And go home translate Spanish
11,836 parallel translation
Leave with me and go home to your wife.
Ven conmigo y vuelve a casa con tu esposa.
Good work everyone, finish up and go home!
¡ Buen trabajo muchachos, terminen y vayan a casa!
Come visit Pritchett's and go home with the closet of your dreams.
Ven a Pritchett y vete a casa con el armario de tus sueños.
I would like to finish and go home.
Me gustaría terminar e irme a casa.
Why don't we just pack it in and go home?
¿ Por qué simplemente no recogemos y nos vamos a casa?
Stiles, wake up and go home.
Stiles, despierta y ve a casa.
You go home and I'll wait here, all right?
Vete a casa y yo me quedaré, ¿ vale?
And you got to go home to that short, angry lady, huh?
¿ Y tú tienes que ir a casa con esa mujer bajita y enojona?
Go home and- - and lie to Henry about everything.
Ir a casa y mentirle a Henry sobre todo.
I was just gonna go home and do some last-minute cramming.
Me estaba por ir a casa a hacer un repaso de último momento.
Just go home, have a beer, and smash something.
Vete a casa, tómate una cerveza y aporrea algo.
My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor's code for "prepare to die."
Mi médico me recomendó ir a casa y poner orden en mis cosas, que es el código médico para decir "prepárate para morir".
Is it okay if I go home and rest?
. Esta bien si me voy a casa y descansar?
If you leave your ID here, you can go back home... and bring back the money...
¿ No tiene el monto de la carne en casa? Si me deja su identificación, se va a su casa... - regresa con el dinero...
Look, I am really tired, and I have to interview a witness at the crack of dawn, so I am gonna go home.
Mira, estoy muy cansada... y tengo que hablar con testigos en la mañana, así que me voy.
Yeah, you go home, get your application done and I'll stay here and finish all of this stuff.
¿ Qué? Si, vete a casa, haz tu solicitud y yo me quedaré aquí y acabaré todo esto.
And I want to go home.
Y quería ir a casa a cambiarme.
Maybe I'll just go by myself, and leave Vince at home.
Quizás me vaya sola y deje a Vince en casa.
In the meantime, I want you to go home, put on your Kevlar vest just in case Bella's around, and don't talk to anybody.
Mientras tanto, quiero que vayas a casa, te pongas tu chaleco anti-balas en caso de que Bella esté por ahí, y no hables con nadie.
Go home and rest.
Ve a casa y descansa.
He has a sweet, young filly like me at home and he needs to go out and plow some old Russian field?
Tiene a una potrilla dulce y joven como yo en casa
I swear you that they will go home and will be welcomed as heroes.
Os juro que volverán y serán recibidos como héroes.
Okay, let's go home and make some plans.
Bien, vamos a casa y hagamos unos planes.
He had this gun he said he took from his teacher and I told him, "Just forget it, go home."
Tenía un arma que me dijo que le había cogido a su profesor y yo le dije, "Solo olvídalo, vete a casa".
I got you to come home so we could go out and grab a beer.
Hice que vinieras a casa para que salgamos a tomar una cerveza.
I wanted to go to D.C. this weekend, but I'm a busy surgeon with two kids at home, and he's at the N.I.H.
Quería ir a Washington este fin de semana, pero soy una cirujana ocupada con dos hijos en casa, y él está en el Instituto Nacional de la Salud.
I'll go home and take you too.
Sólo tengo que... ¡ Vuelvo para casa y te llevo conmigo!
You want to go home and do some more workout?
Quiere ir a casa y hacer un poco más de entrenamiento?
You'd have better luck if you got home an hour ago. And go brush your teeth.
Habrías tenido más suerte si hubieras llegado hace una hora.
You really want to go home and tell your bosses and the media that you couldn't stop a sociopath from spraying the brains of an assistant U.S. Attorney all over the woods?
¿ De verdad quieren volver y decirle a sus jefes y a la prensa que no pudieron detener a un sociópata de esparcir los sesos de un asistente del Procurador de E.U. por todo el bosque?
When I get home, we can go and see him.
Cuando vuelva a casa, podemos ir a verlo.
Why don't we just go home and you can rub my belly?
¿ Por qué no nos vamos a casa y me frotas la barriga?
I have to go home and unpack.
Tengo que ir a casa a desempacar.
