Cause i know translate Spanish
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Save it, sweetie,'cause I know that you speak English.
Guárdalo, cariño, porque yo sé que hablas Inglés.
'Cause I know you don't think I'm so stupid to where I would just accept a bullshit apology ring.
No soy tan estúpida para aceptar solo un anillo de disculpas.
I'm getting photos that we can show our next victim so she can identify her rapist,'cause I know it's gonna happen again.
Tomando fotos para mostrársela a la siguiente víctima... para que identifique a su violador, porque sucederá de nuevo.
'Cause I know you.
Porque te conozco.
Uh, Coop, I don't know if I can, just'cause I have to unpack and take things out of bags and stuff.
No sé si puedo, porque tengo que desempacar, vaciar mis bolsos.
I don't know, but if one Bizarro can cause this much destruction... think of what an entire Bizarro League could do.
No lo sé, pero si un Bizarro puede causar esta destrucción piensen en lo que podría hacer toda una Liga de Bizarros.
I know'cause we had to close it, since I'm kind of loud.
soy un poco chillona.
I mean, I just thought,'cause you're creative that you would know that I'm creative.
Pensé que como tú eras creativo, sabrías que yo también lo soy.
You know, I'm just admiring your living room,'cause... it reminds me of a place I used to live for about nine years.
Ya sabes, estoy admirando su sala de estar, Porque... me recuerda a un lugar que solía vivir durante unos nueve años.
Well, you know I'm on you'cause I care.
Sabes que estoy sobre ti porque me preocupo.
Now I know why they call you Beans...'cause that's the only thing you can cook.
Ya sé por qué te llaman Beans... porque es lo único que sabes cocinar.
I feel your scorn, and I know I'm the reason for your dissent when our cause can least afford it.
Noto vuestro desprecio y sé que soy la razón de vuestra oposición cuando nuestra causa es más vulnerable.
"Call it beginner's luck or a higher authority lending his blessing, but I have learned of something that you must know right away, for I fear for our cause should it come to pass."
"Llámelo la suerte del principiante o que una autoridad más elevada está prestando su bendición, pero he descubierto algo que debe conocer inmediatamente, porque temo por nuestra causa y lo que pueda acontecer".
I don't know, but I'm gonna find out,'cause I got a direct line to the horse's mouth.
- No lo sé, pero lo averiguaré, porque tengo línea directa con el presidente.
You know, just'cause I sank doesn't mean I stayed down.
Ya sabes, sólo porque me hundí no significa que me quedé abajo.
I hope you're not expecting a big, warm 51 welcome,'cause, you know, we're not exactly thrilled to have you here.
Ojalá nos estés esperando una gran y calida bienvenida de la 51, porque ya sabes, no estamos exactamente emocionados de tenerte.
'Cause after all, I mean, you know this is an engagement ring, right?
Porque este anillo es de compromiso, ¿ no?
Hey, let me know if you see him,'cause I'm it.
Oye, si le ves dímelo, porque sigo jugando.
'Cause you know I'm getting out of here.
Porque sabes que seré liberado.
But you and I both know that this only ends with me dead or locked up... 'Cause that's just the way things go around here.
Pero los dos sabemos que esto solo termina conmigo muerto o encerrado... porque así son las cosas por aquí.
I didn't even think that you wanted to talk to me,'cause, you know, I wasn't there when everything went down.
Ni siquiera creía que tu querías hablar conmigo, porque, ya sabes, no estuve ahí cuando todo se derrumbó.
I wanted to,'cause she should know.
Yo quería, porque ella debe saberlo.
Hey, I'm gonna get us some refills, And don't worry, it's on me,'cause, you know, it's free.
Oye, voy a buscarnos otras copas, y no te preocupes, pago yo, porque ya sabes, es gratis.
I don't know if his... Well, I didn't hear it,'cause there's so much traffic, and...
No sé... no lo he oído porque hay mucho tráfico y...
You know when you've got an innocent face like mine, you don't like to cause offence, which I don't, then you get... ~ I smell bull ~ BLEEP.
Ya sabes que cuando se tiene una cara de inocente como la mía, nadie piensa que puedas hacer algo malo, lo cual no hago, entonces... - Eso son chorradas.
I mean, you know,'cause we have to.
Es, de buena gana.
True...'cause you just lost me. I know you think this is crazy, but there's something about the way Nola looks at me.
Cierto... porque acabas de perderme a mí. pero hay algo acerca de la forma en que Nola me mira.
And I know that'cause that is the day I found my dog, Mojito, at the Biscayne Country Club.
Y lo sé porque fue el día que encontré a mi perro, Mojito, en el Biscayne Country Club.
'Cause you know I got handcuffs.
Porque sabes, que tengo esposas.
I'd know if you weren't,'cause I just saw your skeleton.
Sabría si no lo estuvieras, porque acabo de ver tu esqueleto.
'Cause I don't know how many more of these I can take, Martin.
Porque no sé cuántos más pueda soportar, Martin.
