And for whatever reason translate Spanish
227 parallel translation
And for whatever reason, they were only biting me.
Y por alguna razón, fueron sólo me picaban.
Then you'll also remember you owe me a favor to be called up whenever and for whatever reason I desire.
Entonces tambien recordarás que me debes un favor que puedo pedir cuando y por la razón que yo desee.
A pregnant woman comes in with preeclampsia and for whatever reason, you didn't pick up on it.
Era una mujer embarazada con preeclampsia y por la razón que sea, tú no lo viste.
But you did break and enter. And for whatever reason, you didn't get caught red-handed.
Pero sí entraste en casas ajenas... y por la razón que sea no te pillaron in fraganti.
And for whatever reason, she's fascinated with your house, so your job is to keep her happy.
Y por no sé qué razón, tu casa le fascina y tu trabajo es mantenerla contenta.
And for whatever reason, I would.
Y por lo que sea, así es.
And for whatever reason, Mrs. Sanchez liked you.
Y tú le caíste bien a la señora Sanchez.
But if it turns out we're hopelessly lost, and for whatever reason I don't survive the elements, I want you to know you have my permission to eat me.
Pero si resuelta que estamos perdidos sin remedio, y por alguna razón no sobrevivo a los elementos, quiero que sepas que tienes mi permiso para comerme.
Evidently, she fired her last lawyer, and for whatever reason, she wants you.
Parece que despidio a su abogado anterior por alguna razon te quiere a tí.
But for whatever reason it's done, and whoever does it you understand it, it is all bad.
Pero por la razón que sea es hacer, y lo haga quien lo haga entendeis que esta mal.
Whatever he did, he did for good and sufficient reason... even if it turns out he murdered somebody.
Lo que hiciera, lo hizo por una buena razón... aunque haya asesinado a alguien.
I would like to add that Mr. Olderberry seeks only to be cleared of the hideous charge brought, for whatever reason, by this mistaken and misguided child and her misguided and mistaken parents.
Me gustaría añadir que el Sr. Olderberry sólo busca el ser liberado de la horrible acusación de, por la razón que fuera,... esta niña confundida y sus equivocados padres.
For whatever reason you begin when you start living this way, it's not very easy to live any other way... and not much chance.
No importa por qué motivo, cuando se empieza a vivir así... no es fácil vivir de otra manera... y no hay muchas oportunidades de hacerlo.
And, Rufio if, for whatever reason, the guards should forget or misjudge the time will you, yourself, wake me?
Rufio... Si por lo que sea, se olvidan o no lo hacen a tiempo ¿ me despertarás tú?
They can cause suffering, sickness and even the death... Of those who, for whatever reason, have offended them.
Ellas pueden causar sufrimiento, enfermedad e incluso la muerte... de aquellos que, por cualquier razon, las han ofendido.
And who takes my child from me, for whatever reason.
Y que me quita a mi hijo por cualquier razon
And if we are not back, for whatever reason, in 13.5 minutes, I want you to dematerialise.
Y si no estamos de vuelta, por cualquier razón, en 13,5 minutos, Quiero que desmaterializar.
Insiders say she'd left earlier for personal reasons, but whatever the reason, all money will be refunded and the concert rescheduled for a later date.
Personas informadas dijeron... Que se fue antes por motivos personales. Se devolverá el dinero...
During the Roman Empire, if a baby were born and the father didn't want it for whatever reason... he'd abandon the baby in the street.
Durante el Imperio Romano,... si nacía un bebé, y el padre no lo quería por alguna razón, abandonaba al bebé en la calle.
Have you saved brothers and sisters who suddenly, for whatever reason, left the district?
¿ Tienes información de hermanos y hermanas que, de pronto, dejaran el vecindario sin ningún motivo aparente?
It must be, that when I run into these terribly difficult walls, And unexpectedly, for whatever reason,
Ahí dice...
She never liked Bobby much and, for whatever reason, I fell in love with him.
