I seen him translate Spanish
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Gosh, where have I seen him before?
Dios, ¿ dónde lo vi antes?
But I had seen him before.
Pero lo había visto antes.
I haven't seen him in two years.
Llevo dos años sin verlo.
I don't think I've seen him since we landed.
Creo que no lo he visto desde que aterrizamos.
I told him Annie was one of the finest operatives I'd ever seen.
Le dije que Annie era uno de los mejores operativos que había visto.
I ain't seen him in a long time.
No lo he visto desde hace mucho tiempo.
I really thought I'd seen him.
Realmente pensé que lo había visto.
I haven't seen him in years.
Hace años que no lo veo.
I've seen him do it. It's not romantic.
Le he visto hacerlo y eso no es romántico.
Now, I didn't hear what they were saying, but I've never seen Alex look at him that way.
No pude oír lo que decían, pero nunca vi a Alex mirarle de ese modo.
I told him it's crazy, we've been married for 19 years and I've never seen where he's from.
Le dije que es de locos, llevamos 19 años casados y nunca he visto de donde es.
Yes, I've seen him.
Sí, le he visto.
I haven't seen him in a while.
No lo he visto desde hace mucho tiempo.
I haven't seen him.
No lo he visto.
I've seen him in pressure situations before.
Le he visto bajo presión antes.
But I haven't seen him much since we separated.
Pero no lo he visto muy seguido desde que nos separamos
I've tried really hard, but I've never been able to fully connect with him, not in the way that I've seen him connect with you guys today.
Lo he intentano en gran manera, pero nunca he sido capaz de conectarme plenamente con él, no en la forma en que lo vi conectarse con ustedes hoy.
I'm sorry, nobody's seen him.
Lo siento, nadie lo ha visto.
I swear to God I've never seen him, never spoken to him...
Te juro por Dios que nunca le he visto, nunca he hablado con él...
I think I've seen this thing that attacked him before.
Creo que he visto antes a esa cosa que le atacó.
This is weird. I have seen him die a couple of times in movies.
Le vi morirse un par de veces en el cine.
I hadn't seen him since we first dated back at M.I.T.
No le veía desde que salimos juntos por primera vez en el M.I.T.
I haven't seen him since you arrested him.
No le he visto desde que lo arrestaron.
I've seen Zs look better than him.
Hay Z ´ s que se ven mejor que él.
I chartered a boat, poured a couple shots of Irish whiskey, one for me, one for the captain, and then I dared him to sail us somewhere no one's ever seen.
Alquilé un barco, puse un par de tragos de whisky irlandés, uno para mí, uno para el capitán, y entonces lo desafié a navegar por algún lugar que nunca nadie haya visto.
And I've seen him a couple times.
Y lo he visto un par de veces.
I haven't seen him in years.
No lo he visto en años.
I never seen him do nothing like this before.
Nunca antes le había visto hacer algo así.
I've never seen him happier.
Nunca lo vi tan feliz.
I'd never seen him before.
Nunca lo había visto antes.
In fact I'd barely seen him this past week.
De hecho, apenas lo había visto la semana pasada.
Oh, I haven't seen him in a while.
No lo he visto hace tiempo.
I've not seen him in days.
No lo he visto en días.
There's a naked man in your bathroom, and I hope it's your father, which means I've seen him naked before I've seen you naked, so I'm just going home.
Hay un hombre desnudo en tu baño, y espero que sea tu padre, lo que significa que le he visto desnudo antes de verte desnudo, así que voy a irme a casa.
I've seen him before.
lo he visto antes.
Well, because if I hid it on him, everyone would have seen it.
- Porque si lo ponía encima lo verían.
I haven't seen him, either.
Tampoco lo he visto.
Can I be a rodeo doctor who's seen too many head injuries and it's driving him to drink?
¿ Puedo ser un médico de rodeos que ha visto muchas lesiones de cabeza y eso lo está llevando a beber?
I haven't seen him.
No le he visto.
# I've seen him, I've seen him
# Yo lo he visto, yo lo he visto,
I knew I'd seen him somewhere but I didn't know where,
Sabía que le había visto en algún lugar, pero no sabía dónde, y cuando...
I've never seen him move so fast.
Nunca lo vi moverse tan rápido.
I've seen him before.
Le he visto antes.
I have the most expensive nephrologist in New York, so- yeah, but according to your chart you haven't seen him since January.
Tengo la más cara nefrólogo en Nueva York, así que... Sí, pero de acuerdo a su carta usted refugio y apos ; t lo ha visto desde enero.
I've barely seen him.
Apenas le vi.
I've seen him before.
Yo le he visto antes.
I haven't seen him all morning.
No le ho visto en toda la mañana.
Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him.
Ahora que lo mencionas, yo no tengo lo he visto.
I've never seen him before in my life.
No lo había visto en mi vida.
Have you seen him before? I don't know.
- ¿ Lo ha visto antes?
you think he's famous? i think i've seen him play i think i've seen him play some type of sport or something.
Sí, lo he visto jugar algún deporte.
i seen it 25
seen him 16
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
i see 10118
seen him 16
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
i see 10118
i see you 502
i see what you did there 35
i see your point 119
i see you every day 16
i see how it is 35
i see what you mean 147
i see love 28
i see everything 38
i see it in your eyes 21
i see nothing 55
i see what you did there 35
i see your point 119
i see you every day 16
i see how it is 35
i see what you mean 147
i see love 28
i see everything 38
i see it in your eyes 21
i see nothing 55