Happy to see you translate Spanish
3,113 parallel translation
I'm sure he'll be happy to see you.
Estoy segura de que estará contento de verle.
No, I'm just happy to see you.
¿ Tienes un testigo en el bolsillo? No, solo me alegro de verte.
I can't be happy to see you go.
No me alegra ver cómo te vas.
I'm happy to see you've kept the place open.
Me alegra ver que mantiene el negocio abierto.
I'm happy to see you here, if a little surprised.
Me alegra verte por aquí, aunque me sorprende un poco.
I'm happy to see you.
Me alegro de verte.
I'm sure he'll be happy to see you.
Estoy seguro de que él estará feliz de verte.
I'm happy to see you look as well as you do.
Me alegro de ver que tienes buen aspecto.
At least one of us is happy to see you.
Al menos uno de nosotros está feliz de verte.
But I just can't pretend that I'm happy to see you.
Pero no puedo fingir que me alegra verte.
I was so happy to see you.
Estaba tan feliz de verte.
I'm very happy to see you.
Me alegro de verte.
Oh, I'm so happy to see you again.
Estoy tan feliz de verte otra vez.
I'm just so happy to see you.
Estoy tan feliz de verte.
I am so happy to see you.
Me alegro mucho de verte.
I-I-I thought that Ava was gonna be happy to see you.
Pensé que Ava iba estar contenta de verte.
I'm so happy to see you.
Estoy tan feliz de verte.
We're very happy to see you two families, sir.
Estamos muy contentos de ver a las dos familias, señor.
I'm really happy to see you guys.
De verdad estoy muy contenta de verlos.
I'm always happy to see you, Reagan, because it means my day will be anything but boring.
Siempre me alegro de verte, Reagan, porque significa que mi día será cualquier cosa menos aburrido,
Oh, I'm happy to see you!
¡ Estoy feliz de verte!
I'm happy to see you.
Estoy feliz de verte.
Well, Elijah, I'm really happy to see you, too.
Elijah, yo también me alegro de verte.
Your mom will be so happy to see you.
Tu madre se pondrá muy contenta al verte.
Well, for people like us, I don't know how likely that is, but I'm always happy to see you.
Para gente como nosotros, no sé si eso es probable. Pero siempre estoy feliz de verte.
Always happy to see you too.
Siempre feliz de verte, también.
We're just happy to see you.
Solo estamos felices de verte.
Ah, yes, I - now, I'm very happy to see how well you've recovered.
Ah, sí, yo... ahora estoy muy contento de ver lo bien que te has recuperado.
( GUESTS laughing ) I'm so happy for you, to see your dreams come true.
Estoy tan feliz por ti, de ver que tus sueños se hacen realidad.
You know how I loved Chicken Khurana... but you are happy to see me suffer.
Ya sabes cómo me gustaba el Pollo Khurana... Pero a tí te alegra verme sufrir.
I'm so glad to see y'all back and happy and, you know, in love and all.
Me gusta verlos felices de nuevo y saben, enamorados después de todo.
Because I know you don't like to make social calls unless, of course, you want to make your wife happy, and I don't see her around.
Porque sé que no te gusta hacer visitas sociales... a menos, que por supuesto, quieras hacer... feliz a tu mujer y yo no... la veo por aquí.
See, if you don't tell us what we want to know, we're happy to tell the Russians who ripped'em off.
Sino nos dices lo que queremos saber, estamos felices en decirle a los Rusos quién los estafó.
That a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
¿ Eso que tienes en el bolsillo es una pistola o solo es que te alegras de verme?
Uh, if this is about Mike Delfino's murder, I'd be happy to help, but... as you can see, I'm on my way to his funeral.
Si se trata del asesinato de Mike Delfino, me gustaría ayudar pero... como ve, voy camino a su funeral.
And I like to see you happy, brah. Aw... So you gonna ask her about the fragment?
Y me gusta verte contento, amigo. ¿ Así que le vas a preguntar acerca del fragmento?
You are extremely happy to see me.
Estás extremadamente feliz de verme.
I think he'll be very pleased to see you happy.
Creo que va a estar muy contento de verte feliz.
Guys, it's so great to see you so happy.
Chicos, es genial veros tan felices.
It's nice to see you look happy.
Me alegro de verte feliz.
Yeah, and don't worry about us not getting to see you get married, just as long as you're happy.
Sí, y no te preocupes porque no hayamos llegado a verte casar, siempre y cuando estés feliz.
I need her to see that she made the right choice by coming back, so, if you could just smile, maybe, and um... uh, be happy for her.
Necesito que vea que tomó la decisión adecuada al volver, así que, si pudieras simplemente sonreír, quizás, y... estar contento por ella.
It's so nice to see you two so happy.
Es agradable verlos a los dos tan felices.
I don't know. I... Guess I just thought you'd be happy to see this place fail.
No sé, yo... creo que pensaba que estarías más feliz viendo como este sitio fracasaba.
What if I went out with Henry, just to make my parents happy, and then Henry and I could break up when you and I can see each other again.
Y si salgo con Henry, solo para contentar a mis padres, y entonces Henry y yo podríamos romper - cuando tú y yo nos podamos volver a ver. - ¡ Qué! - Me engañó.
- Yeah, happy to see you too.
También nos da gusto verlos.
You're not happy to see me, Sarge?
¿ No te alegras de verme, Sargento?
What if I went out with Henry, just to make my parents happy, and then Henry and I could break up when you and I can see each other again.
¿ Qué pasa si salgo con Henry, solo para hacer felices a mis padres, y luego Henry y yo terminamos cuando tú y yo podamos vernos otra vez?
What any mother wants... to see that you're happy, to know that you're loved.
Lo que cualquier madre quiere... ver que eres feliz, saber que te quieren.
Holly, I gotta tell you, it's great to see you happy.
Holly, tengo que decirte que es genial verte feliz.
He's happy to see Gary cash in on Philly Soul, you're just not supposed to enjoy it.
Está contento de ver a Gary sacando partido del Soul de Filadelfia,... No tienes porqué disfrutarlo.
happy to be here 18
happy to help 108
happy to 82
happy to do it 37
happy to oblige 23
to see you 75
see you next time 81
see you tomorrow 1475
see you later 3234
see you in hell 54
happy to help 108
happy to 82
happy to do it 37
happy to oblige 23
to see you 75
see you next time 81
see you tomorrow 1475
see you later 3234
see you in hell 54
see you soon 953
see you next week 172
see you then 369
see you friday 34
see you in the morning 210
see you on the other side 84
see you in a bit 142
see you tomorrow night 31
see you thursday 45
see you there 269
see you next week 172
see you then 369
see you friday 34
see you in the morning 210
see you on the other side 84
see you in a bit 142
see you tomorrow night 31
see you thursday 45
see you there 269