My gift to you translate Spanish
586 parallel translation
My gift to you two.
Mi regalo para ustedes dos.
- My gift to you madam.
- Se lo regalo, señora.
It's my gift to you and to your lady.
- Es mi obsequio para ustedes.
My gift to you.
Esto es lo que te doy.
My gift to you.
Será mi regalo.
It's my gift to you Boss lioka.
Es mi regalo para usted, jefe Iioka.
When I enter your throat you will swallow obediently and with pleasure my gift to you.
Cuando me corra en tu garganta te tragarás dócil y alegremente - es indispensable - el don de vida que te daré.
That's my gift to you.
Es mi regalo.
But he's gonna be my gift to you.
Pero será mi regalo para ti.
That's my gift to you and your new bride.
Te la regalo a ti y a tu esposa.
My gift to you.
Mi regalo para tí.
My gift to you.
Acéptalo como un regalo.
It's my gift to you.
Es mi regalo para tí.
That's my gift to you.
Es mi obsequio para usted.
My gift to you.
Un regalo para ti.
Because... it's my gift to you - freedom.
Porque... es mi regalo para ti...
King of Prussia my dear father-in-law... well, I don't see you dance on your wedding yet possessed the rare gift... with his endearing and charming ways to conquer mens'hearts by storm.
¡ Rey de Prusia! Mi querido suegro... Bueno, yo no te veo bailar en su boda todavía... poseía el raro don... con su forma entrañable y encantadora... de conquistar los corazones de la gente tumultuosamente.
Now I have only one gift to bestow upon you so mark my words well.
Solo puedo concederte un deseo así que presta atención a mis palabras.
Shall I show you my Christmas gift to you?
¿ Quieres que te enseñe mi regalo de Navidad?
Here in this cup is my gift of life to you.
Aquí, en este cáliz, está mi regalo de vida.
Celestine, don't be angry Will you do me the favor... to buy yourself a little gift, a token of my esteem?
Celestine, no te enfades ¿ Quieres hacerme el favor de comprarte un regalo como señal de mi aprecio por ti?
It will be my greatest gift to you.
Será mi mayor regalo para ti.
You understand, my friend, that it's incompatible with your dignity and mine for my wife to accept a gift of such value from you.
Compréndame, querido amigo, que es incompatible con su dignidad y la mía que mi mujer acepte de Ud. un regalo de tal importancia.
Now, George, as a token of my very deep affection for you. I wish you to accept this gift.
Y ahora Jorge, como muestra de mi más profundo afecto, deseo que aceptes este regalo.
So you can tell Mr. Hallett quite clearly that my acceptance of this gift doesn't mean I intend to get caught dead on his witness stand.
Puedes decirle al Sr. Hallett con claridad que aunque acepte este regalo, eso no significa que deje que me utilice sin más como testigo en el tribunal.
I've brought my floral homage. It's this modest gift in which you'll be able to spend..... your wedding night
Te he traído una corona de flores y este modesto regalo donde podrás pasar la noche de bodas.
And now I would like to talk to you about my personal gift to you.
Y ahora me gustaría hablarle de mi regalo personal para usted.
I ask you to accept this gift from me, and from my brother.
Les pido que acepten este regalo de mí y de mi hermano.
My father's inheritance and my wedding gift to you... catalepsy.
La herencia de mi padre y mi regalo de bodas para ti- - Catalepsia.
I'd like to thank you all... ... for the precious gift you left in my pocket today.
Quiero agradecerles a todos por el hermoso obsequio que me dieron hoy.
I just came to bring this gift my dad sent you.
Nada más vine a traerte este regalo que te manda mi papá.
Would you please take a gift to my lawyer, Mr. Yokoyama?
¿ Le llevarías por favor un regalo a mi abogado, el Sr. Yokoyama?
I do not ask you to restore my gift. but help that child Yourself.
No me devuelvas el don que me quitaste, pero auxilia a esa joven dormida.
I got the idea of making a gift of it to my loyal friends. I know that you can use it to start your new town.
Estoy convencida de que sabrán emplearlo como es debido y que les ayudará a reconstruir lo destruido.
And that's my parting gift to you.
Y ése es mi regalo de despedida para ti.
... my gift of love you gave it to someone...
No llevas tu collar presente de mi amor. ¿ Se lo has dado a otro?
That was my engagement gift to you.
Era mi regalo de compromiso.
My love is a free gift to all the Bolshevik brothers. Do what you want.
Mi amor es libre para mis hermanos bolcheviques.
I urge you to take this love crystal as my gift of gratitude to you.
Le ruego acepte este cristal de amor como muestra de gratitud.
All that is needed is for you to take my gift.
Sôlo es necesario que recibas mi regalo.
As my parting gift I'll let you see something to show that all your efforts were a waste of time.
Como regalo de mi parte dejare que veas algo, para demostrar que todo tu empeño no sirvio de nada.
If you would listen to my confession, is yours. A gift for orphans.
Si me confiesa es suyo, un regalo para los huérfanos.
It's a gift from my mother to thank you for your hospitality.
Le envía su gratitud por tenerme aquí. - Por favor, tómenlo de almuerzo.
You see, it's my Aunt Mildred's gift to Bob and me.
Usted ve, es regalo de mi tía Mildred Bob y yo.
You were very good to me... so this woman is for you, my gift!
Ud. fue muy bueno conmigo... Así que esta mujer es para Ud. ¡ un regalo!
- You're my gift. - I have to make a gift!
¡ Mi regalo eres tú!
I didn抰 ask you to lie to my wife about the value of that gift.
No le pedí que engañara a mi mujer sobre el valor del regalo.
As a token of my goodwill, I present to you a gift... these two droids.
Como muestra de mis buenas intenciones le entrego un regalo : estos dos droides.
You will come with me to my palace, and I will take your gift with great happiness.
Me acompañarás a mi palacio y aceptaré tu regalo con mucha felicidad.
Well, if you're referring to my gift for showmanship, the compliment is gratefully accepted.
Si te refieres a mis dotes teatrales acepto el cumplido.
Angela, did Warren tell you that, as my wedding gift to you,..... I'm decorating your apartment for free?
Angela, hablo contigo Warren acerca de mi regalo de casamiento para ti,..... Estoy decorando tu departamento.
my gift 18
to you too 24
to you 1078
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your family 22
to your place 20
to your mother 18
to you too 24
to you 1078
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your family 22
to your place 20
to your mother 18
to your right 61
to your left 71
to your father 32
to yourself 36
my girl 345
my girlfriend 215
my girls 41
my giddy aunt 17
to your left 71
to your father 32
to yourself 36
my girl 345
my girlfriend 215
my girls 41
my giddy aunt 17