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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ Y ] / You had enough

You had enough Çeviri Portekizce

1,578 parallel translation
I thought you had enough power without our help.
Sem a nossa ajuda, Haveis dito que ereis mais que poderoso.
Haven't you had enough?
Já não levaste o suficiente?
I'd have told you sooner, but I figured you had enough on your mind already.
Já lhe devia ter dito, mas calculei que já tivesse preocupações de sobra.
If you had invested in Watson's business you had enough money!
Ele diz que um cavalheiro deve pagar à sua maneira!
Have you had enough now?
Basta agora?
You had enough.
Já chega.
And you did say that you had enough room to put me up.
E tu disseste que tinhas espaço suficiente para me hospedares.
You are like a big, stupid dog who can't stop eating... even though your master said you've had enough!
És como um grande cão estúpido que não consegue parar de comer mesmo depois do teu dono dizer que já chega!
If your dream was big enough and you had the guts to follow it, there was truly a fortune to be made.
Se o sonho fosse grande, e houvesse coragem para o realizar podia fazer-se uma verdadeira fortuna.
I have had enough of you. Fucking coming in here every night...
Vais ver o que te vai acontecer...
I think you've had enough.
Acho que já é suficiente.
in fact, i've probably bought us enough time for you to explain exactly what you've gotten yourself mixed up in, and why i had to look at my best friends down the barrel of my gun.
na realidade, consegui provavelmente bastante tempo para explicar exactamente no que se meteu e porque tive que olhar para os meus melhores amigos através da minha arma.
So, Bob... you've had enough.
Então Bob, já chega!
Had you not been kind enough to provide me with the murder weapon... I would have been stuck with negligent homicide for the neighbor.
Se não tivesse a amabilidade de me fornecer a arma do crime, só conseguiria acusá-lo de homicídio por negligência do vizinho.
Seems you two haven't had enough to drink tonight.
Parece que, não beberam o suficiente hoje.
Lorelai, you've had enough fun in your life.
- Lorelai, já te divertiste muito.
You would've been like the other doctors... who had said I'd done enough to my face.
Teriam feito como os outros médicos... que disseram já ter que bastasse.
Don't you think you've had enough?
Não acha que já chega?
I think you might have had enough.
Acho que já bebeu o suficiente.
- Are you sure you've had enough to eat?
- Tem a certeza que tem suficiente para comer?
Cause I'm tired of hearing that everything you had in your life wasn't good enough.
Estou cansada de te ouvir reclamar que tudo o que tinhas na vida não era bom.
Don't you think I had enough already?
- Não achas que bebi o suficiente?
You've had enough for a lifetime.
Já tiveste que chegue para uma vida inteira.
You've had enough. - Mom, these aren't brown enough.
- Mãe, não estão alourados.
Everything you've got me to do has been a total disaster and I've had enough.
Tudo o que me fez fazer deu em desastre total e eu já estou farto.
Now, honey, you've had enough of this ice cream.
Amor, já comeste gelado que chegue.
Now, Senator Brewster, you can subpoena me, you can arrest me, you can even claim that I've folded up and taken a run-out powder, but, well, I've had just about enough of this nonsense.
Senador Brewster, o senhor pode intimar-me, pode prender-me, até pode dizer que eu desisti e saí a correr, mas para mim já chega deste disparate.
I thought you'd had enough of me.
- Achei que não queria mais nada. - Não quero.
You must be a magical whatever-you-are. I've had enough of witches and spells!
Deves ter algum feitiço e eu estou farta de bruxas e feitiços.
I've had enough of you, Howl!
Chega! Pensas que sofres?
There will be other operations... - I've had enough of you!
Haverão novas operações Já ouvi o bastante!
I've just about had enough of you fuckin'ities!
Já estou farto de vocês, italianos merdosos!
I've had enough of you, Mantooth.
Já chega, Mantooth.
Have you finally had enough?
Já tiveste o suficiente?
- You've had enough. You are not my daddy.
Não és meu pai.
You know, girl, I have had just about enough of your bad attitude.
Sabe, garota, já me cansei de sua atitude.
I've had enough of you!
Já me cansei de ti!
- I'll tell you when he's had enough.
– Eu é que sei quando é que chega.
Don't you think you've had enough?
Não acha que bebeu o bastante?
- Yeah, had some good times in there. - Christmases. But one of these days you might find that... one room ain't enough.
Mas um dia, verá... que um quarto não é o suficiente.
Don ´ t you think you ´ ve had enough of that, Mrs. LoveII?
Não pensa que já é suficiente, Sra. Lovell?
You know, I haven't had enough time.
Não tive bastante tempo.
It was obvious where the waves were breaking and we'd all had enough experience so that you know, you knew pretty much where to paddle to.
Era óbvio onde as ondas estavam a rebentar e todos nós tínhamos experiência suficiente, então tipo, sabias muito bem em que direcção remar.
Right through here is where the injury is and it looks like you've had a pretty serious injury to that part of your knee significant enough that I have concerns about what you can do from here on.
É exactamente aqui que ela está... e parece que sofreste uma lesão bastante grave... nessa parte do teu joelho, tão significativa que me preocupa... o que podes fazer daqui por diante.
- You've had enough.
- Já bebeste de mais.
The people have had enough of you shit system.
As pessoas estão fartas do vosso sistema de merda.
Thought you guys would've had the good enough sense to go home.
Achei que vocês iam ter o bom senso de voltar para casa.
I had enough with you Want to punch you up! What's going on here?
O que se passa aqui?
I think you've had enough.
Pensei que não querias mais.
Don't take fucking much elation. Uh, you've had enough of that.
- Tu já meteste o suficiente.
I had enough trouble convincing people I belonged in the job, but I'll ask around town for you.
Já tenho problemas demais em convencer... as pessoas de que eu sirvo para este trabalho. Mas pergunto pela cidade, se há alguma coisa para ti.

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