Just like you asked translate Spanish
261 parallel translation
Just like you asked me to, sir.
Como me lo pidió.
A man meets a girl, they fall in love, and he asks her to marry him just like you asked me.
Un hombre conoce a una chica, se enamoran y le pide que se case igual que me lo pediste tú.
The stuff's all set up and ready, just like you asked for.
Ya está todo listo, tal como lo pediste.
- Just like you asked for.
- Como me pidió.
The coffee's French Market, just like you asked.
El café es French Market, como querías.
Just like you asked me to.
A partir de ahora, mantendré mis promesas, Cerebro...
- Just like you asked for.
Oh, estan como usted pidió, señor
Scored all over the Kiersey Temperament Sorter, just like you asked for, and they all score very high on the insomnia charts.
Con todo tipo de calificaciones en la Prueba de Temperamento Kiersey. Y todos tienen un alto grado de insomnio.
I'm on the northeast corner of 7th and Hunter just like you asked.
- Sí. En la esquina noreste de la Séptima y Hunter, como me dijiste.
Sensors are down, just like you asked.
Los sensores están muertos, justo como lo pidió.
We brought you Captain Hunt, just like you asked.
Le trajimos al Capitán Hunt tal como lo pidió.
- Turkey, just like you asked for.
- De pavo, justo como lo pidió.
The ultimate mind-erasuh, just like you asked.
El supremo borrador de mentes, como lo pediste.
Just like you asked.
Justo lo que me pediste.
This song sucks, man but it's 1.45 and I'm playing it just like you asked me to.
Esta canción es pésima, viejo, pero es la 1 : 45 y la estoy tocando tal como me lo pediste.
Mamuka sweetheart, I brought the girls back early, just like you asked.
Mamuka, cariño. He traído a las niñas pronto, como tú querías.
Hey, I'm just doing what the widow wants. It's just like you asked.
Hago lo que la viuda quiere, como lo pediste.
Three cases, just like you asked.
Tres cajas, como me lo pediste.
I scoured the town, just like you asked.
Rastrillé la ciudad tal como pediste.
I just asked for a transfer. Why do you want to do a thing like that?
- He pedido un traslado - ¿ Por que has hecho algo así?
Why, nothing, I just asked her why a nice Jewish girl like her was interested in a no-good, East Side fighter like you.
Solo le pregunté que cómo una chica judía tan mona se interesaba por un boxeador como tú.
I also asked for justice thirty years ago, just like you.
También yo, como tú ahora, pedí justicia hace treinta años.
I just asked you to deliver a message, a simple message like a Western Union boy.
Te pedí que entregaras un mensaje, algo simple, como un chico de correos.
What if I asked you, just like that, to lend me 50,000 lire? What would you do?
¿ Y si yo, así, en mis dos pies le pido prestadas 50.000 liras?
You asked me to come by tomorrow, so there I am today just like you wanted.
Me dijiste que viniera mañana, así que aquí estoy hoy, como tú querías.
You can't just interrupt like that without being asked.
- Martin no es un criminal. Thomas, no puede usted interrumpir así mientras está siendo interrogado.
I mean, you know, I'd occasionally have conversations with people... but then, uh, when they asked what I did... which would always happen after about five minutes... uh, you know, their faces... Even if they were enjoying the conversation, or they were flirting with me, or whatever it was... their faces would just have that expression just like the portcullis crashing down.
A veces, conversaba con gente... pero cuando me preguntaban qué hacía... al cabo de cinco minutos... sus caras, aunque disfrutaran de mi conversación... o ligaran conmigo... sus caras se transformaban en un menosprecio absoluto.
Hey, listen, smart ass. I asked my old man about sticking... your tongue to metal light poles in winter... and he says it will freeze right to the pole just like I told you.
Le pregunté a papá qué ocurre si le pasas la lengua a un poste.
I just asked you to do one thing... just stay awake and watch me... just wake me up if it looked like I was having a bad dream... and what did you do?
Solo te pedi que hagas una sola cosa... permanecer despierto y vigilarme... y despertarme si notabas que estaba teniendo un mal sueño... y que es lo que hiciste?
I know I asked, but you were just a name then, not a man I like.
