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It comes from the stern.
Viene de la popa.
For instance, sentence structure comes from Latin.
La estructura lógica, por ejemplo, viene del latín.
Where do you think it all comes from?
¿ De dónde crees que todo viene?
My father, Sorrell Raskov, comes from a sacred line of wise men and scholars who have guided the people of this region for generations.
Mi padre, Sorrell Raskov, desciende de hombres sabios y eruditos que han guiado a la gente durante generaciones.
- Out of nowhere, this phone call comes from the music editor, Torn Carlin, who I had worked with on "C.H.I.P.S."
De la nada, recibí una llamada... Alan Silvestri Compositor del editor musical, Tom Carlin, con quien había trabajado en C.H.I.P.S.
- I wonder if she comes from a single-parent home.
Me pregunto si tendrá un padre soltero en su casa.
I will write down what comes from her to satisfy my remembrance the more the better.
Anotaré lo que sale de ella. Para satisfacer mis recuerdos mejor.
But if you refine it more closely The inequality comes from the extreme wealth in a tiny sector of the population, a fraction of one percent.
La desigualdad viene de la extrema riqueza en un pequeño sector de la población,
Because if you look at the wealth distribution, the inequality mostly comes from super wealth.
Porque si ves la distribución de la riqueza, La desigualdad, en su mayoría proviene de la extrema riqueza.
By now, in more than half the states, most of the funding for the colleges comes from tuition, not from the state.
Ahora, en más de la mitad de los Estados, la mayor parte de la financiación Para las universidades, proviene de matrículas, no del Estado.
I figured somebody else will sooner or later so it's better if it comes from me.
Me imaginé que alguien más lo hará tarde o temprano... así que es mejor si viene de mí.
Have it served this winter. Half of the lambs comes from the beast.
Tuve servicio este invierno... y la mitad de los corderos provienen de la bestia.
They will hear reason, especially when it comes from a voice they can trust.
Entrarán en razón, en especial si lo dice alguien en quien pueden confiar.
But that comes from believing in luck or believing in the power of attraction or believing in attracting the goodness into ones life.
Pero eso viene de creer en la suerte... o creer en el poder de la atracción... o creer en... atraer la bondad a la vida de uno.
She just comes from detective and Office East.
Es una detective recién transferida del Distrito Este.
But I guess that's where the old saying comes from.
Pero me imagino que de ahí viene el viejo dicho.
In German it is called "Alraune" and comes from the term "raunen".
En alemán la palabra "Alraune" proviene del término "raunen".
The first comes from "alb," and the German word "nightmare".
La primera proviene de "alb", en alemán significa "pesadilla".
He comes from the land of JELL-O,
El viene de la tierra de Jell-O,
When the money comes from Delhi I'll send it through Mukhiya
Cuando el dinero venga de Delhi, te lo enviaré a través de Ivlukhiyaji.
Fact is, caviar comes from saltwater sturgeon...
El esturión, de donde viene el caviar... -... vive en el mar.
Suicide is the gravest sin of all, you see, because it comes from despair, the lack of faith in the mercy of God.
El suicido es el más grave de todos los pecados, sabes, porque viene de la desesperanza, la ausencia de fe en la piedad de Dios.
But this comes from the very top, it's absolutely hush-hush, you're to tell no one.
Pero esto viene de las más altas esferas, es absolutamente secreto, no se lo cuentes a nadie.
Most of the contact down to the south comes from small arms or people observing the hotel with binoculars, filming us.
La mayoría del contacto en el sur es de armas pequeñas o de gente que observa el hotel con binoculares y nos filma.
The name is derived from the sun, the magic power comes from its rays.
El nombre deriva del sol, porque sus poderes mágicos derivan de sus rayos.
Your reply to Flint will be significantly more effective if it comes from me personally.
Tu respuesta hacia Flint será significativamente más efectiva si viene a tráves de mí.
Hearing Jesus comes from Galilee, Pilate wants his blood on my hands.
Al saber que es de Galilea, Pilato quiere su sangre en mis manos.
