Just a little one translate Spanish
1,004 parallel translation
You're just a little one.
Eres muy joven.
Well, just a little one.
Bueno, una pequeña.
- No. All right, just a little one.
- No,... si, uno chico.
Let's have a drink, just a little one.
Ven a tomar una copa, Jigger.
Just a little one, for old times'sake and the big new deal.
Uno pequeñito, por los viejos tiempos y el nuevo contrato.
Just a little one, good for a couple of inlays maybe.
- ¿ Cómo? - Uno pequeño con dibujos.
Mother doesn't like me to drink very much, but maybe just a little one.
A Madre no le gusta mucho que beba, pero quizá sólo un poco, por esta vez.
I only had one drink. Just a little one.
Sólo he tomado un traguito pequeñito.
Just a little one.
Justamente uno pequeño.
A little. I just realised that I've seen but one woman since I've been here.
De hecho, sólo he visto a una mujer aquí.
I've just come from a poor woman with a little newborn baby and six children huddled into one bed to keep from freezing, for they have no fire.
Vengo de la casa de una pobre mujer con un bebé recién nacido y seis niños acurrucados en una cama para no congelarse, porque no tienen fuego.
It's just a little hard on one's self-esteem to have to admit it.
Es un poco duro para la autoestima tener que admitirlo.
A joke's a joke, but this one is just a little too practical.
Esta broma ya está yendo demasiado lejos.
I gave my little girl one just like it.
Le regalé a mi pequeña hijita uno igual.
"You know, A.K.," I said, "if I ever build another house, it's going to be one of those simple little colonial cottages," just like this one of yours.
"¿ Sabes, A.K.? Si llego a construir otra casa... será una casita colonial simple", justo como la de ustedes.
- Yes, just because a man any woman would like a thousand times better was a little wild one night
Que me aspen...
One second. Just a little more light.
¿ No cree usted?
We's all just little people with a burden, every one of us.
La gente humilde siempre arrastra una cruz. Todos nosotros.
I just talked to one of the officials here who can speak a little French and he said that there are orders that no one is permitted to cross the frontier.
Sí, Harry, vamos a beber algo. Muy bien. ¿ Qué hay del equipaje? Nuestro portero se hará cargo.
One night when I was just a little kid, him and my ol lady had a terrible fight.
Una noche cuando yo era pequeña, él y mi madre tuvieron una terrible pelea.
Just give me a little one like that.
Justo será uno pequeño como este.
Don't remember anything more, just the reports, one after another... ... till there was a funny little click, and the revolver was empty.
No recuerdo nada más, sólo los disparos, uno tras otro hasta que hubo un ruido y el revólver estaba vacío.
if one has your looks, money will come all by its own you can ask of me whatever you wish if only you could be a little nice to me, Dunjasha just a little nice... the heaven knows where she is
Cuando uno tiene tu aspecto, le llueve el dinero... podrás tener de mí todo cuanto quieras... sólo con que seas un poco cariñosa conmigo, Duniasha. Un poco, un poquito cariñosa... El cielo sabrá... dónde anda metida...
Oh, no, nothing like that, it's just that one of the professors got off the beam a little.
No, nada de eso, es que uno de los profesores anda descarrilado.
I watch the little ants scurry around and I know each and every one is going to get his just desserts. I am sure they are.
Observo a estas hormiguitas corriendo arriba y abajo sabiendo que cada uno se llevará lo que se merece.
He just wants to gain a little time... To rearm himself at sea... And make new alliances with Italy and Spain, all to one purpose.
Tan sólo quiere ganar tiempo para reorganizar sus ejércitos y conseguir una alianza con España e Italia con el propósito de destruir nuestro imperio.
Que me estaba recuperando de la pérdida de un ser querido, y que pensaba por entonces que, el gran curandero, vendría en mi rescate un poco más rápido con la Madre Naturaleza a su lado.
Just a little one.
Sólo uno pequeñito.
I can't believe it's so dreadfully wrong to forget the war now and again... when one can, just for a little.
No creo que esté equivocada olvidando la guerra un poco... Si es posible.
It was one of the other boys'assignments, and I just switched things around a little.
Era un trabajo para otros muchachos y yo solo cambié un poco las cosas.
I've don't have to take all this insolence. Just for this one little part.
No voy a soportar tanta insolencia por un numerito como éste.
One of'em is just a baby. Just a little baby, and they haven't got a thing to go on! Nothing!
