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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ T ] / Turn off the lights

Turn off the lights Çeviri Portekizce

295 parallel translation
Turn off the lights, IsobeI.
Apague as luzes, Isabel.
Would you mind helping me turn off the lights?
Importa em me ajudar a apagar as luzes?
I got to turn off the lights,'cause of the blackout outside.
Tenho de apagar as luzes por causa do blackout.
Turn off the lights.
Apaga as luzes.
Stay away from windows and turn off the lights.
Afastem-se das janelas e não acendam as luzes.
- Here they are. - Turn off the lights, you fanatic!
Desliga estes faróis, exibicionista.
Put on "Patricia." I'll turn off the lights. - Come on, put on "Patricia."
Ponham "Patricia", vou desligar as luzes.
- You put down the shades? - Yes. Turn off the lights, and lock the doors.
Baixa as persianas, apaga as luzes e fecha as portas.
Turn off the lights.
Desliga os faróis.
I'll just get up and turn off the lights.
A luz.
Let's sleep, Uncle Lele, turn off the lights!
Vamos dormir, Tio Lele, apaga as luzes!
If you will turn off the lights?
Pode apagar as luzes?
Constable, you turn off the lights.
Agente, desligue as luzes.
Frank, want to turn off the lights?
Frank! Pode apagar as luzes?
Pull up and turn off the lights.
- Encoste e desligue as luzes. - Sim, senhor.
Enough of this shit! Pretty soon I'm gonna turn off the lights and kick everyone out!
Vou desligar as luzes e expulsar-vos!
Turn off the lights. We're closed.
Apaguem as luzes, por favor.
- Hey, turn off the lights.
- Apaga as luzes.
Just turn off the lights!
Apague as luzes!
Don't forget to turn off the lights and lock up.
Não te esqueças de apagar as luzes e de fechar tudo.
Lock your doors, bolt your window and turn off the lights.
"Fechem as portas, tranquem as janelas." " Apaguem a luz.
Undress, turn off the lights and exercise a bit.
Dispam-se, desliguem as luzes e façam um pouco de exercício.
Turn off the lights, you idiot!
Desliga as luzes, seu idiota!
You go first. I'll turn off the lights.
- Vai tu primeiro. Eu desligo as luzes.
Why'd they turn off the lights?
Por que é que desligaram as luzes?
Turn off the lights, Earl.
Apaga as luzes, Earl.
Turn off the lights
Apaguem as luzes!
Turn off the lights.
Apague a luz.
You should turn off the lights when you are locked out you waste electricity.
Devia apagar as luzes quando fica fechada cá fora é um desperdício de electricidade.
Just give me a couple of minutes. I'll turn off the lights in the storeroom.
Dá-me só um minuto, para apagar as luzes lá atrás.
Turn off the lights!
Apague a luz! Clique.
I'm gonna lock the door here, and i'm gonna turn off the lights, and whoever took my little black book will just put it right back on the bar.
Eu vou trancar a porta e apagar as luzes e quem tiver roubado a minha agenda pode apenas pô-la no bar.
Turn off the lights?
Desligar as luzes?
Got it. I turn off the lights.
De acordo, eu apago a luz.
- and then I turn off the lights.
E logo depois apago a luz.
Turn all the lights off.
Apaguem as luzes todas.
When you leave the highway, turn off all your lights.
Quando saíres da estrada, apaga as luzes.
When the motor starts, turn the lights off.
Quando ligar o motor, desliguem a luz.
I'll turn the lights off below, in case you wonder who did it.
Vou apagar as luzes lá em baixo, caso alguém se pergunte quem as apagou.
You have the fight. When you're through, turn off these lights.
Discute tu, e depois apaga as luzes.
I think I can turn his lights off at the source.
Acho que consigo apagá-lo na fonte.
Turn the lights off.
Apaga as luzes.
[Whispers] Turn the lights off :
Apaga as luzes.
Turn off all the lights.
Apaguem todas as luzes.
I think we should turn off a lot of the lights, close the curtains that aren't already closed, and make sure all the doors are locked.
Devemos apagar as luzes, fechar as cortinas que não estão fechadas e trancar todas as portas.
Turn off all the lights.
Desliga as luzes.
I go into my pocket for a key I figure I'll sneak in, turn the lights off, and I'll be safe.
Procuro a chave no bolso. Penso em entrar á socapa, apagar a luz e safar-me.
And when you finish, turn the lights off and go to bed.
E quando terminares, apaga as luzes e vai para cama.
Turn the lights back off, and give me the Hee Haw girls.
Apagar as luzes e dá-me as miúdas da série "Hee Haw".
Turn The Lights Off When You Leave.
Apaga as luzes quando saires.
Sometimes when I'm sitting here, I turn the lights off - sit in the dark.
Por vezes, quando estou aqui sentado, desligo as luzes - sentado no escuro.

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