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Come to mama translate Spanish

1,505 parallel translation
Please come to Mama.
Por favor, ven con Mamá.
Ah, you can come to mama's any time you want.
Ah, puedes venir a casa de mamá siempre que quieras.
Come to mama. Okay, time. "Come to mama" bums me a little.
Un momento. "Ven con mamá" me bloquea un poco.
When she's recovered, come over to Daian's.
Si mamá se estabiliza, yo voy a estar comiendo en lo de Daian... venite...
So that's why you want my mother to come over?
¿ Por eso quieres que venga mamá?
I mean, everybody and their mama knew that you don't just come up and talk to Miles Davis.
Todo el mundo sabía que no podías acercarte a Miles Davis y hablarle.
Your mama used to come here a lot.
Tu mamá venía mucho a este lugar.
Oh come on mom. Am I supposed to organise weddings?
Oh, vamos, mamá, ¿ tengo que organizar bodas?
I mean, you hear about these things, you read about it in the papers, but you don't expect to come home to it on your own doorstep with your own mom!
Quiero decir, se oyen de estas cosas lo lees en el periódico, pero no esperas encontrártelo en tu casa en tu puerta, de tu propia mamá.
Come with me, darling. Do you want to go too?
- Pero Vení con mamá. ¿ Querés ir con ellos?
I'm not going to school for a week. My teacher said it's OK. Mum said we had to come here together.
Yo voy a faltar una semana a la escuela, la señorita me dio permiso, mamá ya habló todo, que teníamos que viajar juntas.
Young-shin, Mom says to come in!
¡ Young-shin, mamá dice que entres!
Come on Rita, you have to throw rice at mom and dad.
Vamos Rita, tienes que tirar arroz a mamá y papá.
You could have come over to Mum's place with me.
Pudiste haber venido a lo de Mama conmigo.
She can go to hell, so Mum can come back.
Se puede ir a infierno, así mama vuelve contigo.
Sweet Face, come to mommy!
¡ Carita dulce, ven con mamá!
Mom didn't come out to say goodbye.
Mi mamá no salió a despedirse.
Ma can't come, she has to cook.
Mí mamá no puede ír. Ella tíene que cocínar.
"I want you to come up and meet my mom."
Quiero que vengas y conozcas a mi mamá.
There's an important meeting tonight, so tell your mom to come, okay?
Hay una importante reunión a la noche, dile a mama que venga, ¿ si?
Come over here to Mommy.
Ven aquí con Mamá.
Come to Mommy.
- Ven con mamá.
Come to mommy
Ven con Mamá.
Come, I'll go and speak to your Mom.
Hablaré con tu mamá.
Come on, Momma, we got to close this deal.
Ven mamá, vamos a cerrar el trato.
She asked Mom to come over.
Le pidió a mamá que fuera.
- Mom, come up to the curb.
- Mamá, sube a la acera.
Ma wants you to come for supper Sunday.
Mamá quiere que vayas a cenar el domingo.
She may even want to come too.
¿ Mi mamá? Es capaz de hasta querer ir también.
Mom and dad had asked me to come home to celebrate Lodi ( festival ).
Mamá y papá quieren que vuelva para a celebrar el Lodi ( festival ).
Come to Mommy, Snickers.
Ven con mamá, Snickers.
I said, "I'll come back later, mom, to see you, to take you with me."
Le dije : "Vengo después, mamá. Vendré a verte, a buscarte."
Come to mommy.
Ven con mamá.
Mom and Dad had asked me to come home to celebrate Lodi
Mama y papá habían pedido que viniera a casa a celebrar Lodi
Sweetheart, don't worry. Go to your mother. Calm down, come over here.
Mijita, tranquila usted, venga, donde su mamá, tranquilita, venga pá acá.
Come to think of it, they have nurses who are much prettier than your mom.
Ahora que lo pienso, hay enfermeras que soy más guapas que tu mamá.
But even if Mommy forgot... Someone will definitely come to take her away.
Pero, aunque Mamá se haya olvidado seguro alguien vendrá a llevársela.
Mom, come on. I don't want you to do anything.
Mamá, por favor, no hagas nada.
All the good things about your mom are going to come back to you.
Todas las cosas buenas de tu mamá van a volver a ti.
It's Dad's birthday tomorrow night. Mom wants you to come.
Mañana cumple años papá, mamá quiere que vayas.
'Cause Mom's over, and she's talking to me a lot, so... maybe you could come home now?
Porque vino mamá y me está hablando mucho, así que ¿ quizá ya podrías venir a casa?
"But, Mom, you promised you'd come to my soccer game."
"Pero mamá, me prometiste venir a mi partido de fútbol"
Christ, Mom, I told you not to come...
Cristo, mamá, Le dije que no vinieras...
Yeah? Does your mom come to all your games?
¿ Tu mamá va a todos los juegos?
Come on, man, it's not fair to us or your mom.
Vamos, chico, eres injusto con nosotros y tu mamá.
Come on, ma, you need to keep up your strength too.
Vamos, mamá, necesitas estar fuerte.
Enough to go to prison for her? Or did you hate the mom so much you made the song come true?
¿ U odiabas tanto a la mamá que hiciste realidad la canción?
Hey, the next time my mom asks me to help around the house, I could come live with your family.
La próxima vez que mi mamá me pida que ayude en la casa, podría ir a vivir con tu familia.
Oh no, it's the man-boy who killed Mommy! He's come to kill us now.
Oh no, es el niño que mató a mamá vino a matarnos ahora
Oh, mom, I would love to come home with you!
Oh, mamá, ¡ adoraría volver a casa contigo!
I want to be a wife, and a mom to this baby and to Joey, and I can't do that if I don't know whether I'm gonna come home every day.
quiero tener una vida, y ser una mama para este bebe y para Joey y no puedo saber si voy a regresar a casa cada dia.

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