Bobby no le caía bien y, por alguna razón, me enamoré de él.
I have decided to accept that the laws of nature as they apply to you and me have been, for whatever reason, temporarily suspended.
Decidí aceptar que las leyes de la naturaleza relacionadas a nosotros... han sido, por alguna razón, suspendidas temporalmente.
I seem to have lost your respect, sir, for whatever reason,..... but we wouldn't be in this situation, that is,..... at the brink of war with the Goa'uld,... .. if you had heeded my advice and buried the Stargate.
Parece que he perdido su respeto, señor, por cualquiera que sea la razón,..... pero no estaríamos en esta situación, la cual es, el borde de la guerra con los Goa'uld, si hubiera escuchado mi recomendación y enterrado la puerta.
And gay women, for whatever reason, love me.
Y las lesbianas, por lo que sea, me adoran.
I just wanna say, for the record, about last night? Whatever did or did not happen between us happened for a reason, and I, for one, am 1 00 percent okay with it.
Después de lo de anoche, quiero decir que lo que haya pasado o no entre nosotros fue por algo y yo estoy bien con eso.
For whatever reason, I saw death's plan... and we cheated it. But what if it was our time?
Por la razón que sea, yo vi el plan de la muerte y la engañamos. ¿ Pero si era nuestra hora?
For whatever reason, they think you're just some horny, dumb blonde and nothing more.
Por lo que sea creen que sólo eres una rubia sensual y tonta. - ¿ Qué?
For whatever reason, I'm really self-conscious about my butt and how you stare at it.
No se por qué, pero soy conciente de mi trasero, y de como lo miras.
For whatever reason, I'm having a week, and I need a night alone.
Tengo una semana difícil y necesito una noche solo.
For whatever reason, Margaret wrote to me, and I have a clear duty to pass this on.
Por la razón que fuera, Margaret me escribió, y tengo el claro deber de hacer algo.
Young girls in ugly dresses and stupid fans are parading around... in circles for whatever reason, and you two are ruining it.
Jóvenes con vestidos feos y abanicos tontos están desfilando... en círculo por no sé qué motivo, y lo están arruinando.
Whatever the reason the seal pup - still alive - is tossed back and forth for over half an hour
Cualquiera sea la razón, la cría de león marino... aún viva... es arrojada de acá para allá por más de media hora.
And, for whatever reason, this was his uniform, his outfit he felt comfortable in.
Éste era su uniforme, la ropa con la que se sentía cómodo.
whatever he did whatever he accomplished i'm not sure it's worth it because he had to live a lot more years and it's been out of power for a long time you know 25 years now in his own way the reason I don't worry about war crimes
Todo lo que ha hecho, cualquier logro, no sé si vale la pena porque le quedan muchos años por vivir y lleva mucho tiempo alejado del poder, 25 años, Y la razón por la que no me preocupan los crímenes de guerra u otra cosa.
They delivered a great record, and I think it's a record company that, for whatever reason, can't handle that type of great record.
Ellos entregaron un buen disco, y pienso que es un disco de una compañía que, por la razón que sea, no puede manejar este tipo de grandes discos.
... and, for whatever reason, it makes me have....
Y por alguna razón, hace que tenga org......
What we're looking for is whatever was given to Noel... and who had a reason to give it to him.
Lo que estamos buscando es lo que le hubieran dado a Noel... y que habría una razón para darsela.
Elton John was taking him to rehab the next day,..... and, for whatever reason, he wanted an indie band..... to come and listen to this record that he'd made.
A Elton John lo llevaron a rehabilitación al otro día. Y por alguna razón, quería una banda independiente... que viniera a escuchar el álbum que había hecho... y dijo, trae a toda la banda... para que escuche su grabación de "Ángeles".
Well, the title you noticed had a question mark after it and the reason for the question mark is that whatever has been happening for
Bien, el titulo que advertiste tuvo un signo de interrogación en su final y la razón por este signo interrogativo es que cualquiera que haya ido por
There was another reason for whatever happened between Payal and me
¿ Qué significa para ti? ... Había otra razón por lo que sucedió entre Payal y yo
When they put you under protection, for whatever reason, they make up a backstory based on cops, and cops'families.
