From yourself translate Spanish
3,033 parallel translation
You're paying me to protect you, right now most likely from yourself.
Me pagas por protegerte, en este momento de ti mismo.
I'm protecting you from yourself.
Te estoy protegiendo de tí mismo.
You turned from yourself, when you made attempt upon Ilithyia.
Te alejaste tú misma, cuando atentaste contra Ilithyia.
My advice to you is that you stand up for yourself and separate yourself from this damn criminal family.
Mi consejo es que seas independiente y te separes de esa maldita familia de delincuentes.
and save yourself from pre-calc fatality.
y salvarte de una fatalidad en pre-cálculo.
When you got the word that your cancer has spread, you shut yourself of from the world.
Cuando tienes la palabra que su cáncer se ha diseminado, usted mismo de cierre del mundo.
Look, why don't you just remove yourself from her presence?
Mira, ¿ por qué no simplemente te alejas de su presencia?
Just so as you don't launch yourself into space from over your own wheels.
Sólo mientras no te lances hacía el espacio... sobre tus propias ruedas.
It's a chance to share so that if, for example, you're someone like me, you don't stuff yourself just to keep from telling your family your problems.
Es una oportunidad para compartir si es que, por ejemplo eres alguien como yo, que no se atiborra sólo para evitar contarle tus problemas a tu familia.
You have to detach yourself from everything you see.
Tienes que desvincularte de todo lo que ves.
You could have done anything, jumped a guard, fire-bombed your cell, heck, you could have took a page from your own playbook and made yourself a gun.
Podrías haber hecho cualquier cosa, asaltar a un guardia, hacer explotar tu celda, diablos, podrías haber cogido una página de tu propio libro y fabricarte un arma.
Where do you think this inability to forgive yourself comes from?
¿ De dónde piensa usted que viene esta incapacidad de perdonarse?
If you were to steal the dagger, then you would control the Dark One yourself, and then no one would be able to take your son away from you.
Si robaras esa daga, controlarías al Tenebroso tú mismo, entonces nadie podría quitarte a tu hijo.
Through this missing ring, you have linked yourself with a schizophrenic, a man who's unable to distinguish fantasy from reality.
A través de este anillo perdido, Ud. se ha vinculado a un esquizofrénico, un hombre incapaz de discernir entre fantasía y realidad.
Because no matter what you freed yourself from, you only get so far down the open road, car windows down, music blasting, before you're forced to take a turn, make a choice and sentence yourself to the next adventure.
Porque no importa de qué te alimentes, simplemente llega tan lejos como te permita la carretera, baja las ventanillas, la música a tope, antes de forzarte a tener una oportunidad, hacer una elección. y sentenciarte a ti mismo a la aventura siguiente.
Ask yourself, is there anything I wouldn't do to stop that from happening?
¿ Te parece que no haría Io imposible para que no sucediera?
But please, M'gann, from now on, just be yourself.
Pero por favor, M'gann, desde ahora, sólo se tu misma.
- Tim, you got away from yourself.
- Tim, estabas fuera de sí.
Don't you find it interesting that as you try to convince yourself that you need to stay to work something out, some unfinished case, that your subconscious changes your dream from one simple closed case to one you need to reopen in order to find justice?
¿ No encuentra interesante que mientras intenta convencerse de que tiene que quedarse para arreglar algo, un caso sin terminar, su subconsciente cambie su sueño de un simple caso cerrado por uno que tiene que reabrir para conseguir justicia?
You know, sometimes I did feel like you held a part of yourself back from me.
Sabes, algunas veces sentí que me ocultabas una parte de ti.
You were trying to save yourself from the penury that is about to consume you.
Estabas tratando de salvarte a ti misma de las penurias... que están por consumirte.
The contract Hannah Geist signed with Lucas... prevents you from selling her diseases, but a... but a virus you built and patented yourself would remain your property even if it passed through her body.
El contrato que Hannah Geist firmó con Lucas previene que vendas sus enfermedades, pero un... pero un virus que tú creaste y patentaste sería de tu propiedad aun habiendo pasado por el cuerpo de ella.
You must set yourself free from me.
Debe liberarte de mí.
I gave you that to protect yourself from Blackwell.
Yo te di eso para que te protejas de Blackwell.
If you admit that you defied orders from a senior Raven you yourself will have to cover any medical bills and God knows what else from these youths.
Si usted admite que desafió las órdenes de un cuervo alto usted mismo tendrá que cubrir los gastos médicos y Dios sabe que más de estos jóvenes.