Cuando lo pedí, eras un nombre, no un hombre que me gusta.
I don't drink coffee. Okay... Anyway, I thought that you asked in a way that just sort of sounded to me like you weren't even asking, so I just think, you know, "Forget it." Just forget...
Además, parece que me lo ha pedido como si no fuera en serio, así que olvídelo.
Well, Kelly, if you'd just gotten in the car like the man asked, we would have had 50 bucks.
Si eres un secuestrador, no te olvides... del niño escaleras arriba. Que tenga un buen día. Disculpe, Sra.
Honey, I just asked them to leave because you know I don't like insulting you in front of the children.
Les he pedido que se fueran porque ya sabes que no me gusta insultarte delante de los niños.
Don't say "sir" like I just asked you if you cleaned the latrine.
No pregunto si limpiaste las letrinas.
Maybe it's just the timing, but I feel like... I would go anywhere with you... if you asked.
Tal vez sea la sincronización, pero siento que... iría a cualquier lado contigo. Si me lo pidieras.
But... Well, when anyone ever asked me, I always said that I was named Jim after Jim Morrison of The Doors, because, you know, he had this great kind of life, like, just traveling around and writing his songs and having women beg him to do it to them, even to take his, uh... organ out on-stage.
Pero... bueno, cuando alguien me preguntaba, siempre decía que me llamaba Jim... por Jim Morrison, de la banda "The Doors"... porque, ya sabe... él tuvo un estilo de vida grandioso... viajando por todos lados y escribiendo canciones... y con mujeres rogándole que les haga el amor... incluso sacarle... su "órgano" en el escenario.
- Now that we've done what you've asked... you'd like us to just... disappear.
- Ya hicimos lo que querían... y ahora quieren que... desaparezcamos.
There was one point in there where he asked you he says " it looks like your just changing'your story,
En cierto momento, te preguntó...
Why don't you just find my schedule like I asked you to?
¿ Por qué no me encuentra la agenda como le he pedido?
I handled him just like I've handled everything else you've asked me to do.
Hice lo mismo que las otras veces.
Look. Just give me the paychecks, like I asked, and you won't ever see me again.
Mire, solo deme mi sueldo, como le pedí, y no volverá a verme.
Dr. Solomon, channel 58 just called and asked if you would like to appear on some show called men ideas?
Dr. Solomon, el Canal 58 llamó y pregunta si le gustaria aparecer en un programa llamado "Hombre de Ideas" Hombre de ideas?
So, listen, just to clarify... when... when you asked me to come to this party tonight... did you mean, like, come with you?
Escucha, quiero aclarar algo. Cuando me pediste que viniera a la fiesta esta noche... ¿ quisiste decir que viniera contigo?
Kitty, I'm just being sociable, like you asked.
Kitty, estoy simplemente siendo sociable, como lo solicitaste.
Just like you knew the guy who asked you to drive his dogs up from Florida.
Sí, como a aquel que... te pidió llevar su perro hasta Florida.
Life without parole. H, just finished logging in all the evidence... from Chaz's vehicle like you asked.
H, acabo de registrar toda la evidencia del vehículo de Chaz como me lo pediste.
I just asked Carla to marry me and you were in there acting like a jerk.
Acabo de pedirle a Carla que se case conmigo y te portas como un imbécil.
- Yes, of course I like you, but... it's kind of funny. - I just asked if you like me.
- Yo te pregunto si te gusto.
Then after you've done what I asked I'll give you another 10,000, cash, just because I like you so much.
Le doy 10 mil dólares más. Sólo porque me gusta usted tanto.
Please, just check the bills in Evidence like I asked you to
Por favor, revisa los billetes tomados como prueba, de la forma en que te pedí.
If you'd just talked to the landlord like I asked you to in the first place...
Si hubieras hablado con el súper como te dije.
just like that 1429
just like me 288
just like you 742
just like you said 149
just like you wanted 40
just like everyone else 52
just like your father 62
just like old times 221
just like you are 25
just like us 122
just like me 288
just like you 742
just like you said 149
just like you wanted 40
just like everyone else 52
just like your father 62
just like old times 221
just like you are 25
just like us 122