It could be him translate Spanish
738 parallel translation
You don't believe it could be him, do you?
No crees que pueda ser él, ¿ verdad?
From what I remember of your husband, it could be him.
Por lo que recuerdo de su marido, podría ser él.
Podría ser él, casi.
It could be him.
Podría ser él.
Tomorrow it could be him killing you.
Contando... con que si el estuviera en lugar no dudaría en liquidarte...
But I didn't believe it could be him!
Pero no sabía que había sido él.
I could kill him! He's not behaved very well and he had no right to do it, but what's done can't be undone.
No se comportado muy bien y no tenía ningún derecho de hacerlo pero lo que está hecho no puede ser deshecho
I wrote him and sent him a photograph of a scene from the play and told him that I was coming to New York and expected to be famous and have a theater of my own so I could play his Cleopatra until I was too old for it, when I'd do Mrs. Warren's Profession.
Le escribí, le envié una foto de la obra y le conté que venía a Nueva York, que esperaba hacerme famosa y tener mi propio teatro y así interpretar a su Cleopatra antes de ser demasiado vieja, entonces haría "La profesión de la Sra. Warren" :
and you're proud of him. If I could wear it on the ride, and to be like the others, only once I would not mind cogiesen me.
Si pudiese lucirlo en el paseo, y ser como las demás, sólo una vez, no me importaría que me cogiesen.
But I think it'd be better if you could slip in a warning to him sometime.
Creo que sería conveniente que le dejases escapar un aviso alguna vez.
"As for her husband, no matter how far out in the country he may be, " he set my leg better than any New York specialist could do it. "So I'll just make this his lucky day and pay him 50 dollars!"
Y en cuanto a su marido, no importa que viva en el campo, me curo la pierna mejor que un medico de New York, así que este será su día de suerte.
Look, if it is that way, the way Manuel said... could you fix it so someday... there'll be an extra seat in Manuel's father's dory... with him and Manuel?
Si el cielo es como dijo Manuel ¿ podrías arreglar todo para que un día haya un asiento libre en el bote del padre de Manuel junto a él y a Manuel?
I'd think it'd be a good idea if you could send him almost anywhere.
Sería buena idea enviarle a cualquier parte.
Mrs. Bartlett, could it be that you, in your charming way, shall we say, forced Mr. Krayler to employ you on threat of exposing your past relationships with him?
¿ No será que usted, con su seducción... obligó al Sr. Krayler a emplearla... bajo amenaza de divulgar la relación que los había unido?
If you killed a rat, and it was coming to him... could you find some way to be sorry for that?
Si matara a una rata que iba a morir... ¿ podría lamentar eso?
As I don't know much about this sort of thing... but it just occurred to me that maybe you could prove to your brother-in-law... that you've got an in with the cops by warning him that there's gonna be a raid.
No entiendo mucho de estas cosas... pero se me acaba de ocurrir que puedes demostrarle a tu cuñado... que tienes a la policía comprada diciéndole que van a hacer una redada.
You know, it would be nice if we could give him fifty cents and let him do it.
¡ Qué bueno sería si él lo hiciera por 50 centavos!
Naturally, I told him what a great piece of luck it would be... and I told him about the things he could buy with gold. Like the airplanes.
Naturalmente, le dije que sería una gran suerte... y le hablé de las cosas que podría comprar con oro, como el avión.
It'd be a lot prettier if you could put Ingram... in a sack and drown him.
Sería mejor meter en un saco a Ingram y ahogarle.
If instead of this petty charge you have against him you could get something big something that would chuck him in a concentration camp for years that would be a feather in your cap, wouldn't it?
En vez del caso contra mí, tendrás un caso mayor contra él. Quedará encarcelado por años. Un triunfo para ti.
I thought I could be safe with him, but it's worse than before.
Creí que estaría a salvo con él... pero es ahora peor que antes.
Well, I... Of course, it could be. ... that you've imagined him correctly, down to his last tooth.
Claro que hasta sus dientes podrían ser como imaginas.
It can be a car backing over him, or he could fall out of the upstairs window.
Podría atropellarlo un auto, o podría caerse por la ventana.
It was in a place where I could not breed no contention with him, but I will be so bold as wear it in my cap till I see him once again.
Era en un sitio en el que yo no podía establecer disputa con él ; Pero tendré la valentía de enfrentarlo hasta que lo vea nuevamente.
Some day I hope it may be, because we could use him.
Espero que le incumba algún día. Nos será muy útil.
If nobody knows about you, if nobody saw him coming in here tonight, how could either of us be connected with it if his body were found miles and miles away from here?
