Just like your father translate Spanish
555 parallel translation
When you go up there I want you to act like a gentleman... just like your father is.
Cuando subas, quiero que actúes como un caballero... igual que tu padre.
- Just like your father.
You're just like your father.
Eres igual que tu padre.
You're a dreamer. Just like your father.
Eres un soñador como tu padre.
I'll get them all signed and everything, just like your father says.
Estarán firmados y todo, como dijo su padre.
You look just like your father did... on his best days, that is.
Te pareces a tu padre en sus buenos tiempos.
You're just like your father.
Eres como tu padre, ¿ eh?
I meant to tell you about that... about how I woke up one morning with a nasty headache, owing Miss Farrel a lot of money, just like your father did.
Es lo que quería decirle- - Una mañana desperté con dolor de cabeza... y le debía a la Srta. Farrel mucho dinero, igual que su padre.
You're just like your father. Always belittling yourself.
Es como su padre, siempre menospreciándose.
I ´ m just like your father.
Cariño, yo soy como tu padre.
You're too emotional, just like your father.
Eres demasiado emotivo, igual que tu padre.
Si no supiera que eres tú, creería que era él.
- Just like your father. Always interrupting.
Eres como tu padre, siempre interrumpes.
You're just like your father.
Te pareces a tu padre...
You know so much, just like your father.
Eres un sabelotodo, al igual que tu padre.
You're just like your father.
Eres como tu padre...
You look just like your father.
Te ves igual a tu padre.
You're just like your father about sex. Just like him!
Eres igual que tu padre con el sexo. ¡ lgual que él!
You're just like your father!
¡ Eres como tú padre!
- When excited, you're just like your father.
- Cuando te alteras, eres igual que tu padre.
It looks just like your father used to decorate it, right?
Está igual que lo tenía su padre, ¿ verdad?
But damn it, you're just like your father... a fighter.
Pero eres igual a tu padre, maldita sea. Un luchador.
Just like your father is Mayordomo.
"Ancina" como su padre es Mayordomo.
You sound just like your father.
Hablas como tu padre.
Get out, you're just like your father!
Fuera, eres igual que tu padre.
You're just like your father.
Eres igual a tu padre.
You're just like your father, the very same!
Eres igual que tu padre. ¡ Igual!
Marry a man just like your father.
¡ Cásate con un hombre como tu padre!
I only say it because I love you, because... Because I want you to get better, just like your father does.
Pero lo digo porque te quiero, porque quiero que te cures, como desea tu padre.
You're just like your father before you an Army man, a fighter through and through.
Usted es igual que su padre un hombre del Ejército, un soldado valiente.
You know you look just like your father?
¿ Sabes que luces como tu padre?
Yes it does, just like your father said.
Sí, tal como dijo tu padre.
You've got to make up Ed's mind for him just like I made up your father's.
Deberías decidirte por Ed como yo decidí por tu padre.
Don't exaggerate, I was just involved it's not easy with such a stubborn man like your father...
No exageres, solo eché una mano. No es fácil con un hombre tan terco como tu padre... Fukuko, tú lo sabes.
don't say the word it's true, I concealed something from you yes, concealed, lied yes, you've lied, you've made a fool of me, just like you're making a fool of your father right now
No digas esa palabra... Es verdad, te he silenciado algo... Sí, silenciado también.
I've been a foolish boy a naive person you can cheat, just like you cheat your father you whore!
He sido un estúpido... una persona ingenua... que se puede engañar con una representación, ¡ como haces con tu padre! ¡ ¡ Puta!
You're going to accept your responsibility... just like I did from my father, and just like he did from his father.
Aceptarás tu responsabilidad como lo hicimos mi padre y yo.
You're just Like your father.
Eres igual que tu padre.
Your wife, your son, your father, the whole troupe... you can't just forget them like that.
¿ Y su mujer, su hijito, su padre, toda la troupe? No puede haberlos olvidado a todos de repente.
I have a son of about your age, who is studying and who will honour my name just like you honour your father's.
Tengo un hijo de su edad, que estudia y hará honor a mi nombre,
I spent four years in one just like it, your father sent me there
Yo pasé cuatro años, tu padre me encerró.
Your future Queen Elizabeth - Just like her father.
La futura reina Isabel.
His only wish is that you write him once a month... just like he would be your father... and tell him the progress you are making in school.
Sólo desea que le escribas una vez al mes... como si él fuera tu padre... y le cuentes de tu progreso en la escuela.
Just like I taught you, Mr. O'Carberry, and your father before you... and his father before him.
Como te las enseñé a ti, Sr. O'Carberry, y a tu padre antes que a ti y a su padre antes que a él.
The life of your father just ended like this
La vida de su padre acabó así
These are just some of the victims who like your father fell by the Christians.
Sólo fueron algunas de las víctimas. Murieron como su padre, por el cuchillo de estos cristianos.
Then when your father came home, we were all just watching television... and she slumps forward in her chair... and she started to slaver, just like a... just like a baby.
Luego, cuando tu padre volvió a casa, estábamos todos viendo televisión... y saltó hacia adelante en su silla... y comenzó a babear, igual que-igual que un bebé.
And marry a man just like your father.
¡ Y cásate con un hombre...
You're just like your father.
Eres igual que tu padre siempre se ríen y hablan de no...
I don't know if a human did kill your father. But if it happened, that doesn't mean that all humans are bad just like all apes aren't good.
No sé si un humano mató a tu padre... pero si así fue... no significa que todos los humanos sean malos : es igual con los simios.
Your father wore a uniform just like that policeman.
Su padre llevaba uniforme tal como ese policía.
just like that 1429
just like me 288
just like you 742
just like you said 149
just like you wanted 40
just like everyone else 52
just like old times 221
just like you are 25
just like us 122
just like the rest of us 33
just like me 288
just like you 742
just like you said 149
just like you wanted 40
just like everyone else 52
just like old times 221
just like you are 25
just like us 122
just like the rest of us 33