And here i was translate Spanish
7,021 parallel translation
And here I was thinking my calculations were wrong.
Y yo que pensaba que mis cálculos estaban equivocados.
I was ordered to let you people in here and now a lot of good men are dead.
¡ Tengo ordenes, de dejar que su gente se quede aquí.. ... y ahora un buen hombre está muerto!
I thought there was a chance in hell... you'd wise up and get the hell out of here.
Pensé que había una posibilidad en el infierno... lo haría caer en la cuenta y obtener el infierno fuera de aquí.
And I was supposed to meet some friends here.
Y se supone que iba a encontrarme con unos amigos aquí.
She was going on and on about Robert. I can't stand to see her like that, so I come here instead.
Ella estaba pasando y en sobre Robert. así que vine aquí en su lugar.
Oh, my God! I was just, uh, cleaning up, so that's why we're a bit messy around here. We've just been cleaning and organizing all our pictures, and I'm going through all these photos.
Dios mío! así que por eso estamos un poco desordenado por aquí. y yo estoy pasando todas estas fotos.
When I was first taken, they were talking about a shotgun and it's in here somewhere and Max specifically said not to give it to you.
Cuando me llevaron en primer lugar, que estaban hablando de una escopeta y es aquí en alguna parte y Max dijo específicamente que no lo dará.
I mean, I've had a few nightmares here and there, but nothing like what I was experiencing before.
Quiero decir, he tenido unas pocas pesadillas aquí y allá, pero nada como lo que había experimentado antes.
Bottom line is, I was sent here to find two of our agents, and now I'm only looking for one.
La conclusión es que fui enviado aquí para encontrar a dos de nuestros agentes, y ahora solo estoy buscando uno.
I know I was here, and I know who...
Sé que estuve aquí, y sé quién...
And I was gonna bring him here and everything.
Y lo iba a traer aquí y todo.
Moniba was here and then I was sitting next to her.
Maniba estaba aquí..., y yo estaba sentada junto a ella.
The Talib came here... and I was just very near to him... and then he asked, "Who is MaIaIa?"
El talibán entró por aquí... y yo estaba muy cerca de él... y entonces preguntó : "¿ Quién es Malala?".
Here I was this cocky guy, knocked my girl up, and then, you know, I had to be an adult for the rest of my life.
acá estaba este chico engreído, golpeó mi chica hacia arriba, y luego, ya sabes, Tenía que ser un adulto para el resto de mi vida.
Only, he was attacked by thieves, so I saved him and brought him here.
Pero lo atacaron unos ladrones, así que lo salvé y lo traje aquí.
I just remember waking up right here, and there was... Some kind of gas. I think that we were all drugged.
Solo recuerdo haber despertado aquí y que había gas, creo que nos drogaron.
For me to be able to go out into the world and know that I'm actually from the same community, and that here's Mike, a guy from Burnaby, growing up with his family, and he's done so much for himself and his family, and was able to sort of go off into Hollywood, and find a new home in New York.
Para mí, poder salir al mundo y saber que vengo de la misma comunidad y que Mike, un chico de Burnaby, creció con su familia e hizo tanto por él y por su familia, y pudo llegar hasta Hollywood
I came here tonight, and I thought this was gonna work.
Vine aquí esta noche, y pensé que esto funcionaría.
You know, I've been thinking about all that. And I was walking over here.
Estaba pensando en todo eso cuando regresaba aquí a pie.
It was the worst time in my life, and I came out here a failure.
Fue el peor momento de mi vida, y resurgí del fracaso.
All I knew for certain was that the case was my last and it was why I left the profession, came down here, retired to my bees.
Lo único que sabía con certeza era que el caso era mi último caso... y fue por eso que dejé la profesión, viniendo aquí, retirarme con mis abejas.
I spent half my life chasing you down and you had to wait until Manuel showed up to realise that I was here.
Me he pasado media vida persiguiéndote y has tenido que esperar a que llegase Manuel para darte cuenta de que estaba ahí.
It was, and I won't mince my words here, the greatest and most complicated plan in the long and noble history of tortoise-based tale-telling.
Era, y no voy a desmenuzar mis palabras aquí, el mayor y más complicado plan en la larga y noble historia, de relatos basados en tortugas.
So, I decided to come to Country Bear Nights here at Scandals, and there was Dave doing the Electric Slide. ♪ ♪ Fun!
Así que decidí ir al Country Bear Nights en el Scandals, y ahí estaba Dave haciendo el Electric Side. ¡ Divertido!
You left, and I'm like, "What the..." I was like, "I'm right here."
Se fueron y dijeron : "¿ Qué mierda?" Y yo pensé : "Estoy aquí".
I'm going to give you both 10 seconds to tell me where the money is and whose idea it was to take it in the first place, or Derrick here kills you both... - Oh, God!
Voy a darles a ambos a 10 segundos... para decirme dónde está el dinero... y de quién fue la idea de tomarlo en primer lugar, o Derrick aquí, los mata a ambos...
