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You were out Çeviri Portekizce

7,761 parallel translation
You were out of line with Susan Ross.
Passaste dos limites com a Susan Ross.
I thought you were out campaigning.
- Pensei que estivesses em campanha.
I knew you were out.
Sabia que estavas fora.
When you first started, you blazed a new trail. You were out of the box. And that's what Jamal is doing, and... that's why I want to work with both of you.
Quando começaste, desbravaste caminho, foste inovador e é isso que o Jamal está a fazer e é por isso que quero colaborar convosco.
Maybe you smoked them while you were out sleepwalking.
Talvez os tenhas fumado enquanto andavas sonâmbulo.
- You were out of line.
- Passaste dos limites.
I thought... I thought you were out looking for apartments.
Pensei que estivesses à procura de apartamento.
He telephoned while you were out.
Ele telefonou enquanto você esteve fora.
This came for you. 'While you were out.'
Isto chegou para ti... quando estavas fora.
Or were you just hot-bunking her out the door?
Ou vais apenas jogá-la porta fora?
Oh, so you were helping America when you browbeat her out of the room?
Então, estavas a ajudar a América, quando estavas a acabar com ela naquela sala?
Whoa! I heard an expensive car pull out. I figured you were in it.
Ouvi um carro caro a arrancar, pensei que ias nele.
Ay, Alex, you were the first one to reach out to me, and I will never forget that.
Alex, foste a primeira a aceitar-me e jamais me esquecerei disso.
And when Mr. Ames found out what you were doing you and your husband conspired to kill him.
E quando o Sr. Ames descobriu o que andava a fazer, você e o seu marido conspiraram para matá-lo.
And you decided to repay that favor by going through your cousin's case files and finding out a few clients who were living alone, fresh off a big settlement.
E decidiu retribuir-lhe o favor vasculhando os arquivos dos casos do seu primo, e procurando clientes que viviam sozinhas, acabadas de conseguir um acordo.
If you hang out with your old buddies, it'll remind you of when you were a proud stallion instead of a broken-down nag.
Se saíres com os teus antigos amigos, isso vai lembrar-te de quando eras um garanhão orgulhoso em vez de um chato irritante.
But if Beckett and I were competing, you'd be out a trophy.
Mas, se a Beckett e eu participássemos, tu não terias nenhuma hipótese de ganhar.
You remember that time I snuck out to Maunawili Falls because you and all your friends were there?
Lembras-te daquela vez que me escapuli até Maunawili Falls porque tu e os teus amigos estavam lá?
Well, it kind of made sense a little bit when we were told that, you know, he was trying to get out of New York because Jeanine Pirro was after him.
Bem, até que fazia algum sentido quando nos disseram que ele estava a tentar sair de Nova York porque Jeanine Pirro foi atrás dele.
Were you out of town?
Estavas fora da cidade?
You found out we were vampires, you landed in New York harbor after a 40-year romp in Europe, and you... Oh. You weren't coming to get us.
Descobriu que éramos vampiros, aportou ao porto de Nova Iorque, depois de uma festa de 40 anos na Europa, e... Não vinha buscar-nos.
- What were you doing out in the woods?
O que é que estava a fazer na floresta?
She said you were on her heel when she came out.
Ela disse que tu vinhas mesmo atrás dela, quando ela saiu.
You were off duty, and as far as I'm concerned, you went home and hung out with your family.
Tu estava fora de serviço, e, tanto quanto eu sei, tu foste para casa e estavas com a tua família.
You were just looking out for your boy the best way you knew how.
Estavas a tentar cuidar do teu parceiro como sabias.
Hey, you remember that time Tre stole that car, but it turned out to be a hearse and you were so scared you pissed your pants?
Lembras-te quando o Tre roubou aquele carro, mas era um carro funerário e mijaste-te de medo?
While you guys were out there having a bonding moment, I was digging deep into Freddy Barlow's life, looking for a connection to drugs.
Enquanto estavam a tentar ligar-se, estava a cavar fundo na vida do Barlow, à procura de uma ligação com drogas.
