What were they thinking Çeviri Portekizce
94 parallel translation
God Almighty, what were they thinking?
Deus Misericordioso! Que ideia foi a deles?
What were they thinking?
Em que pensavam eles?
What were they thinking, some of those toys?
Em que pensavam, para alguns daqueles brinquedos.
What were they thinking?
Em que pensaram eles?
- What were they thinking?
- Qual foi o plano deles?
What were they thinking, sticking me with a beat-up bucket of bolts like this?
Qual foi a ideia, meterem-me num balde de parafusos destes?
What Were They Thinking?
Que lhes passou pela cabeça?
What were they thinking, having another baby at their age?
Que lhes passou pela cabeça, para terem outro filho com esta idade?
- What were they thinking?
- Onde estariam com a cabeça?
What were they thinking...
No que estavam a pensar...
Do we wanna be the ones who put her back in her mother's arms then something happens, and they think, "What were they thinking?"
Queremos ser nós a pô-la novamente nos braços da mãe e, se acontecer alguma coisa, sermos recriminados?
Majors, come on... what were they thinking?
Majors, por favor... que estavam pensando?
What could I be thinking of? So then they went off rather perplexed and a quarter of an hour later two slips of paper were stuck through the letter box and on them were numbers for my children, who were thus meant to be members of the Hitler Youth.
Saíram bastante perplexos e, um quarto de hora depois, enfiaram dois papéis na caixa de correio com números para os meus filhos, que assim passariam a ser da Juventude Hitleriana.
You were just thinking of what your mother and father would feel... If they saw one of those photographs of us.
Deves estar precisamente a pensar, no que dirão a tua mãe e o teu pai, se virem as nossas fotografias.
All you had to do was look at those faces to guess what they were thinking.
Era só olhar um para saber o que todos estavam pensando.
That's what they were thinking.
Era isso que pensavam.
They were the reactions of the Mrs. Gold and the exacerbated jealousies of the Chantry what took it thinking that the Douglas Valentine was in love for.
Foram as reacções da Sra. Gold e os ciúmes exacerbados do Chantry que a levaram a pensar que o Douglas estava apaixonado pela Valentine.
Miriam and Beulah, I could see what they were thinking when we came out.
Eu consegui ver o que a Miriam e a Beulah estavam a pensar, quando saímos.
But what would the world be like if people said whatever they were thinking all the time, whenever it came to them?
Como seria o mundo se as pessoas dissessem sempre tudo o que lhes passa pela cabeça?
- But that's what they were thinking.
- Mas sei que é o que pensam.
And I knew what they were thinking, just like I knew guys at school thought about me when they jerked off.
Já então sabia o que pensavam. Como os da escola que pensavam em mim quando batiam uma. De vómito.
I always knew exactly what they were thinking.
Eu sabia sempre exactamente o que eles estavam a pensar!
If the doctors... had any idea what you were thinking... you know, them awful... dark thoughts... what do you think they'd do?
Se os médicos fizessem ideia do que estavas a pensar... esses pensamentos horríveis que achas que fariam?
And I knew what they were thinking.
Já então sabia o que pensavam.
She knew what they were thinking - what is that attractive man doing with her?
Ela sabia o que pensavam. : por que ele está com ela?
If I were you, I'd be thinking about what I was gonna say... if they ask me to be on the Night Stalker Task Force... as a homicide detective.
Se eu fosse a ti pensava antes sobre o que eu diria se me convidassem para entrar no caso do Caçador Nocturno...
- What do you mean, thinking? If they were that spun about what I mighta seen, then maybe I saw somethin'.
Se estavam tão preocupados com o que tenha visto, então talvez tenha visto algo.
They offered to help. What were we thinking?
Eles ofereceram-se para ficar a ajudar.
I hurt you, and I had to spend hours on a stinky bus... next to a guy that was spitting into a can... thinking about all the minutes going by that I wasn't at your graduation... and they were hurting you... because it was so selfish of this person who wasn't me to do what she did.
Magoei-te e tive de ficar horas sentada num autocarro malcheiroso, ao lado de um gajo que cuspia para uma lata, a pensar nos minutos que passavam sem estar na tua formatura... e em como te magoariam, porque esta pessoa foi muito egoísta e não é de mim fazer o que ela fez.
I don't know what the hell they were thinking!
Não sei que raio estavam a pensar. Eu próprio o presenciei.
Don't know what they were thinking.
Não sei o que estavam a pensar.
What makes you think they were thinking?
O que o faz imaginar que eles estavam a pensar?
They like trusting you with their bodies. You'll never know what I am thinking, or who I am. " As if they were saying," lt's only a body. "
Gostavam de nos confiar o seu corpo, como se dissessem :
I wish I knew what they were thinking.
Quem me dera saber o que estão a pensar.
Now you know what they were thinking.
Agora sabes o que é que estão a pensar.
What the fuck were they thinking?
Mas que raio estão a pensar?
What the hell were they thinking?
Em que pensa esta gente?
"Help us fight a monster." What the hell were they thinking?
"Ajude-nos a combater um monstro." Que diabos eles estavam a pensar?
I look at them, and... I look at them and I... I know what they were thinking.
Olho para elas e... olho para elas e...
So six months ago when they asked us to fix this mess, what the hell were we thinking, saying yes?
Há cinco meses, quando nos pediram para limpar esta confusão, em que raio estávamos a pensar quando dissemos que sim?
You say you heard what they were thinking?
Disseste que ouviste o que eles estavam a pensar?
I mean, he showed me what people were thinking, what they were feeling.
Ele mostrava-me o que as pessoas pensavam, o que sentiam.
- I'd really just ask them about their, you know, final experiences on this Earth and just what they were thinking, any remorse for any mistakes they had made, any...
Só lhes perguntava sobre as últimas experiências delas aqui na Terra e em que estavam a pensar. Se sentem remorsos por algum erro que tenham cometido, e...
They were. Here's what I was thinking.
Estava a pensar no seguinte :
The facial expressions kind of set the tone for what they were thinking and feeling at the time.
O tipo de expressões no rosto dão o tom... do que eles estavam pensando e sentindo naquele momento.
What were the beachgoers thinking, when they left 10 tons of garbage behind on the beach this Labour Day weekend? The bottom line is...
Em que pensavam os visitantes da praia quando deixaram dez toneladas de lixo neste fim de semana de festa?
What were they thinking?
Não fazemos ideia.
But they weren't really secrets, I guess, because I always knew what they were thinking.
Mas não eram mesmo segredos, suponho, porque eu sabia sempre o que estavam a pensar.
- I Don't know what they were thinking.
Não sei em que o Peter e a Alison estavam a pensar.
What do you think they were thinking with that one?
O que achas que eles pensam àcerca disso?
Okay, look, I know what you all are thinking, But I've seen pictures of supermodels When they were my age, and they are not that great.
Esperem, eu sei o que estão a pensar, mas vi fotografias de supermodelos quando tinham a minha idade e não são assim tão fantásticas.
what were you doing 354
what were you thinking 741
what were you saying 207
what were you gonna say 55
what were you dreaming about 17
what were you doing there 136
what were they doing 32
what were their names 27
what were you thinking of 25
what were you talking about 62
what were you thinking 741
what were you saying 207
what were you gonna say 55
what were you dreaming about 17
what were you doing there 136
what were they doing 32
what were their names 27
what were you thinking of 25
what were you talking about 62