And there we are translate Spanish
3,442 parallel translation
And there we are.
Aquí la tenemos.
Yet there are scholars of the Talmud who tell us the day we throw off the shackles of government and accept no authority but God's, none will hurt or destroy.
Aún hay sabios del Talmud que nos dicen el día que desechemos los grilletes del gobierno y no aceptemos otra autoridad más que Dios nadie será lastimado o destruido.
But now we have it, and we are going to live there...
Pues ahora la tenemos y vamos para allá.
And there are protocols if we cannot immediately find and destroy it.
Y hay protocolos si no podemos encontrarlo inmediatamente y destruirlo.
- We all want to save Jinora, but I think your plan might be a tad overaggressive, seeing as there are only seven of us and one ship.
Todos queremos salvar a Jinora, pero me parece que tu plan podría ser un pelín demasiado agresivo, siendo como somos solo siete con un único barco. ¿ De veras?
We all want to save Jinora, but I think your plan might be a tad overaggressive, seeing as there are only seven of us and one ship.
Todos queremos salvar a Jinora, pero me parece que tu plan podría ser un pelín demasiado agresivo, siendo como somos solo siete con un único barco. ¿ De veras?
There are billions and millions of unlived days for every day we live.
Hay miles de millones y millones de días no vividos por cada día que vivimos.
And there are a lot of reasons we can't have jokes.
Y hay muchas razones por las que podemos bromear.
So, even though we're 12 points ahead in the polls... [Cheers and applause] There are two days left before the election.
Entonces, aunque estemos 12 puntos por delante en las encuestas.. Quedan dos días para las elecciones.
Packs of starving vampires are still out there hunting our streets and now we find out that they may not even be vampires.
Ordas de vampiros hambrientos están todavía allí afuera cazando nuestras calles y ahora descubrimos que podrían no ser vampiros.
But we aren't the only inhabitants of this secret world, and there are those who envy our splendour...
Pero no somos los únicos habitantes de este mundo secreto, y están aquellos que envidian nuestro esplendor...
When they see that we are not there and that had no message from us, will think that something happened to me.
Si no llegamos a lograrlo o no nos reportamos. Diles lo que ocurrió.
Al, we're looking, but there are a lot of ways to blend in and hide, even from us.
Al, estamos buscando, pero hay muchos caminos donde mezclarse y esconderse, incluso de nosotros.
In the Depression, like we're in now, there are certain things people still want - food, of course, soap, a little entertainment... and news.
En la Depresión, como estamos ahora, hay ciertas cosas que la gente aún quiere. Comida, por supuesto, jabón, un poco de entretenimiento... Y noticias.
A baby has no way of knowing there's been an apocalypse and that we're at war and people are out there dying every day.
Un bebé no tiene modo de saber si ha habido un apocalipsis y de que estamos en guerra y que la gente está ahí fuera muriendo cada día.
Mr Callan, we've only got a few minutes left and there are a lot of other hands raised, so...
Sr. Callan, solo nos quedan unos minutos y hay un montón de manos alzadas, así que...
There is no curse, and we are gonna have the best anniversary we've ever had.
No hay una maldición, y tendremos el mejor aniversario que hemos tenido.
So, Mr. Spinella, I am headed to the Capitol right now, and I will remain there until you are ready to meet and talk so that we can end this pointless strike.
Sr. Spinella, iré al Capitolio ahora mismo y allí estaré hasta que esté listo para hablar para que podamos acabar con esta huelga sin sentido.
A few of our classmates pack their bags for university and shoot through, and suddenly there we are...
Algunos de nuestros compañeros hicieron sus maletas para la Universidad, y salieron disparados, y de repente ahí estamos...
Ladies and gentlemen, we are minutes away from the Soyuz docking with the International Space Station. We are now being told by Russian flight control in Korolev and NASA in Houston that there may not have been enough oxygen to keep the sedated astronauts alive.
