And here he is translate Spanish
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And here he is a few seconds later when he was crying because he dropped his cupcake. Mm-hmm. And here he is with another cupcake.
Y aquí está unos pocos segundos después cuando estuvo llorando porque se le cayó su magdalena. Y aquí está con otra magdalena.
And here he is.
Y aquí está.
And here he is, the man of the hour.
Y aquí está, el hombre del momento
I found the couple online who I donated my egg to, and the egg is 11, its name is Dora, and the family lives right around here.
He encontrado por Internet a la pareja a la que le doné el óvulo y el óvulo tiene 11 años, se llama Dora, y la familia vive por aquí.
He's a scourge, a stain on this department, and if you think comin'down here and pleading his case is gonna change anything, guess again.
Es un azote, una mancha para este departamento, y si piensa que viniendo aquí y alegando en su defensa cree que cambiará algo, piense otra vez.
You go in and pretend everything is normal like I'd never been here, and that the cameras don't exist.
Tú entras y finges que está todo normal, que yo nunca he estado aquí y que las cámaras no existen.
You know, Lucas is with the babysitter, and I'd kinda rather be here than at home.
Lucas está con la canguro, y yo he preferido estar aquí que en casa.
Because the reason I came in here is to talk about Pete and the fact that I don't think he's ready to be back here.
Porque la razón por la que he venido es para hablar de Pete y del hecho de que no pienso que esté listo para volver aquí.
Okay, he has strangled, knifed, drowned, and there is a pool here.
Bien, el tiene estrangulación, acuchillar, ahogar, y hay una picina ahi.
[Sighs] OK, now he's gonna say something to Amy, and Amy's gonna say something to Anne, and Anne is gonna drive over here, and kick me out of this place, and then I'm gonna have no place to go.
Ok, ahora él le va a decir algo a Amy, Y Amy le va a decir a Anne, Y Anne va a venir hasta aquí y echarme de este lugar.
A forensic pathologist, a bite mark expert, a criminal profiler, even a human blood and body fluid stain specialist brought their expertise here to the law school at the university of Arkansas in little rock in hopes of proving why the defense team for convicted killer Damien echols says he is innocent.
Un patólogo forense, un experto en marcas de mordiscos, un psicólogo criminal, incluso un especialista en manchas de sangre humana y líquidos corporales aportaron su pericia a la facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Arkansas en Little Rock con la esperanza de demostrar por qué la defensa del asesino convicto Damien Echols dice que es inocente.
Could he drive from here to the dumpster and back in 25 minutes is the question.
Pudo manejar desde aquí hasta el basurero y regresar en 25 minutos, esa es la pregunta.
Uh, his-his family is from Croatia, and when they came here, he learned how to speak English by memorizing jokes.
Su familia es de Croacia y cuando vinieron, aprendió a hablar el idioma memorizando chistes.
And then this is the hand brake that he's pulling here as he comes into the tightest section of the track.
Y entonces éste es el freno de mano que él está jalando aquí como él hereda lo más apretado secciono de la pista.
But he is here... And his mercy knows no bounds.
Pero está aquí... y su misericordia no conoce límites.
And that one day is here, and... I'm all mixed up, doc.
Y ese día ha llegado, y... lo he chafado, doc.
And here in this basement is where he worked.
Y aquí en este sótano es donde trabajó.
That's why I'm sitting here tonight and coach Daniels is wherever he is.
Por eso me siento aquí esta noche y el entrenador Daniels está donde está.
that I am here, I've done one thing, and that is bring in the people to the museum. "
que estoy aquí, que he hecho una cosa, y que es traer a la gente al museo. "
He's been on the steds over a week, we'll be lucky if he doesn't smash this gaff up and try and rape half the birds in here as it is!
Ha estado preparándose por una semana, tendremos suerte si no lo hace, tratará de estar con la mitad de las chicas que están aquí.
