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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ T ] / Thousands of them

Thousands of them Çeviri Portekizce

435 parallel translation
- Yeah, he's got thousands of them.
- Sim, ele tem milhares deles.
There are thousands of them in this part of the world. And they have been founded, some recently, some 80 years ago... by people who left their homes in Europe because of famine... because of starvation... because of racial and political persecution... and some, like ourselves, because of their faith.
Há milhares delas nesta parte do mundo e elas têm sido fundadas, algumas recentemente, outras há 80 anos, por pessoas que deixaram as suas casas na Europa devido à carência, devido à fome, devido à perseguição racial e política
All those kids, thousands of them, nothing but bait for Nazi submarines.
Isso é que os está a afundar. Tantos miúdos, aos milhares, não passam de isco para os submarinos nazis.
Thousands of them.
Milhares delas.
The people of Ballyglon are comin over by bus, thousands of them.
A gente de Ballyglon está vindo de ônibus, milhares deles.
They did. Thousands of them.
Já se escreveram milhares.
When they see it, they'll come, thousands of them.
Quando o virem, virão em massa.
There are thousands of them.
São milhares de razões.
- There's thousands of them.
- Há milhares deles.
Here they come, thousands of them.
Aqui vêm. Milhares deles.
Thousands of them, from all over.
Milhares deles. De todos os lugares.
Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of them.
Centenas e centenas de milhares deles.
Thousands of them, from all over Germany.
Milhares deles, de toda a Alemanha.
Because you show off every Saturday in front of thousands of them, because you're... you're just a great ape on a football field.
Porque exibes-te todos os sábados em frente a milhares deles... Porque és... és apenas um grande macaco num campo de rugby.
Selenites, thousands of them.
Selenitas, milhares deles.
Thousands of them.
Milhares deles.
Thousands of them.
São milhares.
Thousands of them. If time wasn't so important, I'd show you something.
Se tivéssemos tempo, mostrava-lhe uma coisa.
Mr. Scott, there are thousands of them out there they could be on, - if they're on any of them at all.
Eles podem estar em milhares, se é que estão nalgum.
- Thousands of them.
- Milhares deles.
When they hatch, she is the mother to them, thousands of them.
Quando chocam, ela é a mãe deles, de milhares.
- Forced labor, thousands of them.
- Milhares a trabalhar á força.
There are signs of thousands of them in the foothills beyond.
Há milhares deles nos sopés.
He slew 30 thousands of them in the fields and lost of his own men one thousand of the best he had.
Ele matou 30 mil homens no campo de batalha... e perdeu mil homens, dentre os seus melhores.
I don't know what kind of a car the colonel drove but there must be thousands of them in Southern California.
Não sei que tipo de carro tinha o coronel, mas deve haver milhares iguais a ele no Sul da Califórnia.
I've examined thousands of them, and, until now, I've only discovered two who could talk in my life.
Examinei milhares deles, e, até hoje, só descobri 2 que sabiam falar.
Hundreds and thousands of them died.
Centenas e milhares morreram.
Hundreds and thousands of them had to be destroyed in order to prevent the spread of infection.
Centenas e milhares tiveram de ser destruídos para prevenir que a epidemia se espalhasse.
I've examined thousands of them, and, until now, I've only discovered two who could talk in my life.
Examinei milhares deles, e, até hoje, só encontrei2 que soubessem falar.
And when the flamingos come in, thousands and thousands of them turning the whole sky pink....
E quando os flamingos aparecem, milhares e milhares deles o céu inteiro inteiro fica cor de rosa...
Thousands, millions of them.
"Milhares, " milhões deles.
And of the many thousands that comprise these mobs only 765 were ever even brought to trial because their supposedly civilized communities have refused to identify them for trial.
E dos milhares que fazem parte destas massas... ... só 765 foram julgados em tribunal... ... porque as suas comunidades supostamente civilizadas recusam-se a identificá-los em julgamento.
I ordered out thousands of grand duchesses and I want to tell them.
Encomendei milhares de grã-duquesas e quero dizer-lhes.
Why did the Chinese move whole cities thousands of miles inland when the Japs attacked them?
Porque é que os chineses moveram cidades inteiras para o interior... quando foram atacados pelos japoneses?
