From what i see translate Spanish
776 parallel translation
Good. But I'm going to form my own conclusions from what I see and hear.
Pero voy a sacar mis propias conclusiones...
And from what I see, there's nothing very wrong with you.
Y por lo que vi, usted no tiene nada.
I know from what I see that you are extremely intelligent.
Por lo que veo sé que es usted extremadamente inteligente.
- No. From what I see in the papers, this museum is even better.
Por lo que he visto en los periódicos, este museo es mejor.
As this small desire to work seems to be a family trait, from what I see.
Porque me parece que las pocas ganas de trabajar es algo de familia. Al menos, tal como yo lo veo.
From what I see from my videotape... it was manned by some animated beings, obviously from some planet other than Mars.
Pero si pude verlo en el video. Estaba tripulada por criaturas de otro planeta distinto al de Marte.
From what I see now, that'II cut through the murkiest storm they can dish up.
Por lo que veo ahora, ella iluminaría la más oscura tormenta que haya.
From what I can see, we are not in the map.
Por lo que puedo observar, no estamos dentro del mapa.
" My heart certainly from what I hear and what I see!
" ¡ Mi corazón duda entre lo que oigo y lo que veo!
"From what I've told you, you can see." "The organization has never been in such splendid shape as I have it now."
" Puede constatar que la organización nunca ha sido tan perfecta.
I didn't see the receipts, but from what I heard, it sounded very good.
No vi la recaudación, pero por lo que dicen, fue muy buena.
But anyway, as soon as we land, I'm going to see Madge... and I am going to find out from her just who and what this Tremont person is.
Ni siquiera... No seas ridículo. Cuanto aterricemos preguntaré a Madge quién es la tal Srta. Tremont.
From now on, I'm gonna see what it's like looking out for number one.
De ahora en adelante, veré qué se siente ocuparme de mí mismo.
I can see them from here. What do you mean?
¿ Cómo es eso?
It's far from over from what I can see.
Aquí hay más de lo que vemos.
- Yes. - I see what you want from me.
- Si, entiendo qué quiere de mí.
I hope we land on the half we never see from earth i've always wanted to see her back she knows what is proper
Espero que alunicemos en la cara que nunca se ve desde la Tierra. Siempre me molestó que la luna sólo enseñara esta cara. Es de mala educación volver la espalda.
But I'll see you before I go... and tell you what I find out from old Jim Horton.
Pero la veré antes de irme, y le diré lo que le saque a Jim Horton.
But you see, you were so different from what I expected.
Pero esperaba algo diferente. Estaba...
From what I can see, this is the dining-room and the study-room.
Por Io que veo, aquí es eI cuarto de comer y estudiar.
Well, I can't see what good can come from finding a white monkey.
Bien, no puedo ver lo bueno que puede ser encontrar un mono blanco.
It's a beautiful thing, from what I can see out front.
Es una preciosidad, por lo que se ve desde fuera.
I see what happen to others who run away from de Silva.
Sé lo que pasa a otros que huyen de De Silva.
What do you want to see him about? I'm from the Olympic Mutual Insurance Company.
Soy de la "Olympic Mutual Insurance Company".
If I can make them see something bigger than their own jobs as head of their own locals and what power they get from that...
Si puedo hacerles ver algo más grande que sus propios trabajos como la cabeza de sus propios gobiernos y el poder que pueden conseguir... Puede ser que...
If you will stay by me this evening, you will see that what I say is not always of the greatest importance but, dear, that doesn't keep me from talking.
si te quedas conmigo esta noche, verás que lo que yo digo no siempre tiene gran importacia, pero eso no impide que siga hablando.
If I see Cochise what grows from our talks will be from you too.
Si veo a Cochise lo que salga del diálogo te lo deberemos a ti.
It's where I sit that counts, and from where I sit, I don't like what I see.
Lo que cuenta es donde estoy yo. Y desde aquí, no me gusta lo que veo.
That's what I hoped to find out from Willie Dennis at the hospital, but they wouldn't let me in to see him.
Eso es lo que esperaba sacarle a Willie Dennis en el hospital, pero no me dejarán entrar a verle.
I'll see what I can find out from Sid.
Veré lo que puedo sacarle a Sid.
I'm delighted to see you, but what are you doing so far away from your post?
Es un placer verte, pero, ¿ qué haces tan lejos de tu puesto?