I mean, I don't want to weird you out or anything or creep you out, but, I mean, I can't tell you how many afternoons as a kid I spent, like, daydreaming, you know, that, like, me and you were best friends,'cause, like, it seemed like you had the greatest house and the greatest childhood being a munster.
Quiero decir, no quiero espantarte o asustarte, pero, quiero decir, no puedo decirte todas las tarde que me pase de chico, soñando, con que tú y yo fuéramos amigos, porque, parecía que tenías la mejor casa
So, you know what I thought was weird about Florida is that there were no drugs found in any of the victims'systems. Which is strange,'cause I figured that's how he was controlling them.
Lo más raro que encuentro yo en lo de Florida es que no se encontraron drogas en los organismos de las víctimas cosa rara porque pensé que así era como las controlaba.
And you know, I got to go wash my hands'cause they're covered in old lady DNA.
debo ir a lavarme las manos porque están cubiertas de ADN de anciana.
I know,'cause I hear it through the vent when she watches Nashville.
Lo sé porque la escucho por la ventilación cuando mira Nashville. ¿ Sophie?
Jess, you can't talk to Cece because Cece, you know, and Nick, they just won't work.'Cause I was talking to Nick.
No, Jess. Porque estaba hablando con Nick, y me dice, "Winston." Y yo le digo "¿ Qué pasa, Nick?".
And I know you,'cause you're from my hometown.
Y lo conozco, porque es de mi ciudad natal.
I can heal the food and the alcohol and the drugs, you know,'cause all of these things are all related to an emotion.
Puedo curar lo de la comida... lo del alcohol y las drogas, ¿ saben? ... porque todas estas cosas están relacionadas con las emociones.
Johnny--Johnny tagged me with that name, you know,'cause I was in and out of rehab all the time.
Johnny me puso ese nombre, ya sabe... porque entraba y salía continuamente de rehabilitación.
'Cause you know I think it's a huge mistake for the band.
Porque sabes que creo que es un gran error para la banda.
I was dumbfounded,'cause I didn't really so much as buy into, you know, psychics and mediums and things of that nature.
Me quedé mudo. porque yo realmente no compro mucho de eso, psíquicos y médiums y cosas de esa naturaleza.
Actually, I could easily get a job,'cause I'm, you know, a genius.
De hecho, podría fácilmente conseguir un trabajo, porque como ya sabes, soy un genio.
And I still don't know what's best for Carl'cause Emily's plan could land me in jail.
Y todavía no sé qué es mejor para Carl porque el plan de Emily podría enviarme a la cárcel.
I mean, we just do it'cause it's there, you know? Okay?
Quiero decir, simplemente lo hacemos porque que está ahí, ¿ sabes?
'Cause, you know, I've never been to a quinceañera, so...
Nunca he estado en unos XV años,...
I gave you this job because you know the town, its people, and to make sure that the crocodiles at Black Lake don't cause any problems.
Te di este trabajo porque conocías el pueblo, su gente, y para que te aseguraras de que los cocodrilos de Lago Negro no causen problemas.
'Cause, you know, if my mom wasn't okay, I wasn't okay.
Porque, mirad, si no era mi madre la que estaba mal, era yo.
And I know,'cause I tried once. [gags ] [ gags]
porque lo intenté una vez. ¡ Max!
Oh, that's good to know,'cause I'd hate to think I had amateurs in my house.
Oh! ... es bueno saberlo, porque odiaría pensar que tengo un amateur dentro de mi casa.
Yeah. You know, I really think that I want to talk to Lori about it,'cause she's been very sensitive about the whole thing.
Sí, creo que me gustaría hablarlo con Lori... porque ha estado muy sensible por este asunto.
I don't know how much longer I'm going to have cell phone reception,'cause I'm going to Topanga to see my friend with the chickens.
No sé cuánto tiempo tendré recepción en el móvil... porque voy a Topanga a ver a mi amigo, el de los pollos.
cause i love you 40
cause i can't 21
cause i don't 63
cause i'm 64
cause i do 33
cause i just 26
cause it's 61
cause i 215
cause i am 21
cause it 25
cause i can't 21
cause i don't 63
cause i'm 64
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cause i just 26
cause it's 61
cause i 215
cause i am 21
cause it 25
cause i'm not 41
cause if you don't 56
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cause if you did 19
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cause if you did 19
cause if you are 29
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cause it's not 20
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cause if so 19
i know 63170
i know you can do it 61
i know you will 227
i know everything 279
i know that 3661
i know you don't like me 31
i know who you are 1036
i know you don't know me 17
i know you can 181
i know 63170
i know you can do it 61
i know you will 227
i know everything 279
i know that 3661
i know you don't like me 31
i know who you are 1036
i know you don't know me 17
i know you can 181
i know you 1720
i know how you feel 379
i know you're tired 50
i know it 1515
i know it's been a while 32
i know what it is 314
i know you're scared 181
i know what you mean 503
i know her 343
i know that's right 19
i know how you feel 379
i know you're tired 50
i know it 1515
i know it's been a while 32
i know what it is 314
i know you're scared 181
i know what you mean 503
i know her 343
i know that's right 19