I was sent here by Deputy Chief Braddock, and chief outranks captain, so... I officially release you of your duties and responsibilities and I officially reinstate you, Officer Bauhaus.
Fui enviado aquí por el Jefe Adjunto Braddock, y el Jefe supera al Capitán, así que, oficialmente te libero de tus deberes y responsabilidades... y oficialmente la restituyo, Oficial Bauhaus.
And the only reason that I'm here is because I was sent here to find you and Bill Evans.
Y la única razón por la que estoy aquí es porque me enviaron para encontrarte a ti y a Bill Evans.
And that was a year ago? Mm-hmm. Well, I came here five days ago, and it was 2014.
¿ Y eso fue hace un año? Bien, llegué hace cinco días, y era 2014.
I had my bed right here... And then my roommate was right here.
Tenia mi cama justo aquí... y luego mi compañero estaba justo aquí.
I was laying there, and it came here.
Estaba acostado allí, y esto vino aquí.
And I felt it was my mother, and I heard her voice, and she Says, "honey, I'm here. I'm here."
Y sentí que era mi madre, y escuche su voz, y ella decía, "cariño, estoy aquí. estoy aquí."
When I was a boy growing up in Nigeria, heaven was here and America was here.
Cuando era pequeño, creciendo en Nigeria el cielo estaba aquí y Estados Unidos estaba aquí.
I was swearing I was here, uh... in 2005 or something, and it was a Days Inn.
Yo juraba que estuve aquí, eh... en 2005 o algo así, y era un Days Inn.
I have a ten-year-old son here and today was his birthday.
Tengo un hijo de diez años de edad, aquí y hoy era su cumpleaños.
My informant reached me shortly before but by the time Gallo and I were here it was already loose.
Mi informante me esperó hasta el último minuto pero en el momento que Gallo y yo llegamos aquí... pasó todo.
I actually would have been here sooner but I was terrified of driving myself and...
Hubiera venido antes pero me daba miedo venir sola y...
You can say it was an isolated episode and I'm here because I had a hard night and I cracked under pressure. Ahh!
Puede decir que fue un episodio aislado y estoy aquí debido a que tuve una noche difícil y me quebré bajo presión.
So, I was, uh, thinking about this summer... Mmm-hmm. And, uh, here's the thing...
Estaba pensando sobre este verano... Y, así es la cosa...
Thanks, but Mat was here a while ago, and I think we took care of it.
Gracias, pero Mat estuvo aquí hace un rato, y creo que nos encargamos de eso.
You died, and I was left here all alone.
Moriste, y me quedé aquí sola.
You came in here, and I was reading and...
Usted vino aquí, y yo estaba leyendo y...
And I was telling Smith here because he usually has perspective.
Y se lo estaba contando a Smith porque generalmente tiene una perspectiva.
And I was such a fool to think that I had come here for my own needs.
Y yo era un tonta para pensar que Había venido aquí por mis propias necesidades.
I came over here to see Rachel, she was so pale and anorexic looking.
Yo venía a ver a Rachel estaba pálida, parecía anoréxica.
I came in here and it was like this.
Vine aquí y ya estaba así.
Only reason I ever came to this mall was for Rico's, and... now that it's gone, ain't no reason to be here.
La única razón que he venido a este centro comercial fue para Rico de, y... ahora que se ha ido, no hay razón para estar aquí.
That dipshit manager, Scott, was dead when Mom and I got here a month ago, but I figured people still need entertainment... so I kept it open.
Eso gerente dipshit, Scott, estaba muerto cuando mamá y yo llegamos aquí hace un mes, pero pensé que la gente todavía necesita de entretenimiento... así que me mantuve abierta.
And here I thought love was making me human.
Y yo que pensaba que me estaba haciendo el amor humano.
What I was going to do is just give her little bit of money and... drop her off in a safe place. Then you and I get the fuck out of here.
Lo que iba a hacer era darle un poco de dinero, dejarla en algún sitio seguro, y tú y yo nos largamos de aquí.
Last time I was here, she made me go to church with her... and sign autographs, kiss babies, tell people all my stats... and what I did last Sunday. It's too much.
La última vez, me hizo ir a la iglesia firmar autógrafos, besar bebés, contar mis logros y lo que había hecho el domingo.
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here they come 18
and here's the thing 41
and here you go 26
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here they come 18
and here's the thing 41
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here i was 27
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here i was 27
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
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i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was kidding 211
i was just passing by 33
i wasn't talking to you 127
i was just leaving 200
i wasn't invited 33
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i wasn't expecting that 35
i was kidding 211
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i was just leaving 200
i wasn't invited 33
i was born with it 17
i wasn't looking 38
i wasn't there 230
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i was drunk 199
i wasn't alone 27
i wasn't sure 126
i was going to 181
i wasn't there 230
i was so scared 191
i wasn't ready 79
i was drunk 199
i wasn't alone 27
i wasn't sure 126
i was going to 181