Well, from what I've been told, I see only one way.
Por lo que me han dicho, sólo veo una manera.
But I think it's only fair to warn you I've been approached from every angle including this one of "let's get her loaded and see what happens."
Aunque debo advertirle que ya me han abordado desde todos los ángulos imaginables, incluyendo el de "esperemos que se emborrache y veamos lo que ocurre"
You are right... I see. But tell me, what was the reason that made Sissy to runaway from you?
Tiene toda la razón... yo entiendo. ¿ Pero cual fue el motivo que la hizo huir?
You see, some men take very casually what you and I... and possibly your friend from La Porte, regard as rather serious.
Verás... algunos hombres se toman muy a la ligera lo que tú y yo... y posiblemente tu amigo de La Porte, se un hombre chapado a la antigua.
I like to see what people will do when I take it away from them.
Me gusta ver lo que hace la gente cuando les quito sus pertenencias.
See if you can help me clean this up. Oh, what a difference from when I was a chapel guardian!
A ver si me ayudas a limpiar todo esto. ¡ Ay, qué diferencia de cuando yo era santera!
Apart from that and telling us a few rather pathetic lies about his past life, which most of us do from time to time anyway, I can't see what he's done to justify being thrown into the street.
Aparte de eso y de que él cuente patéticas mentiras de su pasado... algo que muchos hacemos de vez en cuando... no veo qué ha hecho para justificar su expulsión.
From what I can see, the only time you everjoIIy well do any work's when you're on strike.
Por lo que veo, los únicos momentos en que trabajan, es cuando están en huelga.
So you see from what I said, he can't be your cousin.
Si lo mira como le he dicho, no puede ser su primo.
You see what I get the fire from?
¿ No ves con que hago el fuego?
Now, look, george, i'm not knocking you, and i don't see why you all the time gotta knock me. All i'm asking from you is... george, what's the job i've got to do tonight?
¡ Mira George, yo nunca me meto contigo, no sé por qué siempre tienes que pincharme sólo quiero que me digas qué trabajo hay que hacer esta noche.
From what I can see, sir, you are deal with the problems perfectly.
Por lo que veo, controla los problemas perfectamente.
Siempre siento algo cuando veo fotografias de esa época.
From what I could see up there they've got about 50 pieces of medium and heavy armor scattered in and around this town.
Por lo que pude ver allí que tienen alrededor de 50 piezas de mediano y armadura pesada dispersa en los alrededores de esta ciudad,
Tell Don Carmine to come here and tell me personally. And then see what I'll do to him, from my deathbed!
Dile a Don Carmine, que me lo venga a decir a mí... y después vea lo que le hago a punto de muerte.
I don't see what advantage can be drawn from it.
No veo qué ventaja se pueda obtener.
Clean, from what I could see.
Me ha parecido limpio.
Well, from what I could see from the King George V Hospital, - Luton, Bedfordshire, England... - Great.
Según lo que pude ver desde el hospital Rey Jorge V... en Luton, Bedfordshire, Inglaterra... de las mil maravillas.
From what I can see, why don't we summon him to heaven?
No, no, creedme, después os arrepentiríais.
I wonder what a private investigator thinks he's gonna see from out there?
Me pregunto qué cree que va a ver desde allí.
from what i hear 195
from what i gather 25
from what i understand 108
from what i can see 37
from what i can gather 21
from what i can tell 87
from what i've seen 39
from what i saw 24
from what i remember 29
from what i've heard 47
from what i gather 25
from what i understand 108
from what i can see 37
from what i can gather 21
from what i can tell 87
from what i've seen 39
from what i saw 24
from what i remember 29
from what i've heard 47
from what we can tell 21
from what 425
from what i know 24
from what i've read 16
from what i heard 44
i see 10118
i see you 502
i see what you did there 35
i see you every day 16
i see your point 119
from what 425
from what i know 24
from what i've read 16
from what i heard 44
i see 10118
i see you 502
i see what you did there 35
i see you every day 16
i see your point 119
i see how it is 35
i see what you mean 147
i see love 28
i see everything 38
i see it in your eyes 21
i see nothing 55
i see it 648
i see something 64
i see what you're doing 105
i see it now 59
i see what you mean 147
i see love 28
i see everything 38
i see it in your eyes 21
i see nothing 55
i see it 648
i see something 64
i see what you're doing 105
i see it now 59