Uno de ellos sólo es un bebé y no tienen nada que comer. ¡ Nada!
He's just a little Himmler if there ever was one.
Es un pequeño Himmler en potencia.
A little one-cylinder engine provided the electricity for the main operating room, which was just a tent and we sterilized our instruments in three large garbage cans, one with soapy water and two with boiling water.
Un pequeño motor de un cilíndro nos proporcionaba energía para la sala de operaciones que era una tienda de campaña y esterilizábamos los instrumentos en botes de basura de gran tamaño, unos con agua jabonosa, y otros con agua hirviendo.
When I was little, I had a hat just like this one.
Cuando era pequeño como tú, me ponía el sombrero así.
Sí, solo una llamadita a mi Vicky para darle las buenas noches, y soy todo tuyo.
It ´ s just one of those little things that happen, people start exaggerating.
Es de esas pequeñas cosas que pasan y todos comienzan a exagerar.
Could I have a little one, just enough to fill a hen's ear?
Sólo una botella pequeña.
One day, a storm cloud came up... just a little bitty old storm cloud, though... and just tried awful hard to have its first storm.
Un día, vino un nubarrón de tormenta. Sólo un nubarrón de tormenta muy pequeñito... e intentó con todas sus ganas crear su primera tormenta.
One time you look kind of as if you knew all the answers and then 10 minutes later you're just like a little kid.
Unas veces parece que lo sabes todo... y diez minutos después ella es como una niña.
Just a little, on one side, huh?
Solo un poco, por un lado, ¿ eh?
Two walkouts in one evening would be just a little too much for me, Eddie.
Dos separaciones en una misma tarde, pueden ser demasiado para mí, Eddie.
Just as one civilized man to another, I... if that isn't insulting you... I have a little suggestion to make.
De un hombre civilizado hacia otro... si no te parece un insulto... tengo una sugerencia.
But about singing for you, you see, I'm a little rusty... but you asked for it, so we'll just make it a quick one.
Y en cuanto a cantaros algo, estoy algo oxidado, pero ya que lo habéis pedido, cantaré una rápida.
How about another drink, just a little itsy-bitsy one?
Es pronto. ¿ Qué tal otra copa? ¿ Solo una pequeña?
I shall be the only one who knew that for just a little while there was no queen.
Yo seré el único que sepa que durante un corto tiempo no hubo reina.
I was just thinking about a little boy in one of my classes.
Me acordaba de un niño hoy en clase.
Now just one little look at the ladies hand.
Ahora echa un vistacito a la mano de la dama.
Aw, we fall for these little dames and try to believe they're in love with us... when every morning our shaving mirror yells, "They can't be"... till one day we find out that youth belongs to youth, like you just done.
Nos enganchamos a estas damiselas queriendo creer en su amor aunque el espejo nos diga que no y un día comprendemos que la juventud va con la juventud...
If we could journey back to that period in history when Manhattan was but a market town, we would discover, in one of the coves which indent the shores of the Hudson, the little village of Tarry Town. And just beyond, nestled deep in the low rolling hills, a sequestered glen. It's a quiet, peaceful place, and yet, somehow... foreboding.
Si pudiéramos regresar en el tiempo... a los principios de la historia norteamericana... cuando la ciudad de Manhattan no era mas que una plaza de mercado... podríamos descubrir al norte... en las riveras del rió Hudson... la pequeña aldea de Tarrytown... y mas allá... un apartado valle rodeado de colinas... un lugar pacifico.... si, bastante pacifico, pero algunas veces... bastante aterrador... en el que abundan leyendas y... sitios macabros de supersticiosa tradición.
Just one word. Do you like me a little?
Dígame sólo una palabra, ¿ le gusto un poquito?
just answer the questions 19
just a little 454
just a man 25
just a joke 49
just answer me 27
just a reminder 42
just answer the question 165
just a second 863
just a sec 327
just a moment 860
just a little 454
just a man 25
just a joke 49
just answer me 27
just a reminder 42
just answer the question 165
just a second 863
just a sec 327
just a moment 860
just asking 127
just a minute 1540
just ask 167
just a bit 103
just ask him 36
just after 43
just answer 21
just a few days 42
just a little bit 285
just a few 66
just a minute 1540
just ask 167
just a bit 103
just ask him 36
just after 43
just answer 21
just a few days 42
just a little bit 285
just a few 66