You see them in the hotels, the best hotels every day by the thousands, drinking the money, eating the money, losing the money at bridge, playing all day and all night, smelling of money.
Vemo-las nos melhores hotéis, todos os dias, aos milhares, a beber o dinheiro, a comer o dinheiro, a perder o dinheiro ao bridge, a jogar todo o dia e toda a noite, a cheirar a dinheiro,
That's a sweet idea. Why don't I just announce it tonight... with all them thousands of people listening?
Podias ser a mulher mais importante desta parte do país, se quisesses.
100 of them sunk, and thousands of prisoners taken.
100 afundaram e têm milhares de prisioneiros.
He sent out thousands of letters to people offering to make them rich.
Ele enviou milhares de cartas a pessoas, oferecendo-se para as enriquecer.
You force your way in, you remove remains of long-dead kings and send them to the British Museum where thousands of people can stare at them.
Forçam a entrada, roubam os restos de reis... para enviá-los a um museu onde milhares vão vê-los.
Between now and then we have to show the world... thousands of homeless European Jews... are not going to accept any solution that bars them from Palestine.
Entre agora e essa altura temos que mostrar ao mundo... que milhares e milhares de refugiados Judeus Europeus... não vão aceitar qualquer solução que lhes barre a entrada na Palestina.
Thousands of people... It is interesting to note, most of them women... have gathered daily hoping to catch a glimpse of Sir Charles Lytton... the man accused of being the notorious Phantom.
Milhares de pessoas, sobretudo mulheres, têm reunido diariamente, na esperança de ver Sir Charles Lytton, o homem acusado de ser o famoso Fantasma.
They have banned three political movements, they have forced nine newspapers to close down they have arrested thousands of people for going on strike they have requisitioned employees and workers in order to force to them to return to work...
Tornaram ilegais três movimentos políticos, obrigaram nove jornais a fechar, foram detidas milhares de pessoas por fazerem greve, militarizaram a empregados e operários para obrigá-los a voltar ao trabalho...
They told the people that draftees could be excused from service by paying them a sum of 270 yen and thus they swindled the villagers out of tens of thousands of yen.
Disseram às pessoas que os alistados poderiam ser dispensados do serviço... através do pagamento de 270 iénes a eles... e depois eles tiraram dos camponeses mais de dez mil iénes.
There's only 150 of them... but they ride like they were thousands.
São só 150, mas cavalgam como se fossem milhares!
Not one of them kneels to another or to his own kind that lived thousands of years ago.
Nem um deles se ajoelha perante outro ou perante um da mesma espécie que viveu há milhares de anos
Thousands and thousands, tens of thousands of people, were walking, taking their belongings with them, some on their heads, their backs, shoulders.
Havia milhares, dezenas de milhar de pessoas caminhando pelas ruas carregando os seus pertencentes. Algumas na cabeça, outras nas costas ou nos ombros.
The death cry of thousands of young women who were already reduced to skeletons, and their... their futile attempts, which they knew by any logic that they can't succeed, to jump out from the lorries which take them to the gas chambers
Eram os gritos de desespero de milhares de jovens mulheres que já estavam reduzidas a esqueletos. Tentavam desesperada e inutilmente... pois sabiam que não tinham qualquer chance, saltar dos caminhões que iam levá-las para as câmaras de gás.
With the war behind them, and thanks to this humanitarian help, thousands of young corean orphans will learn how to face with optimism a future of peace.
Com o fim da guerra, e graças à ajuda humanitária milhares de órfãos coreanos aprenderão a enfrentar, com otimismo, um futuro da paz.
Hundreds of thousands of Italians and foreigners have come from all over Italy and Europe to witness this historic celebration and have descended on a Rome ready to welcome them in her timeless austerity.
Centenas de milhares de Italianos e estrangeiros... vieram de toda a parte de Itália e Europa para testemunhar esta histórica celebração e desceram numa Roma preparada para os acolher na sua austeridade intemporal.
'Thousands of children were found in the forest afterwards and... 'I was one of them.'
Milhares de crianças foram encontradas depois a vaguear na floresta e... eu fui uma delas.
We can read in them truths placed there many thousands of years ago.
Podemos ler verdades postas neles à milhares de anos atrás.

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