And here is the vector equilibrium,
Y he aqu ¡ el vector equilibrium,
As the day dawned, I knew that a powerful elite had almoust everything set up to rule the world and I had a frighting realization, that Big Brother is not just coming, he's here now!
Al ir amaneciendo, supe que la poderosa lite ten ¡ a casi todo listo para dominar el mundo, y experiment la aterradora realizaci ¢ n de que no es que el "Hermano Mayor" est llegando.
Just follow me on this... is it possible he could've died upstairs and your mom dragged the body down here?
Solo sigueme con esto... es posible que pudiera morir arriba y tu mama arrastrara el cuerpo hasa aqui?
And she's mad. So, my question to you is, is it true, as JP claims, that he pulled on his first night here?
Entonces, mi pregunta para ti es, ¿ es verdad, como JP dice, que eres la que se tiró la primera noche aquí?
The amount of poison that we ingest on a daily basis, and here we have a person making a healthy, natural product, good for us, good for the planet, and he is being sued.
La cantidad de veneno que ingerimos diariamente, y aquí tenemos a una persona que hace un producto sano y natural, bueno para nosotros y el planeta, siendo demandada.
And if he's here, I got a feeling my vigilante is here too.
Si está aquí tengo un presentimiento que mi justiciero también está aquí.
You know, I was gonna come here and give you a big sentimental speech about how lucky you are to have Patrice as your son, what a great kid he is, and I was gonna tell you about a woman who I operated on yesterday
Sabe, iba a venir a darle un gran discurso sentimental sobre la suerte que tiene de tener a Patrice como hijo, y lo buen chico que es, e iba a hablarle de una mujer a la que operé ayer
And i don't- - here's the thing, he can't do it- like Cochran is driving me freaking crazy.
Y yo no- - está es la cosa, él no puede hacerlo- - - Sí, Cochran está volviéndome loco. - Lo sé.
You were right, ma'am, this hostel is much more interesting than I thought it would. Here is the champagne and strawberries...
He de reconocer que tenía razón, este hotel está siendo mucho más interesante de lo que esperaba.
And if Bruce is a volunteer here, then he's a good samaritan type and probably came upon the scene and tried to intervene.
Y si Bruce es voluntario aquí, encaja con el tipo de buen samaritano y probablemente vino a la escena del crimen e intentó intervenir.
Look, the real story here is Mickey Gunn, and how he deals with a photo that is, admittedly, ridiculous, but is also irrelevant to Mulvey's character.
Mira, aquí la autentica historia es Mickey Gunn, y como se las aborda una foto que, es cierto, es ridícula, pero también es irrelevante en lo que se refiere a Mulvey.
Kolya has been climbing here for four decades, but this is the first time he's had company and sometimes he forgets that Ted is just below him.
Kolya ha estado escalando aquí durante cuatro décadas, pero es la primera vez que tiene compañía, y a veces olvida que Ted está justo debajo de él.
I have been here, well, 30-some years, and the best way to cope with this job is to do everything the exact same way every day.
He estado aquí, así, 30 y pico de años, y la mejor manera para hacer frente a este trabajo es hacer todo de la misma forma todos los días.
Here he acts in Jukti, Takko Aar Gappo, and distorts the sound as if the film is a Sci-Fi movie.
Aquí lo vemos actuar en Jukti, Takko Aar Gappo. El sonido está distorsionado...
Of all the times I've appeared since I died, this is the first I'm not happy to be here and see you.
De todas las veces que he aparecido desde que morí, esta es la primera vez que no me alegro de estar aquí y verte.
Mr. And Mrs. Weatherhead, I've received some disturbing news that all you're providing the foster children here to drink is soda.
Sr. y Sra. Weatherhead, he recibido alarmantes noticias de que lo único que le dan para beber a los niños adoptados, es soda.
My guess is things got too hot for him here in the states and he hired Bichri to smuggle him into England.
Pienso que las cosas se le calentaban demasiado aquí en Estados Unidos y contrató a Bichri para sacarle hacia Inglaterra.
