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Her face translate Spanish

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Hard to tell, with all that stuff on her face...
No lo sé, no lo pude ver con todas esas cosas que llevaba en la cara.
She could be sleeping, I don't.. .. see her face.
O durmiendo, no le veo la cara.
I didn't see her face.
No he visto su cara.
I need to see her face again.
Necesito ver su cara nuevamente.
Rip her face off.
- No. Arrancaría la cara.
she gave you the chance to make something of yourself, so go tell her to her face :
Ella te ofrece la oportunidad de reconstruirte y avanzar. ¿ Y tú le quieres decir a la cara :
'Cause when we came downstairs, her face was like
Porque cuando vinimos abajo, su rostro era como.
And the hair fly on her face.
Y su cabello se desliza por su cara.
It's, like, when you think you've seen everyone, you suddenly notice that there's a girl with a port-wine birthmark on her face that has been working with you in electrical since you got here and you'd never seen her before.
Es como cuando piensas que viste a todas, de pronto notas que hay una chica con una enorme mancha de nacimiento en la cara que trabaja en el taller desde que llegaste aquí, y tú nunca la habías visto.
You should've seen her face.
Debiste verle la cara.
Your father let her out and saw that her face was all...
Tu padre la dejó salir y vio que su cara estaba toda...
Her face was all smashed up.
Su cara estaba toda destrozada.
And she starts laughing so hard, her face turned bright red.
Y ella comenzó a reírse tan fuerte que la cara se puso roja.
Look at her face.
Mira su cara.
Look at her face. Is that a nice face?
Mira su cara. ¿ Te parece simpática?
- Shh! - To her face.
En su cara.
This girl just fell on her face.
Esta chica acaba de caerse de cara.
Look at her face.
Mire su cara.
Her face looks like my foot.
Tiene la cara como mi pie.
But this one, her heart gave out before I even got to her face.
Pero ella, su corazón se detuvo antes de que llegara a su rostro.
And the makeup was on the right side of her face, which means she was probably hit with his left fist.
Y el maquillaje estaba en el lado derecho de su cara, lo que significa que probablemente la golpeó con su puño izquierdo.
Mmm, not to her face, no way.
En su cara no, de ninguna manera.
If she sees a picture of her face on your arm, she gonna dump your crazy ass.
Si ve una foto de su cara en tu brazo, va a patear tu loco culo.
I'm surprised she showed her face here after what happened.
Me extraña que ella se haya mostrado después de lo que pasó.
She was cut on her face but it could have been a lot worse.
Tiene un corte en la cara pero podría haber sido peor.
- Her face is really bad!
- ¡ Su cara estaba mal!
If you saw her face, it wasn't her.
Si hubieran visto su rostro, no era ella.
Did you see her face?
¿ Viste su rostro?
You won't cut her face?
¿ No cortará su cara?
She pinned the social worker to the floor and peed on her face.
Ella tiró a la trabajadora social al suelo y orinó en su rostro.
She loved it when he'd stroke her face, didn't she?
Le encantaba cuando él le acariciaba la cara, ¿ verdad?
Her face turned white like I had slapped her, and I was so relieved.
Su cara se puso blanca como si la hubiera abofeteado, y estaba tan aliviada.
And then that dude like dropped a dq blizzard on her face.
Y luego el tipo le echó el yogur en la cara.
And did you see the look on her face?
¿ Y viste la mirada en su cara?
That's not the face of someone who got her way.
Esa no es la cara de alguien que se salió con la suya.
So how's it going with what's-her-face?
Entonces ¿ Como te va con "que-es-esa-cara"?
I suppose if you kill me, you'll never find her. Oh... That black spot on your face is getting bigger.
Supongo que si me matas, jamás la encontrarás.
You've got... what's-her-face coming -
Tu tienes... cuál-es-su-cara viniendo...
And when I see her, you know what I'll do to her? Shoot her in the face.
Y cuando la vea, ¿ sabés lo que le voy a hacer?
Take the string art clown I made her in third grade and the ribbon I got in swim class for putting my face in the water.
Toma el payaso hecho con cuerdas que le hice en tercer grado y la cinta que me dieron en natación por hundir mi cara bajo el agua.
Yeah, because J-Mac's face is stapled to the back of her head.
- Sí, porque su cara estaba estirada hasta su nuca.
Her appointment was a slap in the Senate's face.
Su nombramiento fue una cachetada al Senado.
And, let's face it, it's you that knocked her up in the first place,
Y seamos sinceros, fuiste tú quien la alejó en primer lugar, - ¿ No?
'Cause you're her dad and she wants time with your face.
Porque eres su padre y quiere pasar tiempo contigo.
You loved her, you couldn't face her cheating on you.
La amabas locamente y no soportaste que viera a otro.
.. y-yeah, ends up with the entire head, the en-tire hee-ad, of the dog, slammed right down her little face.
Sí, termina con la cabeza, toda la cabeza, del perro, estrellada justo en su carita.
I couldn't face hurting her again.
No podía enfrentar hacerle daño de nuevo.
And I can't wait to see the look on Sue's face when I tell her. ( Laughs )
Y no puedo esperar a ver la cara de Sue cuando se lo diga.
We saw her face, we took her measure.
Vimos su cara.
Al Sa-Her, face your death with honor.
Al Sa-Her, enfrenta tu muerte con honor.
I warned you not to face her alone.
Te advertí que no te enfrentaras a ella solo.

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