Si nadie sabe lo vuestro, si nadie le ha visto entrar esta noche, ¿ cómo iban a relacionarnos con su muerte... si encontrasen su cuerpo a muchos kilómetros de aquí?
John wasn't the sort you could argue with so I figured it'd be best to give him his head.
John no era de ésos con los que se puede discutir así que pensé que lo mejor sería dejarlo en paz.
It seemed to him unbearable that what he had done could never be undone.
No podía soportar que lo hecho no pudiera ya deshacerse.
It could be that you have some vague notion in that inflated ego of yours of abolishing him.
Puede que tengas alguna idea en ese ego tuyo que tienes... ... de destrozarlo.
It would be perfect if I could arrange for some older woman to take him under her wing.
Sería perfecto si pudiera encontrar... a una señora mayor que se hiciera cargo de él.
Could it be that your description of him was not quite precise?
¿ Podría ser que tu descripción no fuera exacta?
If we could be sure it was him.
Si estuviésemos seguros que fue él.
I don't think it really could be him.
No puedo creer que de verdad sea él.
It seems to me there ought to be something you could do to offset him.
Pero... creo que deberías hacer algo para contrarrestar esa publicidad.
It could be more generous if his son did not steal from him.
podría ser más generoso si su hijo no le robara.
Podría estar fuera de aquí pronto, si son benevolentes con él.
Couldn't be you're soft on him, could it?
- ¿ No será que te gusta?
If he took his own life, it could only be in consequence of something that she had said to him.
Si se quitó la vida, sólo pudo ser a consecuencia de algo que ella le dijo.
The cops brought him in here so the hospital could handle it. And that means us. Otherwise, he'd be in jail right now.
La policía le trajo para que el hospital se encargara de él o sea, nosotros, si no, ahora estaría en la cárcel.
He said if I could catch him in 10 minutes and touched the medal with my hand, it would be like prisoner's base. He'd let me wear the medal for an hour.
Dijo que si lo agarraba y tocaba la medalla con la mano, dejaría que yo la llevara puesta una hora.
If I'm here when he comes to, and he sees me, after all that's happened... it could be fatal to him.
Si estoy presente y me ve, después de lo que ha pasado... podría ser fatal para él.
Do you think maybe a man could be so pigheaded wrong he can't see the truth even when it's spelled out for him?
¿ Puede uno estar tan equivocado que no ve la verdad aunque se la deletreen?
But if we cut him open, it could be worth four or five million yen.
Pero si nosotros le abrimos en canal podríamos conseguir de cuatro a cinco millones de yenes.
It could be a lot of trouble, boy. Go see him. Talk some sense into him.
Ve a verle y haz que lo piense.
- I swear, I didn't think it could really be him!
Juro que no sabía que lo había hecho él.
He's ruined many men with him on his way up, and this time it could be my son.
De esta vez podrá ser mi hijo.
¤ Where could be heading for, so fast and tired... ¤ the swallow which is leaving here... ¤ or if the wind led him astray... ¤ seeking shelter, and not finding it.
# Adónde irá veloz y fatigada # la golondrina que de aquí se va, # o si en el viento se hallara extraviada # buscando abrigo, y no lo encontrará.
At his age it could be bad for him.
A su edad puede darle algo.
So it could only be money that he's after. As long as we satisfy him, he'll be quiet.
Quizá solo vaya buscando dinero, en cuanto le tengamos satisfecho, callará.
If it weren't him, it'd be another. And he could be a drag.
De no haber sido él que ha venido aquí podría haber sido cualquier otro... y a lo mejor más tonto.
Could it be that you have your own reasons for wanting him to die?
¿ Es posible que lo desees por motivos personales?
it could kill you 25
it couldn't be helped 24
it could be worse 106
it could work 74
it could have been worse 50
it could go either way 16
it couldn't be 61
it could happen 61
it could be you 17
it could be fun 40
it couldn't be helped 24
it could be worse 106
it could work 74
it could have been worse 50
it could go either way 16
it couldn't be 61
it could happen 61
it could be you 17
it could be fun 40
it could be 318
it could be anything 89
it could be anywhere 59
it could kill him 17
it couldn't hurt 20
it could happen to anyone 28
it couldn't 27
it could be anybody 30
it could be nothing 33
it could've been worse 30
it could be anything 89
it could be anywhere 59
it could kill him 17
it couldn't hurt 20
it could happen to anyone 28
it couldn't 27
it could be anybody 30
it could be nothing 33
it could've been worse 30