Just like this one translate Spanish
892 parallel translation
Just like this one.
Un globo como este.
"You know, A.K.," I said, "if I ever build another house, it's going to be one of those simple little colonial cottages," just like this one of yours.
"¿ Sabes, A.K.? Si llego a construir otra casa... será una casita colonial simple", justo como la de ustedes.
You may recall it had one of those old air-conditioned elevators just like this one.
Gracias, capitán. Vamos, cariño. Le veré en el autobús, Sr. Van.
Alguien tiene fuera de Rusia un pañuelo exacto a éste.
Just now in Lalah-Poor's room, I found a comb which looked just like this one.
He entrado en el cuarto de Lalah Poor y he visto una peineta que se parece... a ésta.
When I was little, I had a hat just like this one.
Cuando era pequeño como tú, me ponía el sombrero así.
Bonzo, I wish that you'll have many more birthdays just like this one.
Bonzo, deseo que tengas muchos más cumpleaños como éste.
How'd you like to have a little rod, just like this one?
¿ Te gustaría tener un bólido como éste?
Just like this one.
Igual que esta.
Just like this one.
Igual que ésta.
The setting was perfect. Just like this one.
El paisaje era perfecto, como éste.
We have a radio just like this one.
Tenemos una radio como ésta.
72 rifles... just like this one.
72 rifles, igual que éste.
" Chickens cackling in a barn Just like this one
'Gallinas cacareando como ésta
Right there on the stage in front of everyone... in a nightdress just like this one.
Ahí, sobre el escenario, delante de todo el mundo... con un camisón como este.
You know, if you told anybody we'd been living like this, just down the hall... for six months, neither one of us ever giving the other one a thought they wouldn't believe it.
, si le dijera a alguien que hemos estado viviendo así... aquí en el ayuntamiento... durante seis meses... sin dedicarnos uno al otro un solo pensamiento... no lo creerían.
I got one just like this.
Paul recibió una igual.
For some of them, this is just a kind of game, like stealing lighters and pumpkins. But in one of them, love blossoms.
Para algunos puede que sólo sea una especie de juego, como el robo de mecheros y calabazas, pero en uno de ellos ha nacido un verdadero amor.
Perhaps I just want to die near you. Just like this. Without one lament.
Acaso sólo quiera morir a su lado, así, sin un lamento.
You take the one gimmick and you stick it in here like this and then you take the string... and put it between the two gimmicks... then you take it and you just, haul it off.
Se coge el chisme y se mete aquí. Luego se coge el hilo, se pone entre los dos chismes, se agarra y se saca.
This one ´ s gonna be just like the last one.
Esta guerra será como la última.
A vocabulary of 20 words and there I was with this other candidate, the brilliant one, and all the words you taught me just came pouring out like I'd always known them.
Un vocabulario de 20 palabras y, ahí estaba yo con ese candidato brillante. Todas las palabras que me enseñó me surgían con seguridad.
I'd like one McCanles to give something to this state... and not just take from it.
Quisiera que un McCanles le diera algo al estado... y que no sólo le saque.
This one's just like it.
¿ Qué has dicho?
Well if I ain't exactly in eyeshot when you want me, Miss Harms, just give one whistle like this.
Bueno, si no estoy exactamente a la vista cuando me necesite, Señorita Harms, sólo de un silbido como éste.
Muriel, this is asking a lot, but just one morning I would like to sit and have breakfast without social significance.
Muriel, sé que es un sueño inútil, pero una sola vez quisiera desayunar sin discusiones pseudo filosóficas.
You know, that's one of the nice things about living in a small place like this. You're not just a number over the door.
Es una de las ventajas de vivir en un pueblo pequeño como este.
Just throw Jacques. If one of you gentlemen would like to try it, just step this way.
Si alguno de ustedes quiere intentarlo, que pase por aquí.
Every girl in this mining town was wearing one just like it.
Todas, todas las chicas del pueblo minero llevaban uno igual.
God didn't make all this country just for one man like Ryker.
Dios no creó estas tierras para un solo hombre como Ryker.
All right, I'll send this one in. Just as it is. But "disapproved," like I always do.
Está bien, la mandaré tal como está escrita... pero "desaprobándola", como siempre he hecho.
Willa Harper, there are certain plain facts of life that adds up just like two plus two makes four, and one of them is this.
Willa Harper, hay cosas en la vida que son tan claras como que dos y dos son cuatro, y ésta es una de ellas.
I'd like to ask you one question, after months of pleading for just this kind of action, what makes you think that anybody, anybody could force me to reveal the identity of my confederate?
Tras meses de rogar precisamente por este tipo de accion, ¿ Por que crees que algo podria hacerme desencubrirlo?
And I didn't have a plane like this one, either, just an old beat up De Havilland and no gas to spare and no lights on the field.
Y no tenía un avión como éste... sino un De Havilland destartalado... sin suficiente gasolina. Y no había luces en el aeródromo.
Well, I done my best in one day, but just to be fair with you it took me a week of scrubbing to get it like this.
Bueno, hice la mayoría en un día, pero para ser sincero me llevó una semana de fregado para que quede así.
And we're not just jabbering, like this one!
¡ Y dejémonos de charlas, como hace él!
They just stood there, watching this one, gloating over him like a bloody watch dog. All phony acts and putting on a squadron leader act with me. Even threw the DFC at me.
Estaba contemplándola como su perro guardián, y con su acento cursi me soltó lo de la cruz al valor.
Every cloud has a silver lining, Sam, except this one has a pink one, just like those fancy pink bloomers you gave to Michelle?
Y esta vez el sol está radiante... como esos calzones finos que le diste a Michelle.
I'm just the man who has to send people out on jobs like this one.
Sólo envío a mis semejantes a misiones como ésta.
I have one just like this.
Tengo uno igual.
I furnished this room just like the other one.
Decoré esta habitación igual que la otra.
But just one little thing like this and we're up the creek without a paddle.
Una cosa como ésta y nos ponemos cuesta abajo y sin frenos.
Now, just a minute, boy. How else would you get all this stuff into one suitcase, I'd like to know.
¿ En qué otra forma se podría meter todo esto en un solo maletín?
Mr. Wilson has just been discharged from a sanitarium where he spent the last six months recovering from a nervous breakdown, the onset of which took place on an evening not dissimilar to this one on an airliner very much like the one
El señor Willson acaba de ser dado de alta de una clinica En donde pasó los últimos 6 meses recuperandose de un colapso nervioso El problema surgió una mañana no muy distinta de esta
Said when someone's been living with you for hundreds of years, he's just like one of the family. She gave me this sob story.
Me contó una historia sentimental.
And look at this one here - he's very solemn. He's just like Marco Polo.
Y mira este, solemne como Marco Polo.
No, no, no, I cannot accept their rules : They just glug it down in one gulp, one after the other but like this, no, it's so uncivilized.
No, no, yo no puedo aceptar su reglamento, tragar de un golpe, uno a mí, uno a ti, así.
I just want you to know I've been flying for quite some time and it hasn't always been for crummy outfits like this one.
Sólo quiero que sepa que llevo tiempo volando... ... y no siempre para compañías miserables como ésta.
I heard one just like it this morning.
Escuché uno igual esta mañana.
I've just one suggestion : I'd like an infantry unit to outflank the entire position then smash through this village behind the fort.
Sólo una sugerencia : que una unidad de infantería intente flanquear la posición, y ataque el pueblo por detrás del fuerte.
I'll just put all of my earnings in this suitcase and close it with one quick zip, like this.
Bien, meteré el dinero en esta maleta y la cerraré con un rápido movimiento.
just like that 1429
just like me 288
just like you 742
just like you said 149
just like you wanted 40
just like everyone else 52
just like your father 62
just like old times 221
just like you are 25
just like us 122
just like me 288
just like you 742
just like you said 149
just like you wanted 40
just like everyone else 52
just like your father 62
just like old times 221
just like you are 25
just like us 122