What were they Çeviri Portekizce
4,074 parallel translation
What were they thinking of?
Que ideia a deles.
They were the only wine connoisseurs within 100 miles and what were they doing up my ass?
Eram os únicos conhecedores de vinho num raio de 100 kms e que faziam eles atrás de mim?
- What were they?
- O que era? - Captagon.
What were they saying?
O que é que estavam a dizer?
What were they?
Quais eram?
That night on the ship, what were they talking about?
Naquela noite, no navio, de que estavam a falar?
What we can read in the Bible is that they were sustained by something called "manna." And the big question is where did this manna come from?
O que podemos ler na Bíblia é que foram sustentados por uma coisa chamada "maná". E a grande questão é de vinha esse maná?
What if the people who wrote these stories were simply reporting on what they were actually seeing?
E se as pessoas que escreveram estas histórias apenas estivessem a relatar aquilo que, de facto, estavam a ver?
They were like : What is Hardwell doing playing that stuff'?
As pessoas diziam : "O que tem o Hardwell para querer tocar isto?"
Even if I were willing to try, what makes you think they'd listen?
Mesmo que eu estivesse disposto a fazê-lo, o que é que te leva a pensar que eles irão ouvir?
I was so insulted, I was so angry, and I said what they were doing was wrong.
Senti-me insultada e zangada, disse que não podiam fazer isso.
They were what you might call "big" in our town.
Pode dizer-se que eles eram famosos na nossa cidade.
They wouldn't know what to do... If all of a sudden they were left to fend for themselves like animals.
Eles não saberiam o que fazer, se, de repente, ficassem entregues a si próprios, como animais.
But they were not what I was looking for.
Mas não eram o que eu procurava.
What colour were they?
De que cor eram?
The one place where all men truly share the same rank regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in.
O único local em que os homens estão todos ao mesmo nível, mesmo quando lá chegaram sendo uns ranhosos parasitas.
The one place where all men truly share the same rank, regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in.
O único local em que os homens estão ao mesmo nível, mesmo quando lá chegaram sendo uns ranhosos parasitas.
I hate what they chose to become... but they were still my parents.
Odeio aquilo em que eles escolheram se transformar... mas, eles ainda são os meus pais.
When you look at the Obama website where they were looking for information-what is important to you, what do want to see us do?
Quando vemos o site de Obama onde procuravam informação : "O que é importante para si? O que gostaria de ver-nos fazer?"
of power over sovereign individuals was anathema to what they were trying to create in forming a new country.
Essa ideia não iria muito longe, não porque eram bêbedos, mas porque a ideia de que o governo federal tinha aquele grau de poder sobre um indivíduo soberano era um anátema para o que tentavam criar na formação de um novo país.
At first, they were hesitant, because I was too young, and what do I know?
De início, ficaram hesitantes por eu ser muito novo, e o que sabia eu?
They were young, that's what counts.
Eles eram jovens, é isso o que importa.
What were they like? Hey! Wait!
Espere, espere!
What if Pakistan marched into Mumbai tomorrow and you knew that they were going to drag your daughters into a soccer stadium for execution,
Se o exército do Paquistão invadisse o Mumbai amanhã, e soubesses que iriam arrastar as tuas filhas, para um estádio de futebol, para as executar.
And I discovered what they were going to use it for.
E eu descobri qual era a intenção deles.
What line were we in when they were distributing testicles?
Em que fila estávamos nós quando distribuíram os testículos?
And they were destroyed by... what maybe friendly fire.
E foi destruída pelo que pode ser fogo aliado.
They knew what we were talking about?
Eles sabem do que estamos a falar.
What would be great is if they didn't think they were on probation.
Seria óptimo se pensassem que já não estavam em regime probatório.
You know what, they were right.
Sabes uma coisa, eles tinham razão.
What about my replacement? Last I heard they were trying to pull someone from distro... but they're running on empty same as everyone else.
Fiquei sabendo que tentaram trazer alguém do Distro... mas não conseguiram nada, assim como todos os restantes.
They built you to do what you were told.
Eles criaram-te para fazeres o que te mandam.
They're what we wish were true.
Elas são o que desejamos que fosse.
It's what they did to Martin, what they were going to do to me.
Foi o que fizeram com o Martin, o que íam fazer comigo.
I think... what I REALLY think is that they were just recoiling from David's sperm.
O que eu realmente acho. É que elas estavam, apenas a recusar o esperma do David.
Although the embassies were obviously the targets... - Look what they did to us.
Embora as embaixadas fossem alvos, a maioria dos feridos não é americana.
Whoever sent you this knew exactly what they were doing.
Quem quer que voce enviou este sabiam exatamente o que estavam fazendo.
But things are far from what they were.
Mas as coisas estão muito diferentes do que eram.
I don't know what they were quarreling about.
Eu só não sei sobre o que elas discutiam.
This bond is what has led Spartans to achieve far more than anyone... including themselves, believed they were capable of.
Foi este laço que levou os Spartans a ir mais longe que os outros, incluindo eles próprios, a acreditar nas suas capacidades.
What if they knew you were alone with a boy in your bedroom?
E se eles soubessem que estava sozinha com um rapaz no seu quarto?
What would they say if they knew you, you were putting them in such grave danger?
O que eles iriam dizer se soubessem que tu os estarias a por em grande perigo?
So they were, like, trying to pressure me into like, getting an arranged marriage and I'm like, no, I don't want to do it, they were like, let's put an ad in the paper, 'cause that's what a lot of people do is they go there, they put an ad in the classifieds.
Estavam a tentar pressionar-me para ter um casamento arranjado e eu pensei, não, não quero, eles disseram : pomos um anúncio, muitas pessoas fazem isso, vão lá e põem um anúncio nos classificados.
[Couric] What if they were actually making things worse?
E se, na realidade, só agudizassem o problema?
What they were?
O que é que elas eram?
Someone would come in and they were gonna find out what they were.
Alguém me disse que virão para rever...
No matter how they looked, what they lacked in terms of the ideal, there were men who wanted them, who celebrated them on websites and file sharing networks.
A falta de ideais não tinha importância, mas eram desejadas pelos homens, que as celebravam em sites e redes de partilha.
What do you mean, they were singing?
- O que dizes, eles cantavam? - Onde?
You were what they said you were.
Tu eras o que eles disseram que tu eras.
I don't really know what they were.
Não sei ao certo quais eram.
In that last nanosecond, they saw what they were, that you, yourself, this whole big drama, it was never anything but a jerry-rig of presumption and dumb will and you could just let go finally now that you didn't have to hold on so tight... to realize that all your life- -
E viram, no último nanossegundo, o que eles eram. Viram que todo este drama não passava de uma presunção e uma determinação parva. Podiam deixar tudo para trás.
what were they doing 32
what were they thinking 21
what were they like 20
what were you doing 354
what were you thinking 741
what were you saying 207
what were you gonna say 55
what were you dreaming about 17
what were you doing there 136
what were their names 27
what were they thinking 21
what were they like 20
what were you doing 354
what were you thinking 741
what were you saying 207
what were you gonna say 55
what were you dreaming about 17
what were you doing there 136
what were their names 27