Especially right now translate Spanish
160 parallel translation
Especially right now, after a week in Brisbane.
Especialmente ahora, después de una semana en Brisbane.
Especially right now.
Sobre todo en este momento.
Especially right now.
Sobre todo en un momento como éste.
Especially right now.
Sobre todo ahora.
- I don't wanna figure it out, especially right now, okay?
No quiero resolverlo, especialmente ahora, ¿ está bien?
Especially right now.
Especialmente ahora.
Well, like I said, we have to be very careful with the information we release, especially right now.
Digo que tenemos que tener cuidado con las noticias que damos. -... Especialmente ahora.
Especially right now.
En este momento. Principalmente en este momento.
Is that really something her whitelighter needs to deal with, especially right now?
sobre todo ahora?
The news is saying get home and off the streets as soon as possible, especially right now.
En el noticiero dicen que todos deben regresar a sus casas lo antes posible, especialmente ahora.
Especially right now.
Y menos ahora.
- I think it would suck especially to go home right now.
Creo que seria horrible irse, especialmente ahora.
But right now if I were to plead my own case... I think I'd win... especially if the jury encouraged me with a smile!
Aunque si ahora tuviera que defender mi propia causa creo que ganaría ¡ especialmente si el jurado me alienta con su sonrisa!
You don't have the right, especially now, with so many secrets to protect.
Usted no puede morirse, en especial ahora, cuando usted conoce tantos secretos.
Life is especially dear to me right now... and I'm not going to leave mine on some beach in France... just to satisfy your grotesque sense of service loyalty.
La vida me sonríe justo ahora... y no la quiero perder en ninguna playa de Francia... sólo para satisfacer tu sentido grotesco de lealtad al servicio.
All right. Especially now, the way things are going for us. All right, furniture.
Sobre todo tal y como nos están yendo las cosas ¿ Muebles?
Unfortunately, my pal and I don't especially have sex in mind right now.
¡ Por desgracia, mi compañero y yo en este momento no estamos pensando en sus coños!
I know how you feel, especially due to what just happened but right now we are ready to drop millions of lethal pellets without harming the population or plant life.
Simpatizo con usted, sobre todo ahora pero ya estamos preparados a descargar pelotillas venenosas que no dañarán ni la población ni las plantas.
What happens next has to do with the drinking habits of the people who live here, in and around the city of Munich in southern Germany, and especially, what's going on right now, about 50 feet above my head :
Lo que sucedió luego tiene que ver con los hábitos de bebida de la gente que vive aquí, en las afueras de la ciudad de Múnich en el sur de Alemania, y especialmente, con lo que está sucediendo justo ahora, cerca de 50 pies sobre mi cabeza :
There's no place as exciting for Dane right now as Rome... especially with Vatican II going on, and Ralph the aide to Pope John.
No hay lugar más emocionante en el mundo para Dane que Roma... especialmente ahora que Ralph es el ayudante del papa Juan.
Yeah, especially since Matthews doesn't have a job anywhere in this part of the state right now.
Sí, sobre todo porque Matthews no tiene trabajo... en ninguna parte del estado ahora mismo.
They don't want another martyr right now, especially not a woman.
No quieren otro mártir. Especialmente si es una mujer.
All right. Well, we'd better eat up what chow we got now. It's gonna be pretty tough going, especially on the kids and the old women.
Bien, pero será mejor que comamos va a ser difícil, especialmente para los niños y la vieja.
You know, speaking of change... change can be a very positive thing in one's life... especially unexpected change, which funnily enough... we'll be talking about right now.
Sabes, hablando de cambio, el cambio puede ser algo muy positivo en la vida de uno, especialmente si es inesperado, como el del que curiosamente vamos a hablar ahora mismo.
Well, as an adolescent, everything annoys me, especially the sound of your voice right now.
Bueno, como adolescente, todo me molesta. En especial, el sonido de tu voz.
No, this not the kind of information Tanya needs right now, especially from people she just met who are telling her some three-eyed demon wants to suck the life out of her.
No es la información que Tanya necesita ahora y menos si nos acaba de conocer y le hablamos de un demonio de tres ojos que le quiere succionar la vida.
This is huge for us, especially if I can knock this one out right now. One.
He arreglado con mi tío unos coches un par de veces, pero nunca hice algo como esto.
Not that you're especially witty right now.