My parents have come back from out of town I'll be back in an hour maximum You take care of yourself
Mis padres han vuelto a la ciudad. Estaré de vuelta en una hora como mucho. Contrólate.
Untangle yourself... from its grip.
Desenrédate... de su control.
I mean, they range from you pouring petrol all over yourself on stage and committing suicide to taking a drug overdose and dying in prison.
Desde que te echaste gasolina encima del escenario... hasta que te suicidaste o una sobredosis en la prisión...
Do you remember going to retrieve me from St. Claire's by yourself, without Peter?
¿ Recuerdas sacarme del St. Claire por ti misma, sin Peter?
Just, from now on, just keep all that nonsense to yourself'cause I don't want to hear it anymore.
De ahora en adelante, guárdate esas tonterías para ti no quiero escucharlas más.
You can shut yourself off from all that if you want to- - I mean, that's your choice- - but don't call that living.
Puedes aislarte de todo eso si quieres, es decisión tuya... pero no digas que eso es vivir.
Remove yourself from fucking path.
Aléjate del puto camino.
But one that would end all hope of rising from the shit you have mired yourself in.
Pero una que terminaría con la esperanza de levantarse de la mierda en la que tú mismo te has metido.
Remove yourself from fucking sight.
Quítate de mi puta vista.
From now on, I want you to make yourself sexually available to me at all times.
De ahora en adelante, quiero que estés sexualmente a mi disposición en todo momento.
- Yeah. You give it to yourself, what's to stop you from ODing?
Tú mismo te medicas, ¿ cómo no te das una sobredosis?
Guys, please help yourself to some drinks from the fridge.
Chicos, por favor sírvanse algo para beber del refrigerador.
You have to promise yourself that you learn from it.
Tienes que prometerte a ti mismo que aprendes de ello.
Well, get yourself to the marina, skipper, because there's one about a mile from the crime scene.
Bien, ve al puerto, capitán, porque ahí estarás a kilómetro y medio de la escena del crimen.
Oh, well, thank you - - that means an awful lot coming from a top sports psychologist such as yourself. Oh.
Bueno, gracias... significa mucho viniendo de una gran psicoanalista deportiva como tú.
Hey, can't stop the whole world from judging you, but you can be clear when judging yourself.
Oye, no puedes detener a todo el mundo que quiera juzgarte, pero puedes ser sincero cuando te juzgues a ti mismo.
Is that a message to yourself from 1988?
¿ Te mandaron un mensaje en 1988?
Trying to keep you from getting yourself killed.
Intentando que no te maten.
You managed to get yourself fired from most of those.
Te las arreglaste para que te despidieran de la mayoría de ellos.
So, um, 10 years from now, where do you see yourself?
Dime... ¿ dónde te ves a ti misma en diez años?
Couldn't you tear yourself away from your mistress?
¿ No podrías apartarte de tu amante?
I'm a doctor, if you're sick I have to treat you, keep you from killing yourself
Soy médico. Si te enfermas, tengo que tratarte y evitar que te suicides.
Even in a WITSEC wing, we can't protect you from who you're projecting yourself to be.
Incluso en un ala de Witsec no podemos protegerte. de quién te estes proyectando ser
They call it "The Teacher" because while you're tripping on it, you're supposed to ask yourself these questions and shit, and the answers come from with inside your brain, man.
La llaman "la maestra" porque cuando estás volando con ella se supone que tienes que hacerte todas estas preguntas y la respuesta sale de tu cerebro.
From now on, if you got a problem, figure it out yourself.
De ahora en adelante, si tienes un problema, arréglatelas tú solo.
But, if you shoot yourself, it would be called a suicide while on duty and someone from your family will be given a job.
Pero, si te disparan, lo que se llamaría un suicidio Mientras estaba de servicio y un representante de su familia se le dará un trabajo.
yourself 387
yourself included 25
from the bottom of my heart 69
from now on 1905
from your perspective 17
from the very beginning 50
from here on out 107
from the future 31
from time to time 154
from new york 38
yourself included 25
from the bottom of my heart 69
from now on 1905
from your perspective 17
from the very beginning 50
from here on out 107
from the future 31
from time to time 154
from new york 38
from a distance 46
from the heart 21
from what i hear 195
from the start 66
from where 295
from you 300
from this day forward 62
from this moment 32
from your wife 16
from here on 55
from the heart 21
from what i hear 195
from the start 66
from where 295
from you 300
from this day forward 62
from this moment 32
from your wife 16
from here on 55