And now, here he is, in the little Fiat
Ahora, aquí está en el pequeño Fiat...
"Did you drive to work today, " or--and this is more likely- - did you get chased here by dinosaurs? " ( Sighs )
"¿ Viniste conduciendo al trabajo, o... es más como ésto... o te persiguieron unos dinosarios hasta aquí?" Kyle, tú, de lejos, eres el mayor inepto tocapelotas que he conocido jamás.
And in fact, here he is now.
Y, de hecho, aquí viene
He is our gift to the gods, and they will love him forever and reward us with renewed life here in Tressock.
Él es nuestro regalo a los dioses, que lo amarán para siempre y nos recompensarán con nueva vida aquí en Tressock.
Camille cost nothing and for Monet, one of the attractions of the river, I suggest, one of the chief reasons he kept coming back here to watch the paddling and the people, is that the river, too, was free.
Exprimido rápidamente fuera de su tubo nuevo rápido, la nueva pintura podría capturar movimiento nuevo rápido. Todo tipo de efectos de luz esquivos eran ahora más fácil de grabar y disfrutar.
You shoot the FBI agent in his foot, he is gonna come in here and he is gonna shoot a nigger in his ass.
Si le disparas al agente en el pie, el agente... le dará a este negro un balazo en las nalgas.
I have often said. " ... he is someone who should come back into fashion and here you are.
He dicho mucho que él debería volverse a poner de moda y aquí estás.
"There he is!" Starts blasting away, and the bear says, "Come here, you."
"¡ Ahí está!". Dispara y el oso le dice : "¡ Ven acá, tú!".
This is my dad and he's new here!
¡ Es mi papá y es nuevo aquí!
It's all good. We all got away from some kind of fucking bullshit some place. And we all came here because this is where you get a break.
Todos huimos una especie de miseria... y he venido aquí para una escapada.
If you want to store your gold here, 3 % of the value to me is me. And you still have the right to control my women like my as we always have.
Puede almacenar su oro aquí, menos el 3 % para mí, junto con el derecho a controlar a mis mujeres a mi manera, como siempre lo he hecho.
My loop knows Sid is the kid he's looking for, and my gang knows I'm here.
Mi otro yo sabe que Sid es quien busca. Y mi pandilla sabe que estoy aquí.
He'll be here in minutes unless we're in the future where he made the lights and is about to shoot from the door in which case we're all dead.
Estara Aquí en Pocos Minutos A Menos Que ESTAMOS Metidos.. ... El Futuro Donde sí Hizo la Luz Y no está a punto Para tirar de la puerta En Cuyo Caso, Todos ESTAMOS muertos.
He gets up into here, like this, and then his body is moving forward while the club is going backwards and that's how you get this real...
Él sube acá, y luego el cuerpo se mueve hacia adelante mientras el palo va hacia atrás, y así es cómo...
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here they come 18
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here they come 18
and here's the thing 41
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here's why 34
here he is 789
here he is now 36
he is alive 57
he is mine 25
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here's why 34
here he is 789
here he is now 36
he is alive 57
he is mine 25
he is my brother 37
he is so cute 33
he is a doctor 16
he is fine 24
he is not 130
he is gone 57
he is my friend 35
he is 2605
he is lying 27
he is handsome 23
he is so cute 33
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he is fine 24
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he is gone 57
he is my friend 35
he is 2605
he is lying 27
he is handsome 23
he isn't 329
he is here 120
he is a 27
he is dead 154
he is cute 35
he is my husband 34
he is sick 32
he is innocent 28
he is gay 17
he is not here 37
he is here 120
he is a 27
he is dead 154
he is cute 35
he is my husband 34
he is sick 32
he is innocent 28
he is gay 17
he is not here 37
he is good 43
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he is my son 48
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he is dangerous 29
he is there 24
he is right 68
he is now 35
he is not dead 16
he is coming 31
he is my son 48
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he is dangerous 29
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he is right 68
he is now 35
he is not dead 16