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If he hadn't translate Spanish

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You hadn't paid this week, according to this book, so I need to know if he came here.
No hubiera pagado esta semana, de acuerdo con este libro, así que necesito saber si vino aquí.
If I hadn't fought back, God knows what he would have done.
Si no me hubiese defendido, Dios sabe lo que habría hecho.
If I hadn't been so busy with my career, I would have been there when he needed me.
"Si no hubiese estado tan ocupada con mi carrera," "hubiera estado allí cuando me necesitaba."
I spoke to my cardiologist and he said if you hadn't caught my high blood pressure, and it had continued unchecked, it might have resulted in a mild case of... death.
El cardiólogo me dijo que de no haber descubierto que tenía la presión alta... y de haberla dejado sin tratar, podría haber resultado en un leve caso de... muerte.
I-I can only imagine the heights he would have soared to if his life... hadn't been... cut short so tragically
Sólo puedo imaginar el nivel que hubiera alcanzado si su vida no se hubiera cortado trágicamente.
Okay, if that shooter hadn't shown up when he did, I'd be dead.
Bueno... si ese francotirador no hubiera aparecido cuando lo hizo, yo estaría muerta.
If you hadn't been working for Lionel then we'd have no way of knowing that he was keeping tabs on Clark.
Si no estuvieras trabajando para Lionel no hubiéramos sabido que tenía información de Clark.
If the downstairs maid hadn't been awakened by the shot, he'd be dead.
Si la mucama no se hubiera despertado por los disparos, estaría muerto.
But I wouldn't be here at all if he hadn't.
Pero no estaría aquí para nada si él no lo hubiera hecho
If we hadn't have found the spear, he, for sure, would have been done, done, done.
Si no hubiéramos encontrado el arpón, él, seguro, estaría acabado, acabado, acabado.
I just heard you think that I looked as if I hadn't had it for six months!
Te he oído pensar que tengo pinta de no haberlo hecho en seis meses.
If he hadn't shown up in the city, we'd all still be there right now, same as always.
Si él no hubiese aparecido en la ciudad, nosotros todavía estaríamos allí, como siempre.
If he hadn't drawn his gun.
Si el no hubiera sacado su arma.
He might have done, if he hadn't fallen from a train in his pyjamas.
Quizá, si no se hubiera caído del tren en pijama.
You're lucky, if the "Mummy" hadn't died... he'd be in your place.
Tienes suerte, si la "Momia" no hubiese muerto... él estaría en tu lugar.
And you know what? If you ever got them up in the last four or five nights you would've known he hadn't wet his bed.
Si los hubieras levantado las últimas 4 ó 5 noches sabrías que no mojó su cama.
If I hadn't seen the watch, he...
Si no hubiera visto el reloj él...
He never would've won if I hadn't had a bad leg.
No ganabas si no estuviese mal de una pierna.
You think anyone would cast me in these sexy roles... if they knew I hadn't been laid in a year?
¿ Crees que alguien me daría papeles eróticos si supieran que no he tenido sexo durante un año?
Who knows what would have happened if he hadn't been there?
¿ Quién sabe qué habría pasado si él no hubiera estado ahí?
If he hadn't believed you Pippo would still be here with us now.
Si no te hubiera creído Pippo todavía estaría acá.
But if he hadn't have gotten hurt in the eye, he wouldn't have had such a hard life like he did.
Pero, si él no se hubiera lastimado el ojo, no habría tenido una vida tan dura como la que tuvo.
He would have been greater if he hadn't written a line.
Habría sido mejor si no hubiera escrito una línea.
If I hadn't done that, he'd have get home later. But I...
Si no se lo decía esto pasaba después... de él...
If I hadn't done that, he'd still be alive.
Si no se lo hubiera dicho estaría vivo.
But then it hit me - if you hadn't left him when he was healthy, you'd never leave him now!
Pero entonces me di cuenta, si no lo habías dejado cuando estaba sano, menos lo dejarías ahora.
If he hadn't come after me, I'd be dead by now.
Si él no hubiese ido a buscarme, estaría muerta ahora.
He might have been saved if he hadn't run.
Podría haberse salvado si no escapaba.
