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Get some rest translate Spanish

3,791 parallel translation
You get some rest.
Vaya a descansar.
In the meantime, it would be a good idea if you could go home and get some rest.
Mientras tanto, sería buena idea que se vayan a su casa a descansar.
I'll let you get some rest.
Dejaré que descanses un poco.
Go get some rest.
Ve a descansar.
Well, your jaw is super bruised, so you need to get some rest. But you have some fun pain meds.
Bien, tu mandíbula esta muy magullada así que necesitas descansar divertidas pastillas para el dolor
Get some rest then.
Descansa un poco entonces.
- Get some rest in there!
- Descansa un poco aquí dentro.
Let's say by 11 : 00 you haven't cracked it, we both get some rest, okay?
Digamos que si sobre las 11.00 no lo has descubierto, ambos descansamos un poco, ¿ vale?
Get some rest.
Descansar un poco.
All right, get some rest.
Muy bien, descansar un poco.
Best thing you can do is get some rest.
Lo mejor que puedes hacer es descansar.
- Get some rest.
Descansa un poco.
Get some rest, move back into your dorm room, and just move on with your life and not let what happened to you hold you back.
Descansa un poco, y vuelve a tu dormitorio en la escuela, y simplemente sigue con tu vida y no permitas que lo que te paso te detenga.
Well, you get some rest, okay?
Bueno, descansa un poco, ¿ sí?
Get some rest.
Come on, let's go home, get some rest.
Venga, vete a casa, descansa.
I'm gonna go home, get some rest.
Voy a ir a casa, descansar un poco.
Get some rest.
Go home and get some rest.
Ve a casa y descansa.
You get some rest.
Necesitas descansar.
You gotta get some rest.
Tienes que descansar un poco.
Hey, Eliza, get some rest.
Eliza, descansa un poco.
We're gonna let you get some rest and we'll see you later.
Vamos a dejar que descanses un poco y te vemos más tarde.
I'd like to buy you a drink, But I think you should take your ankle home And get some rest.
Me gustaría invitarte a una copa, pero creo que deberías llevar tu tobillo a casa y descansar un poco.
You should get some rest.
Deberías descansar un poco.
Get some rest.
Descansa un poco.
Get some rest today.
Ve a descansar.
Now, Tom, thanks for the updated intelligence, but you need to get some rest.
Tom, gracias por la actualización de inteligencia, pero necesitas descansar.
Get some rest.
I was thinking you should get some rest.
Creo que necesita descansar un poco.
You should get some rest.
Ya le pondremos remedio.
We should probably try to get some rest.
Probablemente deberíamos descansar un poco.
Well, we'll... We'll let you get some rest.
Bueno, te dejamos descansar.
- Get some rest.
- Descansa un poco.
You should get some rest yourself.
Tú deberías descansar.
I'm gonna head home and get some rest.
Me voy a casa a descansar.
Let you get some rest.
Te permite descansar un poco
Do go and get some rest.
Váyase y descanse.
Better get some rest.
Será mejor que descanses.
I'd prefer you to get some rest.
Prefiero que descanses.
Get some rest.
Descansad algo.
Now, you get some rest because it is clear to me there are more demons inside of you, and I will do whatever it takes to dig them out.
Ahora debes descansar, porque es evidente para mí que aún tienes otros demonios dentro tuyo, y haré lo que sea necesario para hacerlos salir.
Let's just get some rest.
Vamos a descansar.
Get some rest, but tomorrow you have to go,
Descansa lo que puedas y te vas mañana.
In the meantime, why don't you get some rest?
Mientras, ¿ por qué no descansas un poco?
Yeah, well, I'll leave you alone and let you get some rest.
Sí, bueno, te dejaré sola y te dejaré descansar.
Ms. Bingum, I suggest you get some rest.
Srita. Bingum, le sugiero que descanse.
Well, I will take over from here, and you can go and get some rest.
Yo me encargaré de él, usted puede ir a descansar.
The first thing she needed to do was go get some rest.
Lo primero que ella necesitaba hacer era descansar.
Let's get some rest.
Vamos a descansar.
You should get some rest.
Deberías descansar.

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