To your father translate Spanish
16,156 parallel translation
To talk to your father, for example.
Para hablar con tu padre, por ejemplo.
Lo logramos.
You don't talk to your father that way, do you hear me?
No hablarás así con tu padre, ¿ me oyes?
I'm gonna try and expedite, get that cab back to your father as soon as possible.
Intentaré acelerar la devolución del taxi a tu papá.
Sure this is also of concern to your father.
Estoy seguro que también eso le preocupa a tu padre.
How it fits with you fucked me while I was married to your father?
¿ Cómo acostarte conmigo mientras estaba casada con tu padre encaja con tus principios?
Belonged... to your father.
Pertenecieron... a tu padre.
To your father, to your mother, and now to you.
A vuestro padre, a vuestra madre, y ahora a vos.
There's trouble everywhere. Your father came to find you!
Aquí también ocurrió algo terrible y ahora tu papá te está buscando.
Your Uncle Durjan lied to you about your father's death.
Tu tío Durjan mintió sobre la muerte de tu padre.
Do you think your father had a lot to do with your success as a pitcher, Hopper?
¿ Crees que tu padre influyó mucho en tu éxito como lanzador, Hopper?
And I went every other day for five years, And finally, the guy says to me, "Oh... you want to kill your father and fuck your mother."
Fui día por medio durante cinco años, hasta que finalmente, este tipo me dice :
So you left the house again with the ketamine and the knife, got in your father's cab... We've heard what happened after that from law enforcement officers... And now... you're in a patrol car, being taken to the precinct by Officer Bell, who thinks you're a witness, and you ask him what?
Volvió a salir con la ketamina y el cuchillo subió al taxi de su padre ya oímos lo que pasó después por el oficial de turno y ahora está en el patrullero el oficial Bell lo lleva a la comisaría pensando que usted es testigo ¿ y qué le pregunta?
Then, madam... At your father's castle walls We'll crave a parley..... to confer with him.
Entonces, señora... al pie del castillo de vuestro padre pediré una tregua para hablar con él.
Louis, you want to help your father out? - Mmhm.
Louis, ¿ quieres ayudar a tu padre?
Are your clans prepared to hear my call to arms, rise up against the heretical traitor that dares to sit upon my father's throne?
¿ Están sus clanes preparados para oír mi llamado a las armas, levantarse contra el sacrílego traidor que se atreve a sentarse en trono de mi padre?
Persuading you to marry me. To appropriate your father's assets.
Quise convencerte de que te cases conmigo, para asumir la herencia de tu padre.
I used to play chess with your father a long time ago.
Solía jugar ajedrez con tu padre hace mucho tiempo atrás.
Your father might want you to join him.
Quizás tu padre quiera venir.
If this is about your father, I'm not the right man but if you want to work on your charisma or if you notice you're talking to no one on the phone you're welcome to contact me.
Bueno, si se trata de su padre, no soy la persona indicada. Pero si quiere trabajar en su carisma o si ve que está hablando por teléfono a pesar de no haber nadie puede contactarme cuando quiera.
But do you think it was ethical to make your funding conditional on Felix selling you property that still belonged to his father?
¿ Pero le parece que fue ético... poner como condición para su financiamiento... que Felix le venda la propiedad... que todavía pertenecía a su padre?
Traces of rope very similar to this were found on the windowsill of your father's room and in Miss Dryfield's grave.
Rastros de soga muy similares a ésta... se encontraron en el alféizar del cuarto de su padre... y en la tumba de la Srta. Dryfield.
Your father... went to Beijing for work.
Tu padre... fue a Beijing por trabajo.
Your father does not get to choose.
Tu padre no puede elegir.
- Está bien, no quiero alarmarte, pero tu padre y yo estamos en terapia de parejas.
When my father became Warden of the North, your house refused to pledge their banners.
Cuando mi padre se convirtió en Guardián del Norte, vuestra casa no entregó vuestros estandartes.
Was Robb Stark right to trust your father?
¿ Debió Robb Stark confiar en vuestro padre?
Mr. Smith, I think we're ready to hear what you mean when you say this tree is your father.
Señor Smith, creo que estamos listos para que nos diga lo que quiere decir con eso de que ese árbol es su padre.
