Neither will you translate Spanish
544 parallel translation
Oh, I won't make any mistakes, neither will you.
No me equivoco, ni tú.
I'll never get back, and neither will you!
Nunca regresaré.
And I warn you, Anthony, and neither will you.
Y te lo advierto, Anthony, a ti te ocurrirá lo mismo.
This flier gave me the message, and I couldn't make head nor tail of it... and neither will you.
El piloto me dio el mensaje pero no pude descifrarlo completamente... ni podrá hacerlo usted.
Sir won't marry Lily, but neither will you.
Señor no se casará con Muguete pero tú tampoco.
Pa never changed. Neither will you.
Papá nunca cambiaba y tú tampoco.
That's right, Jess, and neither will you if you don't get some sleep.
Es cierto, Jess, y tú tampoco si no duermes
I won't be there, and neither will you.
No estaré allí. Y tú tampoco.
Neither will yours when you put on a mask.
Tú tampoco la tendrías con una máscara puesta.
Neither will you.
Nadie podría
And neither will you, Tim.
Y tú tampoco, Tim.
Neither will you, stonecutter.
Ni tú tampoco, cantero.
I won't get Lorraine, Barney... but neither will you.
Lorraine no será mía, Barney, pero tampoco suya.
I'll tell you just one thing, Friede, as soon as I have the spaceship ready to launch again, I'll fly back to earth - and neither Helius nor Manfeldt will stop me -!
- Yo sólo te digo una cosa, Friede. A la que vuelva a tener la nave lista para despegar, forzaré el regreso a la Tierra... ¡ y ni Helius ni Manfield me lo impedirán!
─ Neither one of you will go.
- No saldrá nadie.
Unless you give me your solemn word that you will neither see nor have any communication with this man again,... you will leave my house at once as you are with nothing but the clothes you have on.
A menos que me des tu solemne palabra de que nunca tendrás ningún tipo de comunicación con ese hombre dejarás mi casa enseguida sólo con lo que llevas puesto.
Will you give me your word neither to see nor to have any communication with this man again?
¿ Me darás tu palabra de no volver a ver a ese hombre otra vez?
I give you my solemn word that I will neither see... nor have any communication with Captain Cook again.
Doy mi palabra solemne de que nunca tendré...
You will join the ranks of those women of ambiguous position who travel about Europe from one watering place to another neither married nor unmarried, with no future and no present with only your great love to sustain you.
Serás de esas mujeres de posición ambigua que van por Europa de un bebedero a otro ni solteras ni casadas, sin futuro ni presente y cuyo único sostén es el amor.
Neither one of you will give an inch.
Ninguno cederá un milímetro.
- Linda, you're destroying something that neither of us will ever find anywhere else.
- Linda, destruyes algo... que ninguno encontrará en otra parte.
You will not like the smell of my books. Neither will the public prosecutor.
No le gustará el olor de mis libros, ni al fiscal general tampoco.
Neither you nor anyone will keep him from opening it.
Y, ahora, ni tú ni nadie evitará que se le abran.
- We knew you wouldn't take this lying down, sir. And neither will we.
Ya sabíamos que no se daría por vencido.
Neither one of you will be Emperor
No os peleéis. Ninguno será Emperador.
Neither will I, Eileen, if that's any comfort to you.
Ni yo, Eileen, si te sirve de consuelo.
Return to your Butcher and tell him that neither you nor Cassim will ever wring the secret from me.
Vuelve con tu Carnicero y dile que ni tú ni Cassim jamás me arrancarán el secreto.
Mr Brontë, there will be neither dancing nor drinking for you here tonight.
No habrá ni bebida ni baile para Ud. esta noche.
If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then to me, who neither beg nor fear your favours nor your hate.
Si podéis ver las semillas del tiempo y podéis saber qué grano crecerá y cuál no... habladme a mí, que nada imploro, ni me asusta vuestro favor o vuestro odio.
It only remains for me to tell you that neither of you... will ever be employed in a position of trust again.
Sólo me resta decirles que ninguno volverá a tener un empleo de confianza, pueden marcharse.
I swear, if you go near him, neither one of us will ever see a cent of it.
Si se acerca a él, no veremos ni un centavo.
He may have got away but none will succeed, neither you nor your little count nor any fake maestros!
¡ Ni tú, ni el conde, ni los falsos maestros de música os saldréis con la vuestra!
Your sheep will never get through, nor you neither.
Sus ovejas no lograrán pasar y ustedes tampoco.
As it happens, neither you nor I will determine the tactics in this operation.
Por lo visto, ni usted ni yo decidiremos la táctica de esta operación.
Neither will you.
Y tú tampoco.
You won't tell her, and neither will I.
Tú no le hablarás. Y yo tampoco,
I take it on myself that I let the fight continue. If AIban's brother dies neither you nor my house will go unpunished.
Asumo la responsabilidad de haber dejado que la lucha continuara, pero si el hermano de Alban muere no saldremos sin castigo.
You know neither of you will ever come here again.
Tú sabes que no iréis nunca más.
"Neither you nor I will remain"
"Ni tú ni yo quedaremos"
Neither your mother nor you are to blