Just do something translate Spanish
3,593 parallel translation
Just do something without Zeke.
Solo haz algo sin Zeke.
Just do something good for Gladbury.
Sólo haga algo bueno por Gladbury.
I've just got something to do.
Sólo tengo algo que hacer.
I've just got something to do, I need to be here.
Sólo tengo algo que hacer, tengo que estar aquí.
No, I pushed you to do something you were uncomfortable with, when I should have just accepted that this is how you are.
No, te obligué a hacer algo la cual no te sentías cómoda, cuando debería tener de acabar de aceptar que así es como eres.
Say he has got something to do with it and we've just let him carry on.
Digamos que tiene algo que ver y lo dejamos seguir.
I just wanted to do something that made a difference.
Sólo quería hacer algo que supusiera una diferencia.
My husband and I and our children, after she was gone, do you know, we just jumped in the car and drove up to Michigan, which is something we never used to do, just because it was a huge emotional thing, not to have her...
Mi esposo y Yo y nuestros hijos, despues que se fue, nos subimos en el auto y nos fuimos a Michigan, una cosa que nunca soliamos hacer, solo porque era una cosa emocional muy fuerte no tener que -
I just hope he doesn't do something stupid.
Tan solo espero que no haga nada estúpido.
I think he's gonna do something real stupid... oh, sweetie, that's just his pain talking.
Creo que va a hacer algo estúpido... Cariño, es su dolor el que habla.
It's just something I've been able to do since I was a little girl.
Pero es algo que he podido hacer desde que era pequeña.
Penny and I just want to do something low-key.
Penny y yo solo queremos hacer algo tranquilo.
I'm just going to do something that I like, that I know is beautiful, and tastes great.
solo voy a hacer algo que me gusta, que se que hermoso, y que sabe bien.
I wanted you to do something like this, but it was just unfair for me to ask, or to even want you to do this.
Quería que hicieras algo como esto, pero sería injusto preguntar, o querer que hicieras esto.
It's not something just anybody can do.
No es algo que todos pueden hacer.
It's just, I feel like everybody's hijacking Emily's wedding, and I wish there was something I could do.
Es solo, que siento que todo mundo está secuestrando la boda de Emily, y desearía que hubiera algo que yo pueda hacer.
I just don't want to see you do something stupid.
No quiero verte hacer algo estúpido.
I'm sure that i probably had something to do with it, but everything that we believed in, everything that we put our hopes on, you just quit on it.
Estoy segura de que probablemente tuve algo que ver, pero todo en lo que creíamos, todo en lo que teníamos esperanzas, acabas de renunciar a todo eso.
Here I am, looking for evidence, and all I had to do was just make something up.
Yo buscando pruebas y todo lo que tenía que hacer, era inventar algo.
I just wanted to do something different to help out.
Solo quería hacer algo diferente para ayudar.
Councilmen, I have something to discuss with you, but before I do, can I just point out how handsome the both of you look today?
Concejales, debo discutir algo con ustedes, pero antes ¿ puedo decirles lo apuestos que se ven hoy?
When I tell you to do something, you should just do it!
Cuando te pido que hagas algo, ¡ simplemente deberías hacerlo!
It's about Jane and I having something to do just for us.
Es porque Jane y yo tengamos algo que sea solo para nosotros.
You do something back, he does something, and pretty soon it's just about who can be more childish.
Haces algo, él hace algo, y pronto esto tratará de quién puede ser más infantil.
Apparently this has something to do with a voodoo ritual... so, just a normal day at the office?
Aparentemente esto tiene algo que ver con un ritual de vudú... ¿ Un día normal en la oficina?
I just don't want to believe my country could do something like this.
No quiero pensar que mi país pueda hacer algo así.
I just want something else to do right now.
Solo quiero algo que hacer ahora mismo.
Jack, you can't go with me, you have school, and this is something I just have to do with my mom.
Jack, no puedes ir conmigo, tienes que ir a la escuela, y esto es algo que tengo que hacer solo con mi madre.
I just wanted to do something good today.
Solo quería hacer algo bueno hoy.
I just want to go home and I want to see the girl that I'm in love with but instead I might die over something that I might not even do!
Yo sólo me quiero ir a casa y ver a la chica de la cual estoy enamorado pero no,! podría morir por algo que ni siquiera hice!