As far as he's concerned, if I hadn't killed Gideon and saved him, I wouldn't be so lost.
Hasta lo que le concierne, si yo no hubiera matado a Gideon para salvarle
Still, he might not be in this mess if I hadn't been gone so long.
No estaría en este lío si no me hubiera ido tanto tiempo.
If he hadn't, you would have forced him.
Si no lo hubiera estado, lo habrías obligado.
All I know is that none of this would have happened if he hadn't of gotten that letter.
Todos lo que se es que nada de esto habría pasado si no fuese por esa carta.
You know, I could be wrong, but somehow I had a feeling... that maybe if Tom hadn't have come in when he did...
Podría equivocarme, pero tengo la sensación que si Tom no hubiera entrado cuando lo hizo...
If I hadn't left Jeff there, he'd still be alive.
Si no hubiera dejado a Jeff, estaría con vida.
Why would Ducky think he was infectious, if you hadn't done a blood test?
¿ Por qué Ducky cree que es contagioso si no has hecho el análisis de sangre?
If Curtin hadn't come home exactly when he did, who knows what direction this case might've gone in.
Si Curtin no hubiera vuelto a casa cuando lo hizo quién sabe qué dirección habría tomado este caso.
He wouldn't have done it if I hadn't referred him that case we declined.
Y no lo habría hecho si no le hubiera enviado el caso tras rechazarlo.
In fact, I-I keep thinking, you know, if all this hadn't happened, if I hadn't come stumbling through that door...
De hecho, he estado pensando Ya sabes, si nada de esto hubiera sucedido Si no hubiera entrado por esa puerta...
Yeah, I don't know what I would have done if, uh... if he hadn't been here.
Si, no sé que hubiera hecho si, uh... él no hubiera estado aquí.
Well, there was this guy he had the most amazing little kid and the doctors actually listened to me I knocked the surgery right out the park and I decided to pull some strings for the guy and honest to God, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself, but Newbie handled the whole thing... wire to wire and I kept my promise.
Bueno, estaba este hombre que tenía el hijito más maravilloso y los doctores de verdad me escucharon estuve genial con la cirugía y decidí mover algunos hilos por el hombre y siendo sincero, no lo creería si no lo hubiera visto yo mismo pero el Novato manejó todo el asunto de punta a punta y cumplí mi promesa.
I'd still be with my old shrink if I hadn't cut across the park when the fair was on and realised that the man I tell my secrets to likes to put on a big giant beard and pretend that he is a blacksmith.
Seguiría yendo a mi psicólogo, pero crucé el parque cuando estaba la feria... y me enteré de que a ese hombre... le gusta ponerse una barba postiza y se hace pasar por herrero.
Would've reached Carmine Senior if he hadn't died.
Habrían detenido también a Carmine Senior si no hubiera muerto.
Jim Campbell might be alive today if he hadn't said to me,
Jim Campbell podría estar vivo hoy en día si no me hubiera dicho :
If he hadn't shown the girl how to crush a windpipe, it wouldn't have happened.
Si no le hubiera enseñado a la chica como romper la traquea de un hombre, nada de esto habría pasado
You wouldn't be here if he hadn't.
No estaría aquí si no fuera así.
If you hadn't gone after him, he wouldn't have been able to use the transporters.
De hecho si no hubieras ido tras él, no habría podido usar los transportadores.
- You is the only one who gives a fuck and if you hadn't been the stupidest mothertucker I ever gone out with you'd have bought a bunch of them at once.
- A ti es al único que le importa, y si no fueras el tío más estúpido con el que he salido, comprarías un montón de una vez.
I keep thinking if Sara hadn't walked in right then... maybe he would've changed his mind, and none of this would've happened.
Creo que si Sara no hubiera entrado, habría cambiado de opinión y esto no habría pasado.
If he's not, I'll assume you're lying to me, and you're gonna wish you hadn't.
Si no está, supondré que miente, y deseará no haberlo hecho.
He would have torn us apart if you hadn't stumped him, master wizard!
Nos habría destrozado a todos si no lo hubiese impedido, mago.
Ivan could've been a champion if he hadn't hurt his knee.
Ivan pudo haber sido un campeón si no se hubiera lastimado la rodilla.

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