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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ Y ] / You called them

You called them Çeviri Portekizce

311 parallel translation
Have you called them already? No.
- Já lhes ligaste?
Olha bem. Olha nos meus olhos.
- We'll tell them that you called them idiots.
- Nós vamos dizer-lhes que lhes chamou idiota.
Have you called them yet?
- Já chamou a polícia?
The people would come to you if you called them.
As pessoas seguir-te-iam se as chamasses.
Have you called them yet?
- Já chamou a polícia? - Já.
I believe you called them "movies"? Oh... Thank you, Doc.
Depois enlouqueceste e quase foste dissecado pela malta do Belzak não para mencionar que quase me fizeste torrar...
I believe you called them "movies :"
Acho que lhe chamavam "filmes"
What do you mean you called them last night?
O que quer dizer com ligou ontem à noite?
You called them last night but I didn't tell you I got the audition until this morning. Come on!
- You called them.
- Você chamou.
If the police check the phone records, don't you think it'll look unusual that you called me before you called them?
Se a Polícia vê o registo das chamadas, estranhará teres-me telefonado primeiro.
You called them "commercials."
Chamavam-lhes "anúncios".
Why didn't you tell me before you called them?
Porque não me disseste antes de ligares?
- Said you called them down...
- Dizem que os chamou...
- You called them?
You might react more positively to them if you called them a "liveline."
Talvez fosse mais positivo se lhe chamasse "prazo de entrega."
- You called them?
- Ligaste? - Sim.
After you called up I spoke to them, and I think I've got Velma on my side but Ma is against it.
O contei a elas, e acredito que Velma está do meu lado mas Mabel está em contra.
- Sure, or would you rather I called the cops and tell them you killed the man and stole his money.
- Agradecer? Ou queres que eu diga aos tiras que mataste e roubaste um homem?
- Have you called on them?
- Vem de lá?
I called the police and told them who you are and what you did tonight.
Já foi apanhado! Telefonei à polícia e disse-lhes quem você é e o que fez esta noite.
- You shouldn't have called them.
- Não devias tê-los contactado.
Since you called my wife, Mrs. Balestrero I've made some preliminary inquiries. And the general outline of the facts seem to be as you stated them.
Desde que telefonou à minha mulher, Sra. Balestrero, fiz algumas investigações preliminares e os factos parecem corresponder ao que disse.
The moment you let her know I was double-crossing them, she called Yussef to warn him.
No momento em que soube que eu sou um agente duplo, ligou para Yussef a avisar.
Them blue bellies called you yellow.
Os barriga-azuis lhe chamarão de covarde.
First they called me Hot Lips, and you let them get away with it!
Primeiro chamam-me Lábios Quentes, e deixa-os dizer isso impunemente!
They sing, drink, sleep, roam and eat - They are all called as English Hippy people in Katmandu - l'll Introduce you to them
Senhor, não quero dinheiro... eu levo-o onde param os hippies.
I'll tell you, Charlie... they're here because I called them for questioning.
Sabe, Charlie elas estão aqui porque as chamei.
I called the hospital and told them - that you were ill.
Telefonei para o hospital e disse-lhes que estavas com dores de estômago.
I called the network and I told them you were going to Rim Rock Canyon.
Eu liguei para a estação e disse-lhes que ias para Rim Rock Canyon.
I called them the night you left.
Eu os chamei na noite que você partiu.
I was instructed to give them to you only if, in my opinion, the circumstances called for it :
Instruiram-me a só lhe dar isto apenas, se na minha opinião as circunstâncias o exigissem.
You'll called them primitive.
Não são primitivos, são animais!
Call the cops, tell them that you've been called out of town on an emergency case, you'll be gone for a week or so.
Telefone para a polícia e diga-lhes que foi chamado para um caso caso de emergência. E que estará ausente alguns dias.
Those military people you called can run right into those armed killers... and without a radio, we can't warn them.
A polícia não sabe que estão aqui e não podemos avisar.
Do you know what they called them?
Sabes o que lhes chamaram?
You called people and told them to wear costumes Just so you could come.
Ligaste às pessoas e disseste-lhes para usar disfarces, só para que tu pudesses vir.
The president called them off When you put the federal deficit on your gold card.
O presidente cancelou essa unidade, quando puseste os défices do governo no teu cartão de ouro.
You remember? You called Mr. Rhoades up on the phone, and I slipped over and took them?
Tu ligaste ao Sr. Rhoades, e eu fui buscá-la sorrateiramente.
Another option. Where were you an hour ago when I called them?
Porquê eu?
I called them on you.
Pu-Ios atrás de ti.
I called you in on this because, frankly, I have a million things to do and very little time to do them in.
Eu meti-te nisto porque... Francamente, tenho um milhão de coisas para fazer e pouco tempo para as fazer.
You called them tonight?
- Telefonou-lhes esta noite?
I called the hospital and told them you're too busy having sex with your wife.
Telefonei para o hospital e disse-lhes que estavas ocupado de mais a fazer amor com a tua mulher.
I told them you called Louie Boffano the big spaghetti.
Disse-lhes que chamaste mafioso ao Louie Boffano.
You've called them prisons.
Já lhes chamaram prisões.
He was going to the office... but I called them. When was the last time you saw him?
Quando foi a última vez que o viu?
This number if you want to know who called another one if you don't want them to know you called itemised bills, take away the first number you thought of
Eu culpo a British Telecom. Todas estas novas tecnologias... este número para saber quem telefonou, outro para não saberem que telefonaste, factura detalhada, tiram o primeiro número em que pensares.
Yes, you couldn't have called at a better time, we just located them.
Já os encontrámos. Não tarda passaremos à acção.
Nostradamus'prophecies are written in four line poems called quatrains and they're so dense and esoteric that you can interpret them in many different ways.
As profecias de Nostradamus estão escritas em poemas de quatro linhas chamados quadras e são tão densos e esotéricos que se podem interpretar de muitas formas diferentes.

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