Damas y caballeros estamos a minutos del acoplamiento con la estación espacial, hay muchos rumores del desarrollo de acontesimientos en NASA y Houston, pero el principal es que no exista el oxigeno suficiente para mantener a los astronautas cedados vivos.
Wherever there are rich kids, there are good bikes, junkies looking to grab them, and we follow them.
Dondequiera que haya niños ricos, hay buenas bicicletas y adictos... intentando tomarlas y nosotros los seguimos.
You are right, and, then, there's the concert. We'll go on, then?
Tiene razón, y está el concierto, ¿ seguimos, entonces?
Okay, I'm not eating and I'm gonna go and drink over there because I don't think we should be near the kitchen stuff in case people start throwing up, which now you guys are probably going to.
Bueno, yo no comeré, iré más allá a beber algo, no creo que debamos estar cerca dela comida por si alguien vomita, seguro alguno de ustedes va a vomitar.
Maybe we can go to the hospital where I was born and see if there are any women who gave birth to twins the same day Annie did.
Quizá podamos ir al hospital donde nací y ver si hay alguna mujer que diera a luz a dos gemelas el mismo día que Annie.
There are all kinds of people out there, and the ones who watch this show seem to have some sort of sick connection to what we're doing.
Hay todo tipo de gente ahí fuera, y los que ven esta serie parecen tener una especie de conexión enfermiza en lo que hacen.
Look, there's no training for what we're trying to do here, so the best we are going to be able to do is to trust our gut and do our best.
No hay entrenamiento para lo que intentamos hacer, así que lo mejor que podemos hacer es confiar en nuestro instinto y hacerlo lo mejor que podamos.
Uh, we're going to go back in there, and you are going to ask me the exact same thing in front of him.
Volvemos y me preguntas exactamente lo mismo delante de él.
She has an 8-month-old baby girl - and we'll need to see - what kind of daycare options there are.
Tiene una niña de 8 meses... y tendremos que ver... qué tipo de guarderías hay disponibles.
Well, are there anymore questions or can we quit all this and get on to the celebration we got planned?
Bueno, hay más preguntas o podemos dejar esto y continuar con la celebración que teníamos planeada?
We are deep in debt from the restaurant, and I can take a night off here or there, but two weeks?
Estamos hasta arriba de deudas del restaurante, y puedo cogerme una noche libre o dos, pero ¿ dos semanas?
We can go and see if there are any workshops at Artscape.
Podemos ir a ver si hay alguna en talleres Ariscape.
You and Harry will need to fill out detailed medical histories of both your families so we can determine if there are any risk factors that may be inherited.
para asi determinar los factores de riesgo. que se puedan heredar.
Well, we know that in every war there are things that evolve that hadn't been planned for or fully anticipated and that things occur which shouldn't occur.
Pues, sabemos que en toda guerra, hay cosas que se desarrollan y que no se planearon ni se previeron por competo con anticipación, y que pasan cosas que no deberían pasar.
Here we are, years later, and they're all still there.
Y henos aquí, años más tarde, con todo lo anterior aún en vigor.
But often to forge ahead, we have to look back to understand what we're leaving behind. And it can be scary because behind us, there are often blind spots... ♪ some folks take their pleasure slow ♪ things we want to ignore or couldn't even see that can stop us from our journey forward.
excepto a veces seguir adelante, tenemos que mirar atrás para entender lo que estamos dejando detrás. Y puede dar miedo porque detrás de nosotros, hay a menudo puntos ciegos... cosas que queremos ignorar o no queríamos incluso ver
There are forks in the road, and we must choose one.
Hay cruces en el camino, y debemos escoger uno.
But really I think at the end of the day, it got Jason back out there again, gave the little push forward that FREDDY / JASON needed to really take off and get us back to where we are right now.
A fin de cuentas. Consiguió hacer regresar a Jason y le dio a Freddy vs Jason el empujón necesario para despegar finalmente y devolvemos a donde estamos ahora mismo.