Because the fin, or whatever the fuck, it comes from one factory in one state.
Porque la aleta, o como coño se llame, viene de una fábrica de un estado.
And then this little round fucking window comes from another place.
Y la puta ventanita redonda viene de otro sitio.
The models are only as good as the data that you put into them, and the data comes from the polling companies.
El modelo resulta de los datos de las encuestas.
That comes from the president.
Lo dice la presidente.
He comes from a totally different world than your mom.
Viene de un mundo totalmente diferente que el de tu madre.
Monica, we may never know what indecipherable Chinese province Jian-Yang comes from, but I know this much,
Mónica, puede que nunca sepamos de qué indescifrable provincia China viene Jian-Yang, pero sí sé esto,
Finally, someone comes in from another country and actually asks about culture and history.
Finalmente, llega alguien de otro país... y pregunta sobre cultura e historia.
This morning, my sermon comes to you from the book of...
Hoy, les traigo un sermón que está en el libro...
The call from God comes to us without any intervention of our will.
La experiencia de Dios nos llega sin que intervenga nuestra propia voluntad.
He comes home early from bowling while his skinny white wife is still out with her girlfriends, and I suck his dick until tears come to my eyes.
Viene temprano de los bolos mientras su mujer blanca y flaca sigue con las amigas, y se la chupo hasta que me salen lágrimas de los ojos.
Your father comes here from time to time for our special oils.
Tu padre viene de vez en cuando para tomar nuestros aceites.
- From every difficulty comes opportunity.
De cada dificultad surge una oportunidad.
And there's an ogre that comes out from underneath the bridge.
Y hay un ogro que sale de debajo del puente.
As I was walking around, I remember a kid that I was friends with growing up in elementary school, my only friend from elementary school comes up to me, and his name was Danny.
Mientras estaba caminando, recuerdo un niño que estaba con sus amigos creciendo en la escuela primaria, mi único amigo de escuela primaria vino hacia mi, y su nombre era Dany.
Everything comes either directly or indirectly from the soil, as you can look around you, there certainly is plenty of it.
Todo viene ya sea directamente o indirectamente del suelo, como se puede mirar a su alrededor, ciertamente hay un montón de él.
This shit just comes to me from the universe.
Esta mierda viene a mí del universo.
The next day he comes to school with the weapon from his father and kills his teacher and eighteen others.
Al día siguiente el mismo chico llega a la escuela con la pistola de su padre y mata a su profesor y a otros 18.
It's around that time when Yuuta comes to talk to me about what I would be doing from then on in Komori.
Es por ese tiempo que Yuuta me vino a hablar sobre que iba a hacer en Komori.
They set the bush alight, kangaroo comes running from the fire straight on the natives'spears.
Ellos dejaron el arbusto encendido. el canguro va directo del fuego a las lanzas de los nativos.
But from it comes a brighter day.
Pero también despertaba feliz.
It comes all from a more corrupt source.
Viene todo de una fuente mas corrupta.
Do you mind if I look at you from time to time in case it comes back?
¿ No te importa si te miro cada tanto para ver si me acuerdo?
From a single seed of discipline comes an entire forest of good behavior.
De una solo semilla de disciplina sale todo un bosque de buen comportamiento.
Yeah, he comes and visits his Aunt Audrey here from time to time.
Sí, él viene aquí a visitar a su tía Audrey de vez en cuando.
from 995
from the bottom of my heart 69
from now on 1905
from your perspective 17
from the very beginning 50
from here on out 107
from the future 31
from time to time 154
from new york 38
from a distance 46
from the bottom of my heart 69
from now on 1905
from your perspective 17
from the very beginning 50
from here on out 107
from the future 31
from time to time 154
from new york 38
from a distance 46
from the heart 21
from what i hear 195
from where 295
from this day forward 62
from this moment 32
from you 300
from the start 66
from your wife 16
from here on 55
from the past 16
from what i hear 195
from where 295
from this day forward 62
from this moment 32
from you 300
from the start 66
from your wife 16
from here on 55
from the past 16