Leave it with me translate Spanish
591 parallel translation
And you wanted to leave it with me.
Y me lo quería colocar a mí.
- You can leave it with me if you wish.
- Déjemelo a mí si lo desea.
Couldn't you leave it with me?
¿ No podías dejarlo a mi cuidado?
Don't worry, leave it with me.
Quédese tranquilo, que yo me ocuparé.
I went to see the lady and she said, "Leave it with me".
Fui a ver a esa señora, que me dijo : "Yo me ocuparé de tí".
I'd advise you to leave it with me in the safe.
Le aconsejo dejarlo en mi caja fuerte.
Certainly, Mr. Bolton. If you will be so good as to leave it with me... I'll see that you have your supplies as usual... when you return from your holidays.
Si tiene la bondad de dejármela... tendrá su pedido como de costumbre... a su regreso de las vacaciones.
Well, you just leave it with me and I'll make sure they get it safely.
Bueno, sólo déjelo conmigo y yo se los haré llegar.
- Bueno, a mí no me la dejó.
You made me an offer to leave with you. Does it still hold good?
Antes me pidió que me fuese con Vd. ¿ Sigue queriendo que vaya?
Do you think it's safe to leave her alone with him? - Don't worry about me. - Well, I don't know, Effie.
¿ Crees que es conveniente dejarla a solas con él?
I'll leave for Paris with the night train perhaps you'll think it over once more whether two grown-up persons don't have a right to fight for their happiness
Me iré a París en el tren de esta noche. Tal vez lo pienses una vez más si dos adultos no tienen derecho a defender su felicidad.
What, to ask my mistress to leave with me, to come to a small quiet corner where we can be happy, it's too much?
¿ Que le pida a mi amada que estemos juntos en un lugar es demasiado? ¿ Es...?
I suppose you'd like me to leave it with the constable on my way back.
Supongo que me harás llevárselo al alguacil cuando yo vuelva a la ciudad.
If I leave, I probably could have won the pot and if I stay, I might lose it... and if I don't go and help with the baggage, my wife will skin me alive.
Si me voy, quizá gané el pozo. Si me quedo, quizá lo pierda. Y si no ayudo con las maletas, mi esposa me desollará vivo.
Why did you leave the North? I had little to do with it. I was washed ashore here.
No lo elegí yo, el mar me trajo aquí, y el Sr. Howe me recogió.
And if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty... I should've made it as hard for you to leave me as...
Y si Dios me hubiera regalado riqueza y belleza, habría logrado que fuera tan difícil para usted dejarme a mí como...
Leave it entirely to me and rest assured that I'll handle it with all the tact and delicacy of a crooked diplomat.
Déjamelo a mí y quédate tranquilo que yo me encargaré... con el tacto y la diplomacia de un diplomático inescrupuloso.
I debated with myself whether it wouldn't be simpler to leave you in jail, out of the way.
Me planteé si no sería más fácil para nosotros dejarle en la cárcel. Fuera de juego.
- It was also true for me. So you think I can leave you with that bastard?
Ahora no puedes seguir con este cabrón.
And if you were to leave it up to them, I'm sure all would stay with me.
Y si les diéramos a elegir, estoy seguro que hoy todos se quedarían conmigo.
This... this pillar of virtue has suddenly decided... That it wouldn't be safe to leave me alone in the house with Mr. Belvedere. Oh, are you kidding?
Este esposo modelo ahora sale con que no puede dejarme sola en casa con el señor Belvedere.
I'll leave it with you to get in touch with me.
- Ponte en contacto conmigo.
It would be best if you left now. As soon as I get the leave I'll catch up with you.
Lo mejor será que se vaya usted ahora, cuando me den el permiso iré a buscarla.
I'm willing to buy whatever property your uncle left you. Seems to me every time we have a conversation, it winds up with you inviting me to leave town.
Cada vez que me habla es para pedirme que me marche.
When I told you to leave your wife... it had nothing whatever to do with me.
Cuando le dije que dejara a su esposa... no tenía nada que ver conmigo.
I didn't leave, I lived together with her, but it was the opposite of what I wanted.
No me fui de su casa, seguía viviendo con ella, en suma seguía viviendo, aunque esto fue exactamente lo contrario de lo que quería.
It would be nice if you could give me some money, I'd also like to leave with you.
