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I have responsibilities, as do you to your people.
Tengo responsabilidades, como tú con tu pueblo.
Shall I make it out to your company, or...?
¿ Debo hacerlo a tu compañía, o...?
I sent it to your wife.
Se la envié a tu esposa.
Pretend you're singing to your kid, or your little brother, or the widow next door.
Simulen que le cantan a su hijo. O a su hermano menor. O a la vecina viuda.
If you want, I'll go to your appointment with you.
Si quieres te acompaño a tu cita.
Just follow me below deck ; I'll bring you to your cargo.
Síganme debajo de la cubierta, los llevaré a la carga.
Listen to your partner, Agent Ressler.
Escucha a tu compañera, agente Ressler.
- Don't talk to your sister like that!
¡ Vigila cómo hablas a tu hermana!
We should have gone to your cabin.
Deberíamos haber ido a tu cabaña.
The rest of you, report to your designated safe zone.
El resto, presentaos en vuestra zona segura designada.
Apparently, to behave monstrously and spend your father's money.
Por lo visto, para comportaos de un modo monstruoso y malgastar el dinero de vuestro padre.
If you try to force me home, I'll make your lives so miserable you'll have to get rid of me.
Como me obliguéis a regresar a casa, haré vuestras vidas tan miserables que querréis deshaceros de mí.
You're supposed to set an example for your people!
¡ Eres una princesa! ¡ Ese supone que debes de ser un ejemplo para tu pueblo!
I'll wreck your whole ship if I have to!
¡ Si tengo que hacerlo, haré añicos vuestra nave!
It is unsportsmanlike to crush your friend when he is down.
Es antideportivo aplastar a tu amigo cuando ha caido.
I will not harm them, daughter, if you agree to come along peacefully and return home for your Centering.
No les haré ningún daño, hija, si accedes a acompañarme pacíficamente de regreso a casa y llevas a cabo tu Centralización.
And though I believe you have made a grave error, you are free to decide your fate.
Y aunque creo que has cometido un grave error, eres libre para decidir tu destino.
- Do you want to keep your voice down, mate?
- ¿ Hable bajo amigo?
- I don't have to answer your question.
- No tengo que responder su pregunta.
Is that to calm your nerves?
¿ Eso es para calmar tus nervios?
Look, if you'd rather..... get someone else to look at your job downstairs..... considering, you know, if you prefer...
Mira, si prefieres... conseguir a otro para ver tu trabajo abajo... considerando, tú sabes, si prefieres...
Yeah, look, James, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but this is a really, really bad time for me.
Sí, mira, James, no quiero herir tus sentimientos... pero de verdad este es un muy mal momento para mí.
" Mr. Chappelle, we had to arrest your friend.
" Tuvimos que arrestar a su amigo.
I said, " Oh, nigga, I thought you was trying to get your dick sucked. What's the...
"Pensé que querías que te chupara la verga, por Dios".
I support your movement. But if you want to take some advice from a Negro, pace yourself.
apoyo su movilización, pero les doy un consejo, tómenselo con calma.
If your best friend pitched that to you, you'd be horrified.
Si tu mejor amigo te arrojara eso, te horrorizarías.
And then we got our hearts broken, because we found out that life wasn't gonna let us do that and that it's impossible to shoot love out of your chest.
Luego, se nos rompió el corazón porque descubrimos que la vida no nos permitiría hacer algo así y que es imposible disparar amor desde el pecho.
Your generation is just determined to be angry, mad.
Su generación está empeñada en vivir enojada o molesta.
And it's very hard to come back to America and sit on the back of the bus after you've been in the South of France, getting your dick sucked for a Crunch bar or some crazy shit like that.
Es muy difícil volver y sentarse en la parte de atrás de un autobús, luego de estar en Francia recibiendo una mamada a cambio de un chocolate o algo así.
And she doesn't know what it feels like to think that your hero might've done something so heinous, my God, you can't imagine.
Ella no sabe lo que se siente pensar que tu héroe puede haber sido capaz de algo tan atroz. Dios mío. No se lo imaginan.