So you blacked out while you were swimming or... Swimming.
Desmaiaste quando nadavas.
You know, one night when we were at the academy, one of our training officers busted me and Clay trying to sneak back on campus after lights out.
Uma noite quando estávamos na Academia, um dos nossos treinadores apanhou-me a mim e ao Clay em flagrante, a tentar entrar no "campus" depois da hora.
Are you gonna lie to him or are you gonna tell him that you killed your business partner because he found out you were embezzling money from the company?
Tudo bem. Vai-lhe mentir ou dizer-lhe que matou o seu sócio porque ele descobriu que você andava a desviar dinheiro da companhia?
I thought you were driving up to talk to Dad to help me out.
Pensei que ias falar com o pai e ajudar-me.
He had gone out into private practice, and, lo and behold, when Kathie disappeared and her family members were pointing fingers, Robert's father who was, you know, a millionaire many times over, contacted him to represent Robert.
Ele tinha saído para a prática privada e surpreendentemente, quando Kathie desapareceu e a família dela estava a apontar o dedo, o pai de Robert, que era um grande milionário, contactou-o para defender Robert.
Your teammates used to call you the Black Swan, for crying out loud,'cause you were so graceful, you were so nimble.
Os teus colegas chamavam-te o "Cisne Negro", porque eras tão talentoso e ágil.
Should I pretend to believe all that nonsense? ( chuckles ) You needed to do this because your husband bedded every woman he liked throughout your marriage, and you came out of it believing that you were unlovable, so you used power to make me true.
Devo fingir que acredito nesses disparates todos? Tínheis de fazer isto, porque o vosso marido fornicou com todas as mulheres de que gostava durante todo o vosso casamento, e vós saístes dele, achando que ninguém vos podia amar,
During the siege, when the swords were flying, I called out to you.
Durante o cerco, na luta de espadas, eu chamei o teu nome.
You were nothing more than comfort food until I got out of here.
Tu não eras nada mais do que companhia... Até que eu saísse daqui.
How affected you were when you found out you weren't pregnant?
De como ficaste afectada... Quando descobriste que não estavas grávida?
How long were you out?
Quanto tempo esteve desmaiado?
You're absolutely right, which is why we looked at every single discrepancy to figure out which doctors and nurses were working.
- Estás absolutamente certo, por isso verifiquei cada diferença para encontrar que médicos e enfermeiros trabalharam.
You mean were we going out?
Queres dizer se andávamos a sair?
Look, I'm sorry to be in and out like this. I have to be in Houston by 4 : 00, but when I heard that you were coming in, I just had to come over and introduce myself personally.
Desculpem ter de ir já embora, tenho de estar em Houston às 16h, mas quando soube que vinha cá, quis vir cá apresentar-me pessoalmente.
It got switched out while you were sleeping.
Foi trocado enquanto dormia.
I never thought you were coming out of there.
Nunca pensei que saísses dali.
When I found out you were in New York, I thought...
Quando descobri que estava em Nova Iorque, pensei...
But if anyone figures out you were possessed, they're gonna ask how.
Mas se alguém descobre que estavas possuído, vão perguntar como.
I've an idea that when you mentioned Mrs Harding's connection with us you were trying to catch her out.
Pareceu-me que quando mencionou a ligação de Mrs. Harding a nós tentava denunciá-la.
What do you think they were doing out here?
O que achas que eles faziam aqui?
But you knew that, once he realized the drugs were gone, he was gonna sell you out, so you beat him to the punch.
Mas sabia que assim que ele percebesse que as drogas tinham desaparecido ele ia entrega-lo, então antecipou-se a ele.
What were you doing out there?
O que fazia lá?
I did good work for you when you were Consul. Three times out of five, and even then I'm being generous.
Três vezes em cada cinco e já estou a ser generoso.
Look, I I didn't wanna rub it in your face when I found out you were off the guest list.
Olha, não quis esfregar-to na cara, quando soube que te tinham tirado da lista de convidados.

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