It comes translate Spanish
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So, as always, when it comes to this part of the town, the police are very late.
Como siempre, cuando se trata de esta parte de la ciudad, la policía llega muy tarde.
Now it comes to what do we mean by imaginative.
Ahora tenemos que pensar qué queremos decir con imaginativo.
He's Charged With Energy, But He Has The Good Inner Sense, Or Wherever It Comes From, His Brain Or Wherever, To Just Take It Down And Then Up Again, Quickly,
Está lleno de energía, pero tiene el buen criterio, del cerebro o de donde sea que le venga, para encenderlo y apagarlo rápido, como tienen los buenos bailarines natos.
A Lot Of Times, When It Comes To Black Artists,
dream hampton Crítica cultural
Here it comes.
Ahí va.
And when it comes to school I just don't believe I have what it takes.
Cuando se trata de la escuela, no creo tener lo que se necesita.
Really. It seems that's what it comes down to.
Así suena esto.
Fortunately, he and I are of one mind when it comes to the floral aesthetic.
Afortunadamente, él y yo estamos de acuerdo en lo que se refiere a la estética floral.
Here it comes...
Aqui viene...
I don't know, but if it comes close,
- No sé, pero si se acerca, dispararé.
When it comes to diamonds, there are the four Cs :
Cuando se trata de diamantes, hay las cuatro C :
Oh, here it comes. Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
Ahí viene.
Here it comes! It's a knockout punch!
¡ Es un nocaut!
It comes and goes.
- Va y viene.
Hey, it comes!
Aqui vamos!
I'm not scared of these government goons, and you shouldn't be scared either, because when it comes to ending the wage gap, the only thing we should fear is our own complacency.
- No. No le tengo miedo a estos matones del gobierno, y ustedes tampoco deberían tener miedo, porque cuando se trata de poner fin a la brecha salarial, lo único que debemos temer es a nuestra propia complacencia.
Yeah, it comes with the driveway, too.
Si, viene con la entrada, tambien.
But I suspect that her mercy ends when it comes to her husband's whore.
Pero sospecho que su compasión acaba cuando se trata de la concubina de su esposo.
Listen, Lord knows when it comes to him,
Escucha, solo Dios sabe cuando será.
Some of my treasures may be unregistered, yes, but it's not important where it comes from.
Algunos de mis tesoros pueden no estar registrados, sí, pero no es importante de dónde vienen.
Not when it comes to public safety.
No cuando concierne a la seguridad pública.
But unlike you, when it comes to computers, well, I get them about as much as Maxine here gets E. E. Cummings, so when I heard...
Pero, a diferencia de ti, en cuanto a computadoras, bueno, las entiendo tanto como Maxine entiende a E.E. Cummings, así que cuando escuché...
Therefore, it comes as a shock that the business has collapsed.
Por lo tanto, es un shock que la empresa haya colapsado.
Here it comes, that gut instinct I was talking about.
Aquí viene, ese presentimiento del que hablaba.
It comes with strings attached.
Viene con condiciones.
Offshore oil drilling, natural gas development off the Atlantic... It comes with nearly 300,000 jobs and up to $ 24 billion to our nation's economy alone.
Perforaciones de petróleo en el mar, gas natural desarrollado fuera del Atlántico... viene con aproximadamente 300.000 trabajos y con más de 24 miles de millones de dólares para la economía del país.
If it comes down to it, don't deal with Dmitri.
Si se da el caso, no trates con Dimitri.
If it comes down to it, don't deal with Dmitri.
Si fuera el caso, no hagas tratos con Dmitri.
You know, my advice is when it comes to putting body parts into livestock, you always wanna use the same arm.
Mi consejo para colocar partes del cuerpo en el ganado es que siempre uses el mismo brazo.
And once that technology comes out into our physical world and becomes embedded in our walls, in our desk, in our bodies, in our fingernails, in our cars, in our offices, in our homes, it should disappear and become invisible.
Y una vez que esa tecnología aparezca en nuestro mundo físico... y se encarne en nuestras paredes, nuestro escritorio, nuestros cuerpos... nuestras uñas, nuestros autos, nuestras oficinas, nuestros hogares... debería desaparecer y volver invisible.
It absolutely is right because if you're following too closely behind the car, the guy wants to stop, and you run up his tail pipe, you're absolutely to blame.
Es Totalmente cierto porque si estás demasiado cerca detrás del coche y el tipo se detiene y te comes el tubo de escape, es culpa tuya.