No es que tu seas especialmente ingenioso ahora
Oh, good. I mean, I could have been wrong. I just... I'm in a relationship right now, and, um, I'm not looking for anything else, especially from a colleague.
Bien. O sea, me equivoqué. Es sólo...
- Especially not right now.
- No, ahora no especialmente.
I think it's a brilliant idea, especially with the fires right now,'cause a lot of wildlife has been flushed this way.
porque supongo que muchos animales salvajes habrán pasado de este lado.
Especially not right now.
Especialmente no en este momento.
- lncredibly. Especially since Audrey's parents are in Europe right now.
Sí, y más porque los papás de Audrey están de Viaje.
Look, we're too exposed right now. Especially with Jesse.
Estamos muy expuestos, especialmente porJesse.
Especially since the whole driving thing's got to be somewhat of a sore spot for you right now.
No, lo son. ¿ Qué?
But you don't understand what kind of job he has, and it's especially bad right now.
Pero tú no estiendes la clase de trabajo que tiene, es especialmente malo ahora.
Must've been a tough decision to join my crew right now... especially with people you love at home.
Debe de ser una decisión difícil unirte a mi grupo ahora especialmente con gente que quieres en tu casa.
SAM : You must be so shocked... especially since your mother's been dead a couple of years now, right?
Usted debe estar tan sorprendido... especialmente desde que su madre ha muerto un par de años, ¿ no?
Especially now that everything's so crazy, all right?
Especialmente ahora que todo está tan loco, ¿ verdad?
I didn't do any of the things you think I did... especially not the thing I think you're cleaning up right now.
No hice ninguna de las cosas que piensa que hice especialmente, esa cosa que creo que está limpiando.
I think that, uh... ( whispers ) : for you especially, right now, this is a real, like... this is a cusp moment.
tambien lo creo, uh... por ti especialmente, ahora mismo, este es de verdad...
Yeah, but not right now. It's okay, go ahead. Unfortunately, waiting for just the right sign to come along can be frustrating, especially when you're in a hurry to conceive.
siga esperar a la señal correcta puede ser frustrante
You're right, I can't deny it. Especially not right now.
Vale, no puedo, y menos ahora
No. I can't focus on anything. Not school right now, especially.
No, no puedo centrarme en nada, y menos en la escuela, ahora mismo.
Last thing they need right now is another enemy to contend with, especially one so formidable.
Lo último que necesitan ahora es otro enemigo con el que enfrentarse especialmente uno tan formidable.
Plus, Amy seems like the kind of girl I could fall for, which is the last thing I need right now, especially since I'm on the verge of failing school.
Además, Amy es el tipo de chica por el que uno se cuelga de verdad..... que es justo lo que menos falta me hace en este momento. En especial porque estoy a puntito de suspender.
And especially if you don't have a father or any parents, you need somebody to pass on some information to you and they can leave an impact on your life, so that's just where I'm going right now.
Especialmente si no tienes padre o madre, necesitas que alguien te explique las cosas y tenga un impacto en tu vida ; eso es lo que quiero hacer ahora.
Now look, the aunt is definitely the key, you're right about that, especially the phone calls between her and Sterling.
Ahora miren, la tía es definitivamente la clave, tienes razón sobre eso, especialmente las llamadas entre ella y Sterling.
Especially with what's going on right now.
Sobre todo con lo que está pasando en este momento.
I - I can't be challenging a federal investigation right now, especially if it involves my brother.
No puedo cuestionar una investigación federal, menos si involucra a mi hermano.
"Aries : calcium is especially important to you right now, Mr. Salt Pepper hair with a maroon car."
"Aries : el calcio es especialmente importante para usted ahora Sr. canoso con un auto marrón".
right now 7642
nowhere 621
now you see me 17
now we're talking 175
now it's your turn 200
now you're talking 179
nowhere to run 17
now is the time 102
now you know 219
now that i think about it 142
nowhere 621
now you see me 17
now we're talking 175
now it's your turn 200
now you're talking 179
nowhere to run 17
now is the time 102
now you know 219
now that i think about it 142
now i'm 51
now's your chance 115
now it's my turn 140
now if you'll excuse me 220
now i am 50
now is not the time 119
now then 570
now look 431
now go 556
now you listen to me 140
now's your chance 115
now it's my turn 140
now if you'll excuse me 220
now i am 50
now is not the time 119
now then 570
now look 431
now go 556
now you listen to me 140