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Make it hurt translate Spanish

296 parallel translation
Suffer me... To come to thee... and ask Him not to make it hurt anymore.
Socórreme... para llegar a él... y pedirle que no le haga daño nunca más.
Just make it hurt and you're on the right track.
Haz que duela y acertarás.
- They said make it hurt, so we do.
- Nos piden que duela y duele.
Just for that, I'm gonna make it hurt, puta!
¡ Sólo por eso te voy a destrozar, puta!
Make it hurt, Drill Sergeant!
¡ Haga que duela, Sargento Instructor!
Make it hurt!
¡ Haga que duela!
- [Rago] Make it hurt, Drill Sergeant.!
- [Rago] ¡ Haga que duela, Sargento Instructor!
Please, don't make it hurt!
Ningun alemán...
Beat it up, make it hurt!
¡ Golpéalo, hazle sufrir!
- Make it hurt - Obsession, confession
Has que duela, obsesión, confesión
Make it hurt
Has que duela
All right. We'll make it hurt a little more.
- Bueno, hagamos que le duela.
If you want to make a mess of it because your pride is hurt, go on and do it.
Iremos a juicio si quieres.
It's easy to make fun of somebody if you don't care how much you hurt'em.
Es fácil reírse de alguien sin importar si se le hace daño.
"A, B, C, D, E" doesn't make sense. Maybe he was practicing his alphabet. Looked like it wouldn't hurt him.
Puede que revisara el alfabeto no le vendría mal
It won't hurt you, and we can make the city edition.
Así saldría en la primera edición.
We'd make a great combination, you and myself. And if you do come in, I'll teach you how to handle cards. It don't hurt anything.
Tú y yo seríamos una buena combinación, y si te decides, te enseñaré a manejar las cartas, no viene mal.
If you do, if you ever hurt him, I'll make you sorry for it.
Si alguna vez le haces daño, lo lamentarás.
If you do something to hurt me or anyone else, all it takes is a word for you to make everything alright again.
Si haces algo que me haga daño a mí o a cualquier otro, sólo necesitas unas palabras para hacer que todo esté bien de nuevo.
Well, it didn't hurt to have Larry Evans show up... and make like he and Vicki were old friends.
No vino mal que se presentase Larry Evans... e hiciese como si Vicki y él fuesen viejos amigos.
It would hurt him not to make this gesture.
Le haría daño si no se la pidiera.
We can't make it visible, we can't hurt it.
No podemos volverlo visible ni hacerle daño alguno.
I can't hurt her physically where I make up it with my voice I cut at you?
No puedo pegarle, pero lo compenso de muchas maneras...
Do everything you can to make sure it doesn't hurt.
Hagan lo que sea para que no sufra.
Then, when he sees how few we are, it'll hurt his pride and make him charge the second line.
Entonces, cuando vea los pocos que somos, eso herirá su orgullo y cargará contra la segunda línea.
Believe me, it doesn't hurt every once in a while to have a funeral... just to make people glad to be alive.
Y créeme, de vez en cuando no viene mal... un funeral para que la gente se alegre de estar viva.
No. - Se va a ensuciar el vestido.
Follow it and make sure - you won't hurt citizens.
Asegúrese de que ningún ciudadano es herido.
Nasty poacher hurt its paw, but old Tom'll make it right.
Un cazador furtivo le hirió la pata.
An ounce of cognac will not hurt him too much maybe it will make him weaker the next time he is ill then one day some little thing will carry him away.
Un poco de coñac no le hará daño... quizá le debilite algo más la próxima vez que recaiga... pero un día... cualquier mínima cosa se lo llevará. Comprenda...
It cannot hurt anyone, and it might save some of those people... who otherwise might not make it if we wait around for the tests.
Y salvaría a otros... que de otra forma no podrían si esperamos a las pruebas.
You just say that to hurt me, make me feel jealous, but it ´ s not true.
Sólo lo dices para lastimarme, para hacerme sentir celoso, pero no es verdad.
I know it sounds like a cliché to... to say that this is going to hurt me more than it does you... but it doesn't make it any less true... for you see, it is I...
Sé que suena como un cliché... decir que este me va a doler más que a ti... pero no lo hace menos cierto... para que vea, es I...
It's not so much that I have to hurt someone, it's just don't make me do it!
No es que tenga que lastimar a alguien. ¡ No me obligues a hacerlo!
I make my peace with it before it happens... so I don't get really hurt.
Hago las paces antes de que suceda... entonces no sufro tanto.
The second thing he thinks, if she gets hurt, how's it make the department look?
Después pensará que si ella se lastima... ¿ Cómo va a hacer quedar al Departamento?
It's enough to make people really wanna go out there and lash out and hurt somebody.
Es suficiente para hacer que la alguien realmente quiere salir a atacar y herir a alguien.
I did it to make him like me so he wouldn't hurt me as much.
Lo hice para gustarle... así no me haría más daño.
OK, so it's not, but still if you make a selfish mistake... the people who count on you get hurt.
Está bien, no lo es, pero aun así si cometes un error egoísta... las personas que cuentan contigo salen lastimadas.
Try and make sure it don't hurt.
Prueba y asegúrate que no hiera.
How happy would it make you to hurt me with impunity.
Qué feliz te haría lastimarme con impunidad.
Let me dance to your beat Make it loud, let it hurt, run it through me
Déjame bailar a tu fuerte compás Que duela, haz que me hiera
You better make it right again. Because if you don't, I'm gonna hurt you.
De lo contrario, te vas a arrepentir.
Don't hurt her, but it would make you feel better to smack her a bit.
No te excedas. Pero te sentirías mejor con dos guantazos.
Hurt so much you don't think you're gonna make it.
Duele tanto que no crees que podrás superarlo.
I just said that to make Hope think I hurt it.
Sólo lo dije para que Hope pensara que lo herí.
And I don't think it would hurt to make sure you're right on this one.
Y deberian asegurarse de que en este caso, tienen razón.
To make it so no one could ever hurt me like that again.
Para que nadie pueda herirme así otra vez.
A loved one gets hurt... a child, a mother... we want to make it right.
Cuando agreden a alguien, a un hijo o una madre... -... queremos vengarnos.
That man you were going to marry- - if you could have just taken a hypospray to make yourself stop loving him so that it didn't hurt so much when you were away from him, would you have done that?
Ese hombre con el que ud. iba a casarse... si pudiera sólo haber tomado un hipospray para poder dejar de amarlo como para que no le doliera tanto el alejarse de él, ¿ lo habría hecho?
I'll make sure it doesn't hurt.
Me aseguraré que no te duela.

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