That would be great but I really should go home and make a start on this.
Eso sería genial... pero realmente debería ir a casa y hacer un nuevo comienzo en esto.
I wish to go home and read a book.
Quiero ir a casa y leer un libro.
But if he does have a book, I want it, and then I want to go home to Yorkshire.
Y luego regresaremos a Yorkshire.
We were staying at my parents'house, saving up money to be able to go out and buy the dream home.
Nos alojamos en la casa de mis padres, para ahorrar dinero asi poder salir a comprar la casa de nuestros sueños.
You go home and you work on what we've done here.
Ve a casa y trabaja en lo que hicimos.
tonight somebody's going to tonight somebody's going to go home, and where joe and i Go home, and where joe and i stand as of right now, it really Stand as of right now, it really is cold war with missiles
Esta noche alguien se irá a casa, y por la situación entre Joe y yo, parece ser la guerra fría con misiles.
exactly. And we still have a power player And we still have a power player who will not want to go home.
- Aún tenemos el control del juego.
The doorman at 37 Riverside Drive saw her arrive home that Sunday evening and go to her apartment.
El portero del 37 de Riverside Drive la vio llegar a casa ese domingo por la tarde y entrar al piso.
Oh, you mean the part where I go up to a random guy and hit on him, and then he looks at me like I have six heads, so I go back to the stool to wait for you, but you're already gone because you took a stranger home
¿ Te refieres a la parte donde me dirigí a un tío al azar y le entré, y luego me miró como si tuviera seis cabezas, así que me di la vuelta y volví al banquillo a esperarte,
"The doorman at 37 Riverside Drive " saw her arrive home that Sunday evening and go to her apartment. "
El portero en el 37 de Riverside Drive la vió llegar a casa el domingo por la noche e ir a su departamento ".
Being on the race has been a dream of mine forever and I don't want to go home after three legs.
Estar en esta carrera ha sido un sueño mío desde siempre. Y no quiero volver a casa después de tres etapas.
That boy and the 37 others that were in the bank today... 37 people got to go home to their families today because of your sons.
Ese chico y las otras 37 personas que estaban en el banco hoy... 37 personas han vuelto a casa con sus familias hoy gracias a sus hijos.
Let's go home and get some rest.
Vamos a casa a descansar un poco.
He's wanted in both countries, and we have people outside of the youth center his home, and other places Lukas might go.
Notificamos a ambos países. Contamos con el personal usual.
Eh, I'll probably just work here, close up, go home, and watch a movie with my parents.
Tal vez solo trabaje aquí, cierre, vaya a casa, y vea una película con mis papás.
I'm gonna go home and reenact that to my dad and evil stepmom.
Voy a ir a casa y hacerle esa escena a mi papá y mi madrasta malvada.
You can go to hell, and you can take me home.
Tu puedes irte al diablo, y tu puedes llevarme a casa.
Damn shame to go and get murdered when you got that fine thing waiting at home.
Maldita sea la vergüenza de ir y ser asesinado cuando tienes algo bueno esperando en casa.
and god bless america 20
and good night 44
and god bless you 16
and good luck 151
and god said 22
and good morning to you 18
and goodbye 44
and good riddance 22
and good luck to you 22
and go 178
and good night 44
and god bless you 16
and good luck 151
and god said 22
and good morning to you 18
and goodbye 44
and good riddance 22
and good luck to you 22
and go 178
and god 50
and good 70
and go where 106
go home 2659
go home and get some rest 28
go home to your family 20
go home and get some sleep 21
go home to your wife 23
go home now 58
home 1821
and good 70
and go where 106
go home 2659
go home and get some rest 28
go home to your family 20
go home and get some sleep 21
go home to your wife 23
go home now 58
home 1821
homer 1748
homes 211
homework 149
homeland 50
homey 175
homecoming 21
homemade 43
homeless 99
homesick 24
homeboy 89
homes 211
homework 149
homeland 50
homey 175
homecoming 21
homemade 43
homeless 99
homesick 24
homeboy 89
homer simpson 114
home sweet home 121
home invasion 31
home mom 34
home run 51
home at last 16
home secretary 33
home again 38
homeland security 122
homeless guy 17
home sweet home 121
home invasion 31
home mom 34
home run 51
home at last 16
home secretary 33
home again 38
homeland security 122
homeless guy 17