Nos pusimos a beber y él parecía muy amable. - Pero, luego, él me dijo...
If I leave with a woman, it would be a disaster
Si me voy con una mujer, sería una catástrofe para ellos.
Leave me to deal with it, and all will be well.
Si consientes, organizaré lo necesario.
Leave it to me. I have a way with children.
Sé cómo hay que tratar a los niños.
If we kiss, then it's time to leave, and I'm alone again with all those things I wanted to tell you.
Y, si nos besamos, luego tenemos que irnos deprisa, y yo me quedo con todo lo que había pensado decirte.
If you cannot live with me, leave my Iife and let me get on with it.
Si no puedes vivir conmigo, deja que haga mi vida. Déjame en paz.
"If your head reels with pain, or your heart sinks in gloom..." "Don't fret, leave it to me ; I'll set things right soon"
Si tienen la cabeza dolorida o el corazón apesadumbrado déjenmelo a mí, que lo compondré pronto
If you leave me alone with him, it will be worse.
Y si me dejas sola con él, será aún peor.
Well, it looks a lot to me... Like somebody thought that maybe with you dead getting rid of Clarke Baker would leave a free field.
Creo que alguien pensó que, estando usted muerto, si se deshacía de Baker, tendría vía libre.
I wonder whether it will be safe enough to leave it with you
Me pregunto si será seguro dejarlo contigo.
Leave it. I took it from a friend with dark thoughts.
Me la ha dejado un amigo que tiene ideas negras.
Leave me alone, I'm going to... - You're in love with him, confess it!
¡ Estás enamorada, confiésalo!
I want to stay with her right to the end, but I had to leave it to the men.
Me hubiera gustado estar con ella hasta el final, pero dejé que los muchachos decidieran.
If you will be good enough to leave this with me, Mr. Foster... I will see that it's called to Prince Philip's personal attention.
Si es tan amable de dejarme esto, Sr. Foster, me encargaré de hacerlo llegar al príncipe Philip en persona.
It's none of my business, but you should leave these people alone. The police will catch up with them.
No quiero meterme donde no me llaman... pero deje a esa gente tranquila.
Do what you want.. but after I leave with the lady, who honors me with her friendship, got it?
Haz lo que quieras... pero después de que me vaya con la señora, quien me honra con su amistad.
Jo. You can't make it with me. Leave me here.
Conmigo, saldrás de ésta.
Well, if you could be persuaded to leave the phenomenon here with me for a few days, so that I can study it in its true love life, and developmental ability.
Entonces, usted podría dejarme el fenómeno por unos días, de modo que yo pueda estudiarlo en su verdadera vida afectiva, en su capacidad evolutiva.
Is it just for the sake of money you won't leave with me?
¿ Es sólo el dinero lo que te impide venir conmigo?
Why is it you can't wait to leave when you're with me? - There are other sick people to see.
¿ Por qué cuanto está conmigo no ve la hora de irse.?
Antoine, it grieves me to have to leave you, but, with you, a holiday isn't really a holiday.
Antoine, me da pena dejarle. Pero francamente, con usted, no son vacaciones.
Leave it to me, Pasheko, my sister will listen to my request, which I will pronounce with pain in my heart.
Déjadmelo a mí, Pacheco, mi hermana escuchará mis requerimientos, que pronunciaré con dolor en mi corazón.
Yes, but Doctor, surely, I mean the Daleks aren't going to leave a tape around with their plans on it?
Sí, pero Doctor, sin duda, me refiero a la Daleks van a dejar una cinta con sus planes al respecto por ahí olvidada?
And, uh, if I don't leave here with it, I'm not gonna leave here without it.
Y si no me voy de aquí con él... no me iré sin él.
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leave it to me 292
leave it 1083
leave it there 89
leave it out 59
leave it at that 22
leave it be 22
leave it alone 263
leave it on 47
leave it open 25
leave it to me 292
leave it 1083
leave it there 89
leave it out 59
leave it at that 22
leave it be 22
leave it alone 263
leave it on 47
leave it open 25
leave it to us 28
with me 1243
with men 23
leave me 436
leave 1433
leaves 53
leave me the fuck alone 22
leave me in peace 46
leave a message 819
leave me alone 2886
with me 1243
with men 23
leave me 436
leave 1433
leaves 53
leave me the fuck alone 22
leave me in peace 46
leave a message 819
leave me alone 2886