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Get away from her translate Spanish

1,073 parallel translation
Oh, get away from her.
¡ Estate quieto!
Get away from her.
Aléjate de ella.
I said, get away from her.
Dije que se aleje de ella.
Get away from her.
Aléjese de ella.
Hey, get away from her!
¡ Aléjate de ella! ¡ Eh!
Get away from her, human.
Aléjese de ella, humano.
- Get away from her. Get away!
- Aléjate de ella. ¡ Aléjate!
- Get away from her!
- ¡ Aléjate de ella!
- Get away from her.
- Aléjate de ella.
I must get away from her.
Debo alejarme de ella.
- Get away from her, kid.
Aléjate de ella, chico.
Get away from her!
Aléjate de ella.
Get away from her.
Apártate de ella.
Get away from her.
Te he dicho que la dejes.
Get away from her, Dave.
Huye de ella, Dave.
I should have gone to camp this summer just to get away from her.
Debí haber ido de campamento este verano, para alejarme de ella.
I had to get away from her before I got burnt.
Tenía que zafarme de ella antes de quemarme.
You get away from her!
¡ Aléjate de ella!
- Get away from her.
Aléjate de ella.
- Get away from her!
- ¡ Aléjese de ella!
Just help me get away from her.
¡ Ayúdame a dejar a Magda!
You. Get away from her.
Tú, apártate de ella.
- Get away from her!
- ¡ Al? jate de ella!
And just to get away from her frumpy middle-aged life... she used to take me to every ballet that came to town.
Para escapar de su vida de cuarentona desaliñada... ella me llevaba a cuanto espectáculo de ballet había.
When Tashi can get away from her chores she and Olivia hide in my hut.
Cuando Tashi acaba sus tareas domésticas, se esconde con Olivia en mi cabaña.
Get away from her, you bitch!
¡ Déjala en paz, perra!
Get her away from Blackwood Castle, and do it now!
¡ Sácala de Blackwood Castle, y hazlo ya!
Get that gun away from her.
Aleje el arma de ella.
Her only cure is to get away from this place, too.
Su única cura es alejarse de aquí, también.
If we could get her away from Frank, she could be a major kisser.
Si pudiésemos alejarla de Frank, aprendería a besar bien.
You can be my business manager and my lawyer... if you can get her copy of the will away from that girl.
Será mi administrador y mi abogado si logra quitarle la copia del testamento a la chica.
If you don't keep her away from me, you can get yourself another man.
Si no la mantienes alejada de mí, puedes buscarte a otro hombre.
This is a crucial moment, because they have to swim across open water to get to a safe hiding place so she dare not let his attention wander away from her.
Es un momento crucial, deben nadar en aguas abiertas y esconderse y no puede permitir que pierda interés en ella.
Get her away from here.
¡ Sáquenla de aquí!
Get her away from here. Take her away.
¡ Sáquenla de aquí!
Get her away from here.
¡ Ya! ¡ Sal de aquí!
Get away from her, kid.
Aléjate de ella, chico.
I mean, if you wanted to get her car away from the front of the house... why go to all the hassle of taking it down to the station?
O sea, si quisieras sacar el coche lejos del frente de la casa porqué hacer todo el lio de llevarlo abajo a la estación?
How can you, how can you dare to borrow money from my daughter to take out her friend who is only trying to steal you away from her, and obviously wants to get her hooks into you...
¿ Cómo puedes... cómo puedes atreverte, a pedirle prestado dinero a mi hija para invitar a salir a su amiga, la cual sólo está tratando de separarte de ella, y claramente quiere lograr engatusarte...
Try to get her as far away from the factory as possible, before anything happens.
Alejarnos lo máximo posible de la fábrica antes de que suceda algo.
Get her away from me.
Que no se me acerque.
To get her away from this place.
Alejarla de este lugar.
- I'm gonna get her away from those lunatics.
- A salvarla de esos lunáticos.
Don't let her get away from you this time, Striker.
No dejes que se te escape esta vez, Striker.
I had to get her away from that.
Tuve que sacarla de ahí.
And if that didn't relieve me I'd try to get away... from that woman and never see her again.
Y si eso no trajera alivio a mi corazón trataría de alejarme de esa mujer. Y de no verla nunca más.
Everybody tells it pretty much the same way. She had every chance in the world to get away from him, but they left together with her driving.
Todos afirman que ella ha tenido... varias oportunidades para escapar pero de todos modos sigue con él.
Grady, you have to get her away from here.
Grady, tienes que llevártela de aquí. ¡ Escúchame!
And where did you get the idea now that nobody loved you,... when I've never stopped doing anything else,... despite the humiliations I suffered for having laid eyes on your mother,... although I've been cast off from her side,... although they chased me away like a dog,... have I ever stopped loving you?
Y ¿ de dónde ha sacado la idea ahora de que nadie la ha querido, cuando yo no he dejado de hacer otra cosa, porque a pesar de las humillaciones que sufrí por haber puesto los ojos en su madre, pese a que me hayan separado de su lado, pese a que a mí me hayan corrido como a un perro, yo nunca he dejado de quererla?
Get her away from him.
Aléjala de él.
You don't think a woman who's going to get married Should be thinking of going off away from her home.
Una mujer que quiere casarse no debería pensar en dejar su hogar.

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