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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ Y ] / You called

You called Çeviri Portekizce

19,857 parallel translation
Ben : Dr. Siegel, right? You called for an abdominal consult?
Dr. Siegel, certo?
You think they won't come at you just because you called me out? Oh, no, I think that men respond to leaders.
Achas que não te vão atacar só porque me desafiaste?
When I fell asleep in the morning and you called and woke me up,
Quando adormeci, já de manhã, tu ligaste e acordaste-me a dizer :
You know it is, because according to the logs, you called Coulson back to H.Q. for resupply yourself.
Sabes que sim, porque de acordo com os registos... tu própria chamaste o Coulson de regresso ao Quartel-General para reabastecimento.
Uh, I'm glad you called me back.
Fico feliz que me tenhas ligado.
I was surprised that you called, after the day you've had.
Fiquei surpresa que ligaste, depois do dia que tiveste.
So you called your son on to go get the money?
E ligou para o seu filho e pediu-lhe dinheiro?
You called to let them know the jewels came in...
Avisou-os sobre as jóias.
You called him already?
- Quando vinha para aqui.
Ali, you called me last night.
- Ali, ligaste-me a noite passada.
- Is that seriously why you called me?
- Foi por isso que me ligaste?
You called me.
You stood in front of your followers and you called it my "American war."
Diante dos seguidores, chamou-lhe "a minha guerra americana".
He said he'd be here. Well, he was, until you called and told him to forget it.
Bom, e estava, até você lhe ter ligado, e dito para esquecer o assunto.
I knew this was a trap the moment you called.
Sabia que isto era uma armadilha assim que chamaste.
You called me in, Sarge?
Chamou-me Sargento?
You should've called an attending the second you walked in there.
Deverias ter chamado um assistente assim que lá chegaste.
Wilson called for a plastics consult for your CSR, which I obviously can't do with you standing here, unless you want to violate the terms of your own restraining order.
A Wilson pediu uma consulta de Plástica para a tua RCS, coisa que obviamente não consigo fazer contigo lá especada, a menos que queiras violar as condições da tua própria ordem de restrição.
I should have called you.
Devia ter ligado.
no. I'm sorry i called you a bitch.
Não, eu é que peço desculpa por te chamar cabra.
We've been shut in here all day trying to resolve this situation and we failed, so we called you.
Passámos o dia aqui fechados a tentar resolver esta situação sem êxito e foi por isso que te chamámos.
You was acting so fucked up, I just went ahead and called fucking Siefert.
- Tu estavas tão estranho que eu liguei ao Siefert.
- You know who called us in?
- Sabes quem é que nos chamou?
I've called. You haven't answered.
Eu liguei-te e não atendeste.
She called you.
Ela chamou você.
There's a place called Granny's that'll give you food, people who can arrange for shelter.
Há um sítio chamado Granny's que vos dará comida. Há pessoas que vos podem arranjar abrigo.
It's called "Naked Friends." I need you both.
Chama-se "Amigos nus". Preciso de ambos.
Well, I called the number you gave me. That guy did a sell job on you. Then I called the main number.
Liguei para o número que me deu, o tipo elogiou-te muito, depois liguei para a central.
Interfering with your business, even called the police on a few occasions, causing you to run away.
Interferia nos seus negócios, chamou a Polícia e obrigou-o a fugir.
Thank you for coming when I called.
Obrigado por ter vindo assim que liguei.
You know I called a lawyer, right?
Sabe que pedi um advogado, certo?
You both claim that Jennings called you from here on Tuesday morning, and he did.
As duas afirmam que o Jennings ligou daqui na manhã de terça-feira, e ele ligou.
You both lied about why he called.
Mentiram sobre o motivo.
We wouldn't have even been there if you pussies hadn't called us for help.
Nem sequer estaríamos lá se vocês, maricas, não tivessem pedido ajuda.
Sylvie Gibson says you were involved in saving something called... The Lambeth Project, is that right?
A Sylvie Gibson disse que ajudaste a recuperar algo chamado Projeto Lambeth, é verdade?
You know, my high school buddies and I, we used to play a game called "nut punch,"
Sabes, eu e os meus amigos brincávamos ao "quebra nozes".
He just called you stupid.
Ele chamou-te estúpido.
We know that Zane called you from a burner phone hours before he was killed.
Sabemos que o Zane ligou-lhe horas antes de morrer.
The so-called home they stuck you in.
Aquilo a que chamaram de lar onde eles te prenderam. Eu nunca...
It's called phantom limb pain. What you're feeling.
Chama-se dor de membro fantasma, aquilo que sente.
You have to build something called a mirror box.
Tem de construir uma caixa de espelhos.
Oh, he called Ihab to help you make peace, did he?
Ligou ao Ihab para o ajudar a obter a paz?
You called it a crime.
Chamou-lhe um crime.
I called to wish you a happy birthday.
Liguei para te dar os parabéns.
You very publicly support a so-called democratic regime, to have it only transform to something quite different.
Apoia publicamente um suposto regime democrático, que se tornou algo muito diferente.
If you would've told me a year ago we would be spending New Year's Eve together, I would have called you crazy.
Se me tivesses dito há um ano atrás que passaríamos a noite de Ano Novo juntos, eu ter-te-ia chamado maluco.
Well, you've called me far worse than that in the past.
Já me chamaste muito pior do que isso no passado.
Look, Bonnie, had Alex seen you, she would have called in her SWAT team and all this would have been for nothing.
- Eu não quero falar contigo. - Olha, Bonnie, se a Alex te tivesse visto, ela chamaria a sua equipa SWAT e tudo isto teria sido em vão.
I must have called you like ten times today.
Devo ter ligado dez vezes hoje.
They called you doctor!
Chamaram-te doutor.
Why didn't you call me when my wife called you? I was afraid.
Porque não me ligaste quando a minha mulher te ligou?

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