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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ M ] / Make it yourself

Make it yourself translate Spanish

955 parallel translation
- Did you make it yourself?
- ¿ Tú mismo la hiciste?
Did you make it yourself? .
¿ Lo hiciste tú solo?
- That's a nice suit. You make it yourself?
Bonito traje. ¿ Te lo has hecho tú?
We can never be just a man and a woman, you know. Even if you were butt naked in front of me, it wouldn't make a difference. Don't get yourself confused.
Aunque estuvieras completamente desnuda, no sentiría nada.
So, it's not just that you're slightly disappointed when I'm not around... but I make you fear and hate yourself?
Así que, ¿ no sólo te sientes decepcionada cuando no estoy... sino que te hago sentir miedo y odio a ti misma?
Is it to make a name for yourself even without a successful career? Or is it to leave your name to posterity as the man who defeated Sasaki Kojirō?
¿ O es para ser recordado como el que derrotó a Sasaki Kojiro?
If you want to read it, make yourself comfortable in Sheridan's office.
Si quieres leerla, ve al despacho de Sheridan y ponte cómoda.
You get yourself up to the City Club... and make it snappy!
Preséntate en el City Club. ¡ Rápido!
You better cross yourself, Manny, and make it double, because this is once you doubled-crossed yourself.
Más vale que te santigües, Manny, y hazlo dos veces, porque esta vez te has traicionado a ti mismo.
All I make out of it is you made a sap of yourself.
Lo que me parece a mí es que has sido un inocente.
Yes, with me, among the undead, one yourself, as only I can make that possible, never to know death, as men know it.
Sí, conmigo, entre los muertos vivos. Usted mismo uno de ellos. Yo puedo hacer eso posible.
Make it easy on yourself.
- No seas duro contigo mismo.
You must make yourself becoming to it!
Debes cambiar para estar a la altura.
Frank, don't make it worse for yourself.
Frank, no lo empeores.
You better come clean for once and make it easy for yourself.
Será mejor que hables y te facilites las cosas.
Mrs. Asada, Just now you mentioned juvenile delinquency when you were talking about Nobuko. I want to make it clear that it is something you brought up yourself.
Sra. Asada, como acaba de mencionar la delincuencia juvenil cuando hablaba de Nobuko, quiero dejar claro que eso es algo que Vd. misma ha planteado.
It was bad enough your asking him here, but to make a spectacle of yourself.
Ya estuvo mal que lo invitaras, pero arrojarte en sus brazos de ese modo...
It will give me great pleasure... to see you make a fool of yourself before I throw you out of the house.
Me dará un gran placer... humillarlo antes de echarlo de esta casa.
- Make it easy on yourself.
No te compliques la vida.
It gives me great pleasure to make a brave man like yourself Sheriff of Greasewood City.
Es un placer para mí nombrar alguacil a un hombre tan valiente como Ud.
- Make it easy on yourself.
- Lo que Ud. diga.
Dilg and Yates tried it you'll make yourself ridiculous with it too.
Dilg y Yates lo han intentado. Si lo intenta usted, también hará el ridículo.
But to make yourself look good on the job you're willing to turn it in and get me four months'suspension.
Por lucirse en su trabajo me han suspendido 4 meses - ¿ Cómo la consiguieron?
You make it difficult for yourself.
Tú te lo haces difícil.
You're too intelligent to make up something I could check so easily but you're intelligent enough to have broken it yourself to strengthen your story.
Usted es demasiado inteligente para inventarse algo tan fácil de averiguar. Pero también para haberla roto usted misma para reforzar su historia.
Look, Al, I know you're old enough to take care of yourself, and I don't want to butt into your affairs, but it just doesn't make sense to pick up a...
Escucha, Al, sé que eres mayor para cuidar de ti misma y no quiero entrometerme en tus asuntos, pero no tiene sentido ligar con un...
When our antagonists discover we've separated, it's more than likely you'll be followed, so I want you to make yourself as conspicuous as possible.
Cuando descubran que nos hemos separado, le seguirán. Quiero que sea precavido.
Well, it is rather dull to bury yourself in the country all the year... and Barbara would make a wonderful hostess.
Barbara sería una magnífica anfitriona. No, Caroline.
It's my duty to see that you behave properly and don't make a fool of yourself.
Es mi obligación de que te comportes correctamente y no hagas el ridículo.
Why don't you make it easy on yourself, and let him find out about me?
¿ Por qué no te facilitas las cosas y permites que él sepa lo que hago?
Nobody but yourself. And it didn't really make you happy, did it?
Vivía a mi manera dictaba mis propias reglas, no dañé a nadie.
How do you do? In answer to your question, may I inquire, are you... That is, do you follow the Hebrew religion yourself, or is it that you just want to make sure?
Respondiendo a su pregunta, podría saber... si usted practica la religión hebrea... o si nada más quiere asegurarse.
Go on, take it, make yourself look human.
Toma y vuelve con un aspecto más humano.
I wouldn't sell it, Ken. Sing it yourself and make it popular.
No hace falta, Ken, cántala tú mismo y hazla popular.
Listen to you. You can't even say it yourself. You make me say it.
¡ No eres capaz de decirlo tú mismo, me lo haces decir a mí!
Maybe it isn't, but that's what I want to do. Why go out of your way to make trouble for yourself?
¿ Qué necesidad tiene de complicarse la vida?
You can make it by yourself.
- ¿ Puede llegar por su propio pie?
Is it your new friends that make you so sure of yourself?
¿ Son tus nuevos amigos los que te hacen sentir bien?
Don't make yourself sick over it, because if Brandon's telling the truth, and, actually, I believe he is, well, it will work out all right.
No pierdas la calma. Si Brandon dice la verdad, y he de decir que yo le creo, todo irá bien.
I can go easy in court or make it tough on yourself,
No se resista, o tendrá problemas.
It's alright as long as you don't make yourself so conspicuous
Está bien. Pero no hagas ruido.
You're kidding yourself if you think you can make it.
Estás loco si crees que puedes conseguirlo.
Before you make trouble for yourself, let me warn you : It might be worth your while to inform your master... the Marchese Alessandro di Granezia... would like to discuss a wedding.
Antes de que te metas en problemas, permite que te diga que te conviene informar a tu señor de que el marqués Alessandro de Granezia está interesado en hablar de una boda.
Come on, Karl, make it easy for yourself.
Vamos, Karl. No se lo pongas difícil.
Make it and hang yourself.
Fílmala y cuélgate con ella.
You make imaginary sacrifices for yourself, but it's other people's lives you really sacrifice.
Crees que te sacrificas, pero son otras vidas las que se pierden.
You nearly did it that time. Make yourself scarce.
Casi lo logras.
It's your decision, but if you make it you'll be no good to yourself or anybody else.
La decisión es tuya, pero si la tomas no le servirás de nada a nadie.
It's like prison here. Easy to get in. "Make yourself at home."
No, escucha, esto es como la cárcel, es fácil entrar, pero salir está crudo, y si no sales la palmas.
You girls make yourself at home. Ill send for it.
Acomódense mientras envío a alguien a recogerlo.
Is it not a wonder, Kristen Thatcher, that God has seen fit to convert you and make you give yourself to Him?
¿ Acaso no es un gran milagro, Kristen Thatcher, que el señor te haya guiado de forma... que te hayas convertido y le hayas entregado toda tu voluntad?

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