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You called it Çeviri Portekizce

2,212 parallel translation
- You called it.
- Foi o que disseste.
What is it you called it?
Como é que lhe chamam?
You called it.
Tu mesmo o disseste.
I heard you called it Eden. We did.
Soube que lhe chamaram Éden.
You called it your social lubricant.
Chamaste-o desinibidor social.
So you called it in?
Então, foi você que nos chamou?
You called it in.
Você nos chamou.
No, no, it's, uh... glad you called.
Não, não, fico feliz por me teres chamado.
It's strange. You told him you called the tow truck but the guy wants to check your tire.
Mesmo depois de dizeres que chamaste o reboque, ele quer verificar o pneu.
- Stop it! - You called him! He was here!
- Chamaste-o, ele veio.
- It was you who called this meet, not me.
Foram vocês que convocaram esta reunião, não fui eu.
Look, Dad, I would have called you, but we wanted it to be kind of like a, just a family thing.
Teria ligado, mas queria apenas que fosse uma coisa só entre família.
And I've called a couple of my friends, you know, on the other side, and they flatly deny it.
Nunca a vi assim. Mãe, talvez não seja boa altura para a contrariares.
It's called you going back to plotting and conniving.
Chama-se tu teres voltado às intrigas e tramóias.
I would have called you on my cell, but I can't find it.
Eu ligava-te do meu telemóvel, mas não o encontro.
It's all allowed but it has an name, it is called Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which tells us that you can borrow energy from nothing, so long as you pay it back quickly enough.
É possível, mas tem um nome de Princípio da Incerteza de Heisenberg, que diz que podemos pegar energia emprestada do nada, contanto que a restituamos rapidamente.
So you called the police and blamed it on him.
Então, chamou a polícia e culpou ele.
This victim that called you, what was it about? She said she was in trouble and she couldn't go to the police.
Ela disse que estava com problemas e não podia ir à polícia.
Mine is called a droid-el and it's rigged to make you pay
Feito de barro? O meu chama-se droidl, é para te fazer pagar
- You know, when... kids eat like you do, you know, weird stuff, it's usually something called pica.
Sabes, quando os miúdos comem coisas estranhas, como tu, normalmente é uma coisa chamada pica.
Walter, are you sure it's called the Yatsko Project?
Walter, de certeza que se chama "Projecto Yatsko"?
But I called you. I tried to make it right, ok?
Mas eu liguei-te, tentei consertar, certo?
- I'm glad you made it. - You called, I came.
- Fico contente que tenhas vindo.
Oh, when you called and invited me into this armpit of civilization which is a mere three hours from Mystic Falls I surmised it had everything to do with Katerina.
Quando ligaste e me convidaste a vir a este recanto da civilização, que fica a apenas 3 horas da cidade que conhecemos como Mystic Falls, depreendi que tivesse tudo a ver com a Katerina.
I should have called and told you to hold off cashing it till tomorrow.
Devia ter-te dito para só o levantares amanhã.
Well, I almost made it to Tampa, but you called, and I came.
Quase cheguei a Tampa, mas ligou-me e voltei.
And after several of what are called "grown-up drinks," it is customary for the elders to sleep half-naked until 3 : 00 and let you swim in the ocean alone.
E depois de várias, chamadas, "bebidas de adulto", é costume os idosos dormirem metade nús até às 3 : 00h e deixarem-te nadar sozinho no oceano.
It's why she called you six times.
Por isso é que ela te ligou seis vezes.
She called you out on it- - she humiliated you- - so you attacked her.
Ela atirou-lhe isso à cara, humilhou-o...
Sir, it's fantastic you called.
Ainda bem que telefonou.
Don't you boys think it should be some kind of crime The way these so-called hotshots parade in here every year Thinking they know something?
Vocês não acham que devia ser crime a forma como essa malta vem para aqui todos os anos a pensar que sabem alguma coisa?
It's sweet he called you, but you should have waited until morning.
Ele pediu para ligar-te, mas deverias ter esperado até de manhã.
It's called 40,000 kids watching you get your ass kicked on the Internet.
É quando 40.000 pessoas te vêem a levares na internet.
It would make me so happy if from to time, you called me Mum.
Deixava-me muito contente se de vez em quando me chamasses de mãmã.
And while you were gone at your party, I, uh, I called supply shops to tie the gear on the boat to the person who bought it.
E enquanto estavas na festa, liguei às lojas da especialidade para tentar descobrir quem comprou os utensílios que estavam no barco.
You knew that it was a no-win situation when I first called you.
Sabia que era uma situação irreversível quando lhe liguei da primeira vez.
You called me to tell me that you'd talk to my dad, and now it's "complicated?"
Ligaste-me a dizer que ias falar com o meu pai, e agora é "complicado?"
Well, one, he called you, so whatever's going on in his head, you must be a part of it and...
I couldn't believe it when you finally called.
Não acreditei quando finalmente telefonaste.
I called the bank to see if they would give us an extension on our car payment. And the guy told me you already paid it.
Liguei ao banco para ver se alargavam o prazo para o pagamento do carro, e o tipo disse-me que já tinhas pago.
Please, you look like Cagney and Lacey had a baby, called it Pepper.
Então, parece que o Cagney e a Lacey tiveram uma filha chamada Pepper.
Oh, yeah, there is, and it's called a family, and maybe someday when you have one of your own, you'll understand.
Alguma coisa te pararia, e chama-se família, e um dia quando tiveres uma, vais entender.
You know, sometimes we lose sight of how hard it is to be called a suspect.
Sabes, às vezes esquecemos como é duro ser chamado de suspeito.
Yes, I remember you, but no, my answer is going to be the exact same as it was the last time you called, sir.
Sim, lembro-me de si, mas não, a minha resposta vai ser exactamente a mesma que foi da última vez que ligou, senhor.
Oh, you know, the paper you wrote called Superman's Brother? It's being published.
Sabes o trabalho que fizeste chamado "O irmão do Super-homem"?
Sabrina, uh, told me they got in something called a kumquat, and, you know, I had to try it.
A Sabrina disse que receberam uma coisa chamada "kumquat" e tive de ir provar.
It's called a Tilt test. It can tell us if you fainted before the accident.
É um exame que nos diz se desmaiou antes do acidente.
It's called We Hate You, Please Die.
Chama-se Nós odiamos-te, Por Favor Morre.
Say, "I called it." - You should've put money on it.
- Devias ter apostado dinheiro nisso.
But I... You know, I've read all the books about how you're supposed to talk about this stuff, and until it happens, nothing can prepare you for the day when your kid comes home crying after school because some lard-ass called him a science experiment.
Sabes, li todos os livros a respeito deste assunto, e até que aconteça, nada pode prepará-lo, para o dia em que seu filho chega da escola chorando porque um idiota o chamou de experiência científica.
First of all, the Karl Rove business about today, the fact that he was not indicted today is certainly what you would call interim good news, but it can only be called interim good news because as you know, the investigation, insofar as he is concerned, is going to...
São boas notícias provisórias porque a investigação em relação a ele ainda vai continuar.

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