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Everything's different translate Spanish

400 parallel translation
Everything's different out there.
Allí todo es diferente.
Everything's so different here.
Todo es diferente aquí.
And everything in your godfather's house would be different.
La casa de tu padrino iba a cambiar.
Everything's different now.
¿ Te gusta?
With shore-going glasses, everything's going to look quite different.
Todo lucirá diferente con gafas de tierra firme.
But everything's different now. We've got to think about the baby.
Pero ahora tenemos que pensar en el bebé.
Everything looks different. That's the way it happens.
Uno ve todo con otros ojos, así son las cosas.
( Cissie ) Everything's going to be different.
Todo va a ser diferente.
Everything's different.
Todo es diferente.
Everything's going to be different from now on.
Todo va a ser muy distinto de ahora en adelante.
- Oh, but let a fre break out. Then everything's different.
- Pero si hay un incendio, entonces la cosa cambia.
* "by gad, I'm glad I listened to my old dad" * * oh, what a difference the Navy's made to me * * everything you see is different as can be * * they decked me out in a uniform *
Caramba, estoy muy contenta... de haber escuchado a papá... La Armada me ha cambiado por completo... Todo lo que véis ha cambiado...
Clay, it's only.. ─ Look! Since I saw you last, everything is different.
Dios mío, que solemnes estáis los dos, espero no haber interrumpido.
Up in the country, hunger's different, but in the city, everything there... only a piece of glass... between you and what you need.
Aquí en el campo, el hambre es diferente. En la ciudad tienes cuanto quieras... Sólo un pedazo de cristal te separa de lo que necesitas.
But I suppose everything's different Where you come from.
Pero supongo que todo es diferente en el lugar del que vienes.
Ever since Diwali everything's been different.
Desde Diwali todo es diferente.
I'd like to make a promise everything's going to be different.
Me gustaría prometerte que todo va a ser diferente.
They said this would ruin my life, I've told her repeatedly Everything's going to be different when I'm king.
Ella misma dice, que esto destrozará mi vida y es inútil que le repita que todo cambiará cuando sea Rey.
Because everything's so different...
Porque todo es tan diferente...
In color, in line, in everything, it's different.
De color, de línea. Es distinto.
Clock and everything's all different.
El reloj, todo es distinto.
Everything's so different.
Todo es tan distinto.
Everything will be different now, you'II see. I've met all the right people who want to help me. Life's looking up now, mom.
Mamá, verás como ahora todo será diferente, cambiará todo, he conocido a gente justa que quiere ayudarme, verás como todo será diferente ahora empezamos a vivir, empezamos a vivir mamá.
Now everything's different
Ahora es otra cosa
Everything's going to be different.
Todo va a ser diferente.
They say everything's different when you're married.
Se dice que todo es diferente una vez que se está casado.
Everything's different now, my boy.
Todo es diferente ahora, querido.
Everything is different when you belong to a place... when it's yours.
Todo es diferente cuando perteneces a un sitio... cuando es tuyo.
Everything's different from France.
En América todo es diferente.
Everything's different.
Todo es distinto.
- Cos everything's different.
- Todo ha cambiado.
That doesn't matter. Everything's different in Greece.
Eso da igual.
Everything's different here now.
Ahora aquí todo es de otra manera.
Everything's different now.
Ahora todo es diferente.
It's that everything seems different since that evening.
Ahora todo me parece tan diferente.
Everything's so different with you here.
- ¡ Todo es tan diferente contigo aquí!
Gianni knows everything. He's different.
Gianni sabe todo, él es diferente.
- You're right, but I don't know why, but everything's different now.
- Si, pero.. .. ahora no se porqué, pero me parece todo distinto.
No, everything's different.
Everything's totally different.
Lo de ahora es totalmente diferente.
When you think about it, everything in life's so funny, For me, it's all quite different from other people,
Piensa lo rara que es la vida, a mí me va diferente que al resto de la gente,
In here, people love each other, but outside, everything's different You forget all about it.
Aquí dentro nos queremos, y fuera, es diferente, se olvida.
When you think about it, everything in life's so funny. For me, it's all quite different from other people.
Piensa lo rara que es la vida, a mí me va diferente que al resto de la gente,
I mean, it's not just that they're a clique. Everything they think is important is different from other people.
Es decir, no se trata de un grupito lo que piensan los hacen diferentes a las otras personas.
She was all I had. Everything's different now.
Era todo lo que yo tenia.
Everything's different once you're sick.
Todo es diferente, una vez que te enfermas.
Naturally, the name's different, but in everything else, judge for yourself.
Por supuesto, el nombre es diferente. Pero todo lo demás... vea usted mismo.
Of everything that's intriguing, innovative, different.
Todo lo que es intrigante, innovador, diferente.
Well, everything's different now, so it doesn't matter.
Ahora todo es diferente o sea que no Importa.
Everything's different now.
Todo es distinto ahora.
Everything's different in the Slovak State now.
En Eslovaquia todo es distinto ahora.

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