel?
I mean, we know what they'd think about that, though, don't we?
Todos sabemos o que se pensa dos bufos, não é?
What did you think of the bit about the backpack?
E o que acha da mochila?
So what do you think about Melissa?
O que achas da Melissa?
You tend to care what people think about you.
Preocupa-se com o que as pessoas pensam.
I mean, if you were a man dating someone at work, do you think that you would be worried about what everyone else was thinking?
Tu é que mandas. Se fosses um homem a namorar com uma colega de trabalho achas que estarias preocupada com o que os outros pensam?
I don't know what you two have been talking about, but if you even think about admitting anything he said as evidence, I will come after your badge.
Não sei sobre o que vocês têm estado a falar, mas se sequer pensar em admitir algo do que ele disse como prova, vou atrás do seu distintivo.
- And yet, there's something about what Helen said that stayed with you, that... that makes you think she might be on to something.
- E no entanto, há algo no que a Helen disse que ficou consigo, que o faz pensar que ela pode ter razão.
You want to know what I think about that?
- Quer saber o que penso sobre isso?
What do you think, you're about five-two?
Tens 1,60 m?
I decided within the next month, I'll not sit on my roof and think about jumping, but I'll actually kill myself. And I wasn't going out of this world without actually knowing what it was like to get laid.
Decidi deixar de me sentar no telhado e pensar em saltar e, efectivamente, matar-me, mas não ia partir deste mundo sem saber o que era dar uma queca.
What do you think about interviews?
- O que acha das entrevistas?
I know, but what do they think about me?
Eu sei, mas o que pensam de mim?
You think he'll talk, tell'em what he knows about us?
Achas que ele vai falar? Contar o que sabe sobre nós?
Can I tell you what I was thinking about when I was... thinking at your think spot?
Posso dizer o que pensava quando estava... a pensar sobre onde íamos?

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