Look, I may be worried over nothing, but you just don't want to get caught up in the excitement of being away from home for the weekend and do something you'll regret.
Mira, quizás esté preocupada por nada, pero no querrás verte atrapada en la emoción de estar lejos de casa por el fin de semana y hacer algo que te arrepentirás.
Just because I do something decent for a guy who happened to fall in love with me and have his whole world cave in does not make me an emotional pile...
Solo porque hago algo decente por un tipo que se enamoró de mí y está hecho un desastre no hace una pila emocional...
But I just decided we'd made a substantial commitment to it and, by God, we were gonna do this book, so let's just start slogging and then maybe lightning would strike, or something wonderful would happen.
Pero decidí que habíamos hecho un compromiso sustancial y, por Dios, íbamos a hacer este libro, así que vamos a empezar sudando tinta y luego tal vez un rayo golpearía, o algo maravilloso iba a pasar.
Uh, just trying to do something nice for genevieve.
Solo estaba tratando de hacer algo lindo por Genevieve.
I already bragged to her that I got her something great, and now I'm just gonna end up running to the drugstore at the last minute to get her some crappy gift like I always do.
Ya le había presumido a ella que le había conseguido algo grandioso, y ahora voy a terminar corriendo a la farmacia de último minuto para darle algún regalo tonto como siempre hago.
I'm just trying to do something right. Hey.
Solo estoy intentando hacer algo bien.
I can't believe I just fucking said that, I wouldn't go for flowers and all that shit, I'd do something big.
No puedo creer que dije eso, no le enviaría flores y todo eso, haría algo grande.
Just a sec, I gotta do something.
Un momento, tengo que hacer una cosa.
I just wanted to do something I could be proud of, something that Emma could be proud of. I don't want to be a bartender forever.
No quiero ser un camarero para siempre.
Even now, after all these years, there's still just this part of me where, if there's even the slightest chance something I do could make Robin smile, I don't even think about it- - I just do it.
Incluso ahora, después de todos estos años, sigue habiendo una parte de mí donde, si hay la más mínima posibilidad de hacer algo para que Robin sonría, ni siquiera lo pienso... solo lo hago.
Well, now, I just might be able to do a little something about that.
Pues quizá pueda hacer algo al respecto.
And the ability to wield magic, and that's not something just anyone can do.
Y la habilidad de manejar la magia, y eso no es algo que pueda hacer todo el mundo.
I just wanted to do something nice to make up for the bipolar accusation.
Solo quería hacer algo bonito para compensar la acusación bipolar.
I'm just gonna... talk or something until we get there,'cause I don't really know what else to do.
Sólo voy a hablar o hacer algo hasta que lleguemos, porque no sé qué hacer.
It's probably just something to do with flexibility.
Probablemente tenga que ver con la flexibilidad.
I just can't help but get the feeling that Sunset Shimmer had something to do with it.
No puedo evitar pensar que Sunset Shimmer tiene algo que ver con eso.
Maybe she's just waiting until she has the power to do something really awful.
Quizas quiere esperar a tener el poder para hacerle algo realmente horrible.
It's not that, I just want to check if you can do something for others.
No se trata de eso, simplemente quiero comprobar que puedes hacer algo por los demás.
It's probably just a Muslim-Hindu thing or maybe something to do with the tension in the slums as they were looking to bulldoze some of'em.
Probablemente sea algo entre musulmanes e hindúes o algo que ver con la tensión en las barriadas pues iban a derribar algunas.
Like, I tell you what I want, what I need, and you just tell me you're going to do something else?
Yo diciéndote lo que quiero, lo que necesito, ¿ y tú diciéndome que vas a hacer otra cosa?
I thought I could be different, do something good with it, but I'm... just like my dad.
Pensé que podría ser diferente, hacer algo bueno con ella, pero estoy... justo como mi padre.
just do it 1237
just do your job 49
just do your best 22
just don't 272
just don't move 45
just do it already 31
just don't tell anyone 20
just don't worry about it 19
just don't do it 26
just don't touch anything 17
just do your job 49
just do your best 22
just don't 272
just don't move 45
just do it already 31
just don't tell anyone 20
just don't worry about it 19
just don't do it 26
just don't touch anything 17