Could have translate Spanish
80,025 parallel translation
We could have been dead.
- Podríamos estar muertos.
We could have done this then.
Podríamos haber abreviado.
I wish... you could have a nice boyfriend across the street
Ojalá... pudieras tener un buen novio al otro lado de la calle
I never did receive a formal education, but I could have sworn I read the last King in the North was Torrhen Stark, who bent the knee to my ancestor, Aegon Targaryen.
Nunca recibí una educación formal, Pero podría haber jurado que leí que el último rey en el norte fue Torrhen Stark, Quien se arrodillo a mi antepasado, Aegon Targaryen.
Daenerys could have sailed for Westeros long ago, but she didn't.
Daenerys podría haber navegado para Westeros hace mucho tiempo, pero no lo hizo.
You could have infected yourself and others.
Podrías haberte infectado a ti mismo y a los demás.
You could have devastated the entire Citadel.
Podrías haber devastado toda la Ciudadela.
The other dagger, the one that took her life, I would have stopped that dagger with my own heart if I could have.
La otra daga, la que le quitó la vida, habría detenido esa daga con mi propio corazón si hubiera podido.
And I came here knowing that you could have your men behead me or your dragons burn me alive.
Y vine aquí sabiendo que sus hombres me podrían decapitar o que sus dragones me quemen vivo.
But any one of them could have found your heart and end...
Pero cualquiera de ellos podría haber encontrado su corazón y el final...
Hey? ! You could have cracked some ribs!
¡ Pudiste haberle roto unas costillas!
We have now learned that the President's joke could have led to war with the Soviet Union.
Nos hemos enterado ahora de que la broma del presidente podría haber conducido a la guerra con la Unión Soviética.
You could have a different life.
Podrías tener una vida diferente.
- You could have been killed.
- Podrías haber muerto.
I think Eddie's scared and angry, and if I just could have a few minutes alone with him, I can talk him into dealing.
Creo que Eddie está asustado y enfadado, y si pudieras dejarme a solas con él unos minutos, puedo hacerle entrar en razón.
Could have been.
Puede ser.
It seems like Michael had finally found true love, but nothing could have prepared him for true heartbreak.
Parece que Michael por fin ha encontrado el amor verdadero, pero nada podría haberle preparado para un auténtico desamor.
Holden's connection with the Realm is stronger than I could have realized.
La conexión de Holden con El Reino es más fuerte de lo que hubiera imaginado.
- I could have been killed!
- ¡ Me podrían haber matado!
Well, I'd laugh and I'd say I could have got them for free from my basement.
Me reiría y le diría que se las podría haber dado gratis de mi sótano.
The least you could have done was called.
Lo mínimo que podías haber hecho fue llamar.
I'll admit, this whole situation could have been handled with a bit more decorum, but...
Admito que esta situación, podría haberse manejado con un poco más de decoro, pero...
You performed better than we could have hoped.
Tu actuación ha sido mejor de lo que esperábamos.
It could have been me!
¡ Esta podría haber sido yo!
I could have happily died never knowing that you were one of them.
Podría haber muerto feliz, sin saber que eras uno de ellos.
I just wish you could have mentioned it to me first.
Ojalá me lo hubieras dicho primero a mí.
You could have warned me at the lecture.
Pudiste advertirme en la conferencia.
That money in Tom Larsen's account could have come from anywhere, for any number of reasons.
Ese dinero en la cuenta de Tom Larsen podría haber llegado de cualquier parte, por cualquier razón.
You never could have made yourself President.
Nunca podrías haber llegado a presidente.
Only I could have done that.
Solo yo pude haber hecho eso.
It could have been yours.
podría haber sido tuyo.
I could have given it to you.
Yo podría habértelo dado.
I could have made you President.
Yo podría haberte hecho presidente.
You've survived more in this town than anyone could have ever expected.
Has sobrevivido más en esta ciudad de lo que nadie hubiera podido esperar.
President? Should I respect you, A man who could have arrested his son's killer,
¿ Debo respetarle, al hombre que podía haber arrestado al asesino de su hijo, pero cambió esa oportunidad por un barato revolcón en el heno?
Who could have imagined that one remote-controlled toy was capable of generating so much fear.
Quién podía imaginar que un juguete a control remoto era capaz de generar tanto miedo.
What better guarantee could you have that the things you say will never leave this room?
¿ Qué mejor garantía podría tener Que las cosas que dices nunca saldrán de esta habitación?
What could you possibly have to be upset about?
¿ Qué podría molestarte ahora?
Hmm. You don't have any inside information you could share with me?
¿ No tienes ninguna información privilegiada que puedas compartir conmigo?
You could not have done more.
No pudiste haber hecho más.
Oh, if you could only know how long the wheels have been in motion to bring you to Rosewood.
Si sólo pudieras saber... cuánto tiempo han estado en movimiento los engranajes... para traerte a Rosewood.
'Cause that's, like, the coolest job that anybody's dad could ever have.
Porque es el trabajo más guay que un padre podría tener.
Could I just have some water, please?
¿ Podrías darme agua, por favor?
I mean, could you have ever imagined?
¿ Podrías haberlo imaginado alguna vez?
But it would have to be somebody who really knew his stuff... somebody who I could trust... someone who,
Pero debería ser alguien que realmente conociera sus cosas... Alguien en quien yo pudiera confiar... Alguien qué,
Jake believes my father might have some bigger plan, and that Jennifer could be the key to figuring it out.
Jake cree que mi padre podría tener un plan más grande y que Jennifer podría ser la clave para averiguarlo.
But I guess you'd have to be to think you could actually be president someday.
Pero supongo que debías serlo si creíste que podrías en realidad llegar a ser presidenta algún día.
I don't have anything to slice and dice with, but I could just watch until your organs shut down from lack of oxygen due to blood loss.
No tengo nada con lo que hacerte picadillo, pero podría mirar hasta que tus órganos se te paren por falta de oxígeno o pérdida de sangre.
You have to say you're not running... and that you're not planning to run, but you could be convinced to run.
Tienes que decir que no te vas a presentar... y que no planeas presentarte, pero que podrían convencerte para presentarte.
Because I have to save mellie. I wish you could put whatever this is aside and help me.
Ojalá pudieras dejar todo eso de lado y ayudarme.
I have a briefing I could use your help with.
Tengo una reunión en la que me podría servir tu ayuda.
could have fooled me 27
could have been worse 33
could have been 24
could have been a lot worse 17
have some 140
have 400
haven 52
have a wonderful day 25
have a nice day 823
have a good day 670
could have been worse 33
could have been 24
could have been a lot worse 17
have some 140
have 400
haven 52
have a wonderful day 25
have a nice day 823
have a good day 670
have a nice weekend 44
have you eaten yet 24
have a good day at work 18
have a good weekend 70
have a good week 16
have a great day 179
have a good flight 33
have a good night 530
have you eaten 167
have a nice evening 85
have you eaten yet 24
have a good day at work 18
have a good weekend 70
have a good week 16
have a great day 179
have a good flight 33
have a good night 530
have you eaten 167
have a nice evening 85