What if we both kill ourselves and there are no victors?
que tal si los dos nos matamos y no habra ganadores?
But we are also family, we get through it together, and we celebrate each other when there's big news.
Pero también somos una familia, nos reunimos a través de él, y nos celebramos unos a otros cuando hay buenas noticias.
We are going in there by ourselves and doing it now.
Vamos a hacerlo tú y yo solas, y ahora mismo.
We thought we'll suck it up and see if we can play to some of these younger kids, because there aren't that many people 40-year-olds that are gonna come out and see us because they have kids.
Pensamos que debíamos tragarnos eso y ver si podíamos tocar para gente más joven porque no hay mucha gente mayor de cuarenta años que vaya a vernos porque ya tienen hijos.
Hell, yes, you are. And when you go in there and do what we rehearsed, they're going to see that.
Claro que sí, y cuando entres y hagas lo que ensayamos, lo verán.
We're just gonna see if there are any other gay guys in this town and find out how many cubic feet away they are from us.
Solo vamos a ver si hay Cualesquiera otros chicos gay en esta ciudad Y averiguar cuantos pies cubicos lejos estan de nosotros.
But I spoke to some contacts from my Washington days last night, and there are avenues we can pursue in America.
Anoche hablé con contactos de cuando trabajé en Washington y en Estados Unidos hay posibilidades que podemos explorar.
Y-you know, w-we're here... to p-protect you guys, and, uh, but there are people out there like this guy we arrested last week.
Usted sabe, estamos acá para cuidarlos chicos, pero afuera existen personas... Él estaba, pasando el rato frente a las escuelas.
Okay, whatever it is, we're one step ahead of her, finally, and there are two of us on the inside.
Bueno, sea lo que sea, vamos un paso por delante de ella, por fin, y hay dos de nosotros infiltrados.
♪ I'm singing and tapping together ♪ ♪ Dee dee dee dee dee do there we are, sir.
* Cantando y bailando juntos * Aquí estamos señor.
Do you think you can invent a new smell or... or do you think all the smells are already out there and we just need to discover them?
¿ Crees que puedes inventar un nuevo olor o crees que todos los olores ya están ahí y sólo tenemos que descubrirlos?
There were times when Jim and I and Chris would get together and sort of worry, say, "Are we corrupting these guys'minds?"
Hubo momentos en los que Jim y yo y Chris nos reuníamos ciertamente preocupados, decíamos, "¿ Estamos corrompiendo las mentes de esos tipos?"
Well, we are going down there, and we're bringing our car so that they can see what they've done to us.
Bueno, iremos allá, y llevaremos nuestro auto para que puedan ver lo que nos hicieron.
Ok, so we know that Bogle lied, and we know there are more bullets, and he knew where they were.
Vale, así que sabemos que Bogle mintió, y sabemos que hay más balas, y él sabía donde estaban.
and there you go 56
and there are 45
and there you have it 52
and there's more 69
and therefore 143
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and there i was 26
and there it is 180
and there it was 64
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and there you have it 52
and there's more 69
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and there it was 64
and there's 117
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there you were 36
and there's nothing 21
and there you are 57
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
and there were 18
and there was 39
and there we go 24
and there's something else 41
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and there he is 78
and there were 18
and there was 39
and there we go 24
and there is 20
and there she was 52
and there she is 48
and there they are 27
and there he was 70
there we are 716
we are going 52
we are not the same 19
we are friends 99
we are family 66
and there she was 52
and there she is 48
and there they are 27
and there he was 70
there we are 716
we are going 52
we are not the same 19
we are friends 99
we are family 66
we are 2563
we are together 51
we are free 37
we are brothers 40
we are coming 52
we are fucked 33
we aren't 48
we are leaving 66
we are ready 99
we are done 75
we are together 51
we are free 37
we are brothers 40
we are coming 52
we are fucked 33
we aren't 48
we are leaving 66
we are ready 99
we are done 75