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Does he already have a name or do we get to name him?
¿ Ya tiene nombre?
They already have.
Ya lo han hecho.
But they already have.
Pero ellos ya tienen.
And how the hell do you think we got what we already have?
¿ Y cómo diablos crees que tenemos lo que ya tenemos?
We already have a lot of money, Marty.
Ya tenemos mucho dinero, Marty.
I already have an enforced debt of 15,000 euros.
Ya tengo una deuda forzada de 15.000 euros.
You already have most everything I've spent my life building.
Usted ya tiene casi todo lo que he pasado mi vida construyendo.
It says here you already have the job.
Aquí dice que usted ya ha conseguido el trabajo.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, speaking of which, did you guys order these drinks that you already have at the bar?
Un momento, ya que estamos, ¿ pidieron las bebidas... que ya tienen en la barra?
I put your dating profile online a half hour ago and you already have 32 pokes, 24 winks and a love letter from a guy in San Quentin.
Puse tu perfil de citas en Internet hace media hora y ya tienes 32 toques, 24 guiños y una carta de amor de un convicto.
But I already have a whole senior citizen theme ready to go.
Pero si tengo preparada la temática de la tercera edad.
- I already have.
- Ya lo hice.
Yes, but I already have.
Sí, pero ya lo hice.
You already have.
Ya lo hiciste.
We already have.
Ya lo hicimos.
- You already have.
- Que ya tiene.
You already have.
Tu ya lo tienes.
We already have the marriage license, and I'll bet there are plenty of chaplains around here.
Ya tenemos la licencia matrimonial y estoy seguro de que hay muchos capellanes por aquí.
You already have two kids.
Ya tienes dos niños.
You already have a stupid job.
Ya tienes un trabajo estúpido.
Yes, and they already have the rule of one child per house, it is not enough
Sí, y ya tienen la regla de un niño por casa, no es suficiente
I already have them dirty
Yo ya las tengo sucias
I already have a mom.
Un momento. Ya tengo mamá.
That I don't already have enough work?
¿ Que no tengo ya bastante trabajo?
I already have.
Ya lo elegí.
Becca, you already have the blood of billions on your hands.
Becca, ya tienes la sangre de millones en tus manos. Diez.
- In that you two have already agreed to agree... to divide assets fairly
- En que dos ya han acordado estar de acuerdo... dividir activos bastante
But everything in that chapter was culled from intellectual property of Jade Winslow's that we already own, so in essence, in a completely unorthodox... yet totally legal way, we have successfully fleeced Achilles out of $ 500,000?
Pero todo en ese capítulo fue tomado de propiedad intelectual de Jade Winslow que ya poseemos, por lo que, en esencia, de forma totalmente poco ortodoxa... sin embargo, de una manera totalmente legal, hemos ¿ sacado con éxito a Aquiles unos $ 500.000?
How do you have this already?
¿ Cómo tienes esto ya?
Some of her attributes have already been changed.
Algunos de sus atributos ya se han cambiado.
Yeah, Orozco and I have already had our preliminary discussions.
Sí, Orozco y yo ya tuvimos discusiones preliminares.
You'd have taken off already, or wouldn't have come!
¡ Y quizá no habrías venido!
I have white already.
Ya tengo una blanca.
The crowd was already standing, but had they been sitting, they'd have stood up.
La multitud ya estaba de pie, pero si estuviesen sentados, se paraban.
Several Southern states have already announced this ruling...
Varios estados del sur han anunciado ya el dictamen...
As your daughter has already informed you for today's ceremony, we have several replacement attendees.
Como su hija ya les habrá informado, para la ceremonia de hoy, hemos traído bastantes figurantes.
Yet, your former employer might not have detected the device until it was already in place.
Sin embargo, tu antiguo jefe no habría detectado la bomba hasta haber estado colocada.
And you can bet if the government wants a system like that, they'll have it someday, if they don't have it already.
Y puedes apostar que si el gobierno quiere un sistema así, lo tendrán algún día, si no lo tienen ya.
The US and NATO forces have already... been dispatched to help the search... and rescue operations... as the number of injured or missing... citizens continues to climb.
Las fuerzas armadas y navales de EE.UU. ya han... sido despachadas, para ayudar en la búsqueda... y operaciones de rescate. Mientras el número de ciudadanos heridos... o desaparecidos, se sigue elevando.
We have already gone through everything.
Ya lo hemos explicado todo.
Me and Jesse have a YouTube channel already.
Jesse y yo ya tenemos un canal de YouTube.
Principal Gilchrist, I told you already, you shouldn't have called his parents.
¡ Pero director Gilchrist, no debió llamar a sus padres!
If this is about the Policeman's Ball, we have tickets already.
Si esto tiene que ver con el Baile de la Policía, ya tenemos entradas.
Look, if I wanted to hurt you, I could have done it already.
Mira, si quisiera herirte, podría haberlo hecho ya.
But you won't because if you wanted to kill me, you would have pulled that trigger already.
Pero no lo harás porque de desearlo, ya habrías apretado el gatillo.
I have already made more sacrifices than you can imagine.
Ya he hecho más sacrificios de los que imaginas.
Have people already forgotten The Arrival?
¿ La gente se ha olvidado de La Llegada?
Unfortunately, it seems Miss Frost may have already arrived.
Desafortunadamente, parece que la Srta. Frost puede ya haber llegado.
We have been living beyond our means for a long time already And the time has come to pay off debts Or they will take away everything
Hemos estado viviendo más allá de nuestros medios por un largo tiempo ya y ha llegado el momento de pagar las deudas o nos quitarán todo
We have already checked!
¡ Ya lo hemos verificado!
If that were the case, you would have already turned me in.
De ser así, ya me habrían entregado a las autoridades.
have some 140
have 400
haven 52
have a wonderful day 25
have a nice day 823
have a good day 670
have a nice weekend 44
have a good day at work 18
have you eaten yet 24
have a good weekend 70
have 400
haven 52
have a wonderful day 25
have a nice day 823
have a good day 670
have a nice weekend 44
have a good day at work 18
have you eaten yet 24
have a good weekend 70
have a good week 16
have a great day 179
have a good flight 33
have a good night 530
have you eaten 167
have a good time 307
have a nice evening 85
have a seat 2672
have a nice night 84
have a nice trip 114
have a great day 179
have a good flight 33
have a good night 530
have you eaten 167
have a good time 307
have a nice evening 85
have a seat 2672
have a nice night 84
have a nice trip 114