She comes in, she closes the door, and she says, look woman, you better get your act together and do it my way, or I'm going to fire you.
Ella entra, cierra la puerta, y dice : "Mira, mujer, será mejor que te corrijas y lo hagas a mi manera, o tendré que despedirte".
But this comes up, and here it unloads on you.
Pero surge esto, y todos vienen corriendo.
Call comes in at 6 : 42 from an open store, doing business probably puts it on the West Coast and him in front of a computer or a smartphone, at least, to hear the live show.
La llamada fue a las 6 : 42 de una tienda abierta, estaba cobrando lo que la sitúa en la Costa Este y a él enfrente de un ordenador o un teléfono, al menos, para escuchar la transmisión en directo.
Maybe two, three lines in, Audrey comes right out with it.
Tal vez dos, tres líneas en, Audrey sale a la derecha de la misma.
It's supposed to be the person who comes to your rescue.
Se supone que es la persona que viene en tu ayuda.
Not because it was cold- - frostbite comes with living in DC- - but because it made me reconsider every reason I became a Federal agent, both NSA and NCIS.
No porque haya hecho mucho frío... y vivir en DC suponga un riesgo de congelación... sino porque he estado reconsiderando todos los motivos por los que me convertí en agente federal, tanto de la NSA como del NICS.
If somebody comes back it would be dangerous to confront them.
Si alguien regresa sería peligroso confrontarlos.
I know that you don't want any involvement in the show, but if Kylie's story comes up and it is bound to, I just want to make sure that it's dealt with properly.
Sé que no quieres involucrarte en el show, pero si la historia de Kylie se sabe y es muy posible, quiero asegurarme de que se la trata apropiadamente.
Now, your boy comes through, we shake hands, and that's it.
Tu novio lo acepta, nos dimos la mano, y eso fue todo.
Oh, come on, Bones, you gotta be kidding me, really? You don't care about hockey your whole life, and all of a sudden this one game comes up and you just can't let it go.
Vamos, Bones, tienes que estar bromeando, ¿ de verdad?
It comes in waves.
Viene en oleadas.
And it's said that every Halloween he comes back to take a life. And the only place he doesn't go in this house are the bedrooms. Because that's where the priests used to sleep when this house was a monastery.
Se dice que él regresa cada Noche de Brujas para llevarse una vida, y el único lugar al que no entra es a los dormitorios, porque allí solían dormir los curas cuando esto era un monasterio.
I guess it just made more sense to take everything apart and wash it and when she comes home, it's all clean and ready to go.
Supongo que sólo tiene más sentido el tomar todo... y, lavarlo y cuando ella vuelva a casa, estará todo limpio y listo para usar.
No matter how much wealth or power one accumulates there comes a time when it must pass to the next generation.
Da igual cuánta riqueza o poder acumuléis Un día, esta pasa a la siguiente generación.
And it is through your Force, our Ashla, that the prophecy comes.
Y es a través de tu Fuerza, nuestro Ashla que viene la profecía.
I'll tell you if anything comes from it.
Te avisaré si hay algo concreto.
- We'll take it when Claudia comes.
- Esperemos a que Claudia llegue.
Here it comes again. Remember?
¿ Lo recuerdas?
- Well, when this new book comes out and it's a success, I will attribute your institution with all the research and hopefully that'll buffer some of your costs in the future.
- Bueno, cuando este nuevo libro vea la luz y sea un éxito, voy a retribuir a su institución por toda la investigación y es de esperar que eso ayude con algunos de sus gastos, en el futuro.
Guy comes out of prison and he goes to meet his friend and this friend says, "So, uh, how was it?"
Un tipo sale de la cárcel y va a ver a un amigo y su amigo le dice : "¿ Bueno... que tal ha ido?".
it comes and goes 36
it comes with the territory 18
it comes with the job 18
it comes to 16
comes 19
comes to mind 27
comes and goes 20
comes with the territory 27
comes from 24
comes around 23
it comes with the territory 18
it comes with the job 18
it comes to 16
comes 19
comes to mind 27
comes and goes 20
comes with the territory 27
comes from 24
comes around 23
it could kill you 25
it couldn't be helped 24
it could be worse 106
it could work 74
it counts 25
it could have been worse 50
it could go either way 16
it couldn't be 61
it could happen 61
it could be you 17
it couldn't be helped 24
it could be worse 106
it could work 74
it counts 25
it could have been worse 50
it could go either way 16
it couldn't be 61
it could happen 61
it could be you 17