- In the hope that she will give you - - It is not your father wanted you to have.
Con la esperanza de que ella te dé algo que tu padre nunca quiso que tuvieras.
We go to the party, we walk in... And literally no one is dressed up in 70's costumes... Except for me and your father, can you imagine?
Vamos a la fiesta, entramos, y literalmente nadie estaba vestido como en los 70, excepto tu padre y yo.
I'm going to kill the real you, and then your father.
Voy a matar a tu verdadero yo, y entonces su padre.
Whether you remember this or not, your father used to say that he was amazed by your abilities.
Recuerdes esto o no, tu padre solía decir que estaba sorprendido por tus habilidades.
Your father used to say that you are capable of far more than he ever was.
Tu padre solía decir que eras capaz de mucho más de lo que él mismo era.
in your father's will, where he left you guys the business, he also included a little provision pertaining to your stake in the ownership.
También incluyo una pequeña clausula en relación a tu participación en la propiedad.
We have to go downstairs and find your father.
- Bajaremos para buscar a tu papá.
Hold on, your father wants to talk...
Espera, tu padre quiere hablarte.
I want to hear all about your mother... and your father the butcher... and what it's like working in a butcher shop... and what the girls were like in Newark.
Quiero saber todo sobre tu madre y tu padre, el carnicero, y cómo es trabajar en una carnicería... y cómo eran las chicas en Newark.
I wouldn't consider your having to move out of your room... a superfluous problem... and neither would your father, I'm sure, if he were apprised of the situation... as he has every right to be, by the way.
No consideraría el tener que cambiar de cuarto... un problema superfluo... y tampoco lo haría tu padre, si estuviera informado de la situación, algo de lo que tiene todo el derecho.
And you're to call your father.
Y deberás llamar a tu padre.
So one day one of the pretty girls from my class came up to me... and said, "I stopped at the bus stop... across the street from your father's store... and I saw you cleaning the garbage cans."
Un día, una de las chicas bonitas de mi clase se acercó... y me dijo : " Me detuve en la parada de autobús... frente a la tienda de tu padre... y te vi limpiando los contenedores de basura...
So that's why your father had to let him go?
Por eso tu padre tuvo que dejarlo ir.
I told her to bury those damn things after your father died.
Le dije que enterrara esas malditas cosas después de que tu padre muriera.
Your father whispered something to you.
Tu padre te susurró algo.
Your parents showed up at my door. Your father was bawling his eyes out. Begging me to tell him where you were.
Tus padres aparecieron en mi puerta, a tu padre se le salían los ojos del llanto, rogándome que le dijera dónde estabas.
I know you want to live with your father, so go on.
Sé que quieres vivir con tu padre, así que vete.
You're trying so hard to follow in your father's footsteps, Daniel.
Te estás esforzando tanto en seguir los pasos... de tu padre, Daniel.
You'll experience it yourself but first you have to die for me like your father and son before you.
Lo experimentarás tú mismo, pero primero, tienes que morir por mí. Al igual que tu padre y tu hijo antes que tú.
You're more than welcome to pass judgment on your own father.
Eres más que bienvenido a criticar a tu propio padre.
You have to forgive your father... so your anger doesn't turn you into him.
Debes perdonar a tu padre... para que tu enojo no te convierta en él.
... you will keep your promise you made to father.
Ibas a cumplir la promesa que le hiciste a tu abuelo.
No, I mean, this is what I wore to marry your father.
No, con este me casé con tu papá.
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
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to your family 22
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to your mother 18
to your right 61
to your left 71
to yourself 36
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your family 22
to your place 20
to your mother 18
to your right 61
to your left 71
to yourself 36
your father called 16
your father would be proud 16
your father is dead 32
your father 992
your father's dead 26
your father and i 34
your father's right 30
your father died 20
your father was a good man 17
your father's here 23
your father would be proud 16
your father is dead 32
your father 992
your father's dead 26
your father and i 34
your father's right 30
your father died 20
your father was a good man 17
your father's here 23
your father's 22
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18
father jack 19
father beocca 17
father quinn 28
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18
father jack 19
father beocca 17
father quinn 28