I don't necessarily want your son to go to jail, either.
Yo tampoco quiero que su hijo vaya a la cárcel.
And we, the black Americans, would like to thank you both for your sacrifice and your struggle.
Los estadounidenses negros queremos agradecerles a ambos por su sacrificio y su lucha.
If you're Arab and forget a backpack, you got about 20 minutes before they send that robot to blow your shit up.
Si eres árabe y te olvidas un bolso, tienes alrededor de 20 minutos antes de que envíen un robot para que destruya tu mierda.
'Cause if ISIS catches you, they're going to cut your head off.
Si el Estado Islámico te atrapa, te decapita.
As a guy, would you want to live with a woman that you had once punched in the face with all your strength?
Como hombre, ¿ querrías vivir con una mujer que una vez golpeaste en la cara con toda tu fuerza?
Your lips seem to be swollen.
Tienes los labios hinchados.
However... my question is... to what degree do I have to participate in your self-image?
Sin embargo mi pregunta es : ¿ Hasta qué punto debo participar en la imagen que tú tienes de ti mismo?
You're not supposed to put your hands on anybody. "
Sabes que no debes golpear a nadie ".
Back in those days, if you wanted to get out your marriage, you'd just tell your wife, " Hey, baby, I'm gonna get a pack of cigarettes.
Entonces, para divorciarte, le decías a tu mujer : " Iré a comprar cigarrillos.
Why don't you just ask your girlfriend to do it?
¿ Por qué no le pides a tu novia?
After you managed to get out of your cuffs.
Después de que lograste zafarte de las esposas.
But you need your full focus to go after Hamilton.
Pero necesitas toda tu concentración para ir tras Hamilton.
So you're gonna walk back to wherever it is you walk to and get the manifests, or I'm gonna stop this train, take your money, and give this rail line the most ridiculous PR disaster since the Newton Boys robbed that mail train in Rondout.
Así que va a regresar por donde sea que vino y conseguirá los manifiestos, o voy a detener este tren, llevarme su dinero y voy a darle a este línea ferroviaria el desastre más ridículo de RR. PP. desde que los chicos Newton robaron ese tren del correo en Rondout.
If you want your enemy to become your friend, create a problem for him, and then solve it.
Si quieres que tu enemigo se convierta en tu amigo, creas un problema para él y después lo resuelves.
They were given very clear instructions not to harm your son.
Se les dieron instrucciones muy claras de no lastimar a su hijo.
I don't want to hurt that girl, but you and your pursuit of another Boy Scout honor badge have forced my hand, and now I have no choice.
No quiero lastimar a esa chica, pero tú y tu búsqueda de otra insignia de honor de los Boy Scout me obligan a hacerlo, y ahora no tengo opción.
Your patient, the person Kaplan hired you to work on.
! Su paciente, la persona por la que Kaplan lo contrató.
If you don't mind, we need to wand you and your man.
Si no le molesta, tenemos que registrarlos a usted y a su hombre.
Your abiding love for your son was always evident to me, Werner.
Tu perdurable amor por tu hijo siempre fue evidente para mí, Werner.
No, there's no way you let her out of your sight, not when she's the only person that can tie you to Reven Wright's murder.
No, es imposible que la dejara fuera de su vista, no cuando es la única persona que puede relacionarla con el asesinato de Reven Wright.
When you were a child, to protect you from the memory of killing your father.
Cuando eras una niña, para protegerte del recuerdo de matar a tu padre.
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your health 109
to your family 22
to your place 20
to your mother 18
to your right 61
to your father 32
to your left 71
to yourself 36
to your positions 16
to your health 109
to your family 22
to your place 20
to your mother 18
to your right 61
to your father 32
to your left 71
to yourself 36
your 1839
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your mum 57
your sister 409
your majesty 3240
your mother 885
your mom 327
your point being 45
your mother is dead 28
your ex 322
your name 485
your mum 57
your sister 409
your majesty 3240
your mother 885
your mom 327
your point being 45
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your dad 423
your mind 60
your brother 593
your father called 16
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your dad 423
your mind 60
your brother 593
your father called 16
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78