Cuando te ponen bajo protección, por cualquier razón, inventan una historia basada en policías, y familiares de policías.
For whatever reason, the world just seemed really open and interesting, and not totally screwed up, and I don't know.
Fue curioso, el mundo pareció abierto e interesante. Y no totalmente jodido. No sé.
You must understand that for whatever reason General Crook has come to trust me and rely on my counsel exclusively.
Debe entender que por cualquier razón el Gral. Crook confía en mí y sigue exclusivamente mis consejos.
Just let me speak first before you get upset with me, because, for some reason, we don't see each other very often, and... I have to... take whatever opportunities I'm given.
Déjame hablar antes de enfadarte, porque, por alguna razón no nos vemos con frecuencia y... he de aprovechar... las pocas oportunidades que tenemos.
And I think it's my duty, for this reason, to do a kind of a public suicide of myself as a popular comedian or whatever.
Y pienso que es mi deber, por esta razón, para hacer una especie de suicidio público de mi mismo como comediante popular o lo que sea.
Herb didn't know what was happening to him... he just felt himself slipping deeper and deeper in the chaos. For whatever reason, he assumed that she held the key to whatever was haunting him.
Herb no sabía lo que le estaba sucediendo, se encontró hundiendose cada vez más entre las sombras... por alguna razón él creía que esa niña era la llave de lo que lo estaba acosando
Anyway... I know my kid can be a handful sometimes, and I feel really bad about not being able to pay you. So for whatever reason you're doing this, thanks.
De todas formas sé que mi hijo puede ser complicado a veces y me siento fatal por no poder pagarte así que sea cual sea la razón por la que haces esto...
My dad bought me a Casio and for some reason he loved when I played that thing. Not enough to stick around, but whatever.
Mi padre me compró un "Casio" y... y empecé tocando esa cosa sólo experimentaba pero...
And whatever I'm hearing or seeing is usually being shown to me for some important reason- - a crime, a missing person, a crisis of the heart.
Y lo que sea que estoy escuchando o viendo generalmente es mostrado a mí por alguna razón importante. Un crimen, una persona desaparecida una crisis del corazón.
You'd say anything to make her look sick and disgusting... because whatever I love, for some reason, you have to destroy!
¿ Sabes qué? ¡ Dirías lo que fuera para que se vea enferma y repugnante... porque, por alguna razón, tienes que destruir todo lo que amo!
and forever 16
and forgive us our trespasses 37
and for us 23
and for now 27
and for all i know 16
and for once 56
and for good reason 43
and forsaking all others 18
and for the record 267
and for some reason 87
and forgive us our trespasses 37
and for us 23
and for now 27
and for all i know 16
and for once 56
and for good reason 43
and forsaking all others 18
and for the record 267
and for some reason 87
and for the first time in my life 26
and for dessert 24
and for god's sake 35
and for that 299
and forgive me 21
and for me 98
and for the first time 59
and for you 233
and for your information 74
and for a while 22
and for dessert 24
and for god's sake 35
and for that 299
and forgive me 21
and for me 98
and for the first time 59
and for you 233
and for your information 74
and for a while 22
and fortunately 16
and for 69
and for that reason 27
and for what 396
and for this 25
and for what it's worth 63
for whatever reason 151
and fyi 64
and friends 41
and fuck you 55
and for 69
and for that reason 27
and for what 396
and for this 25
and for what it's worth 63
for whatever reason 151
and fyi 64
and friends 41
and fuck you 55
and father 32
and fourth 18
and finally 517
and from now on 89
and fast 161
and fire 35
and funny 55
and furthermore 69
and frankly 308
and fourth 18
and finally 517
and from now on 89
and fast 161
and fire 35
and funny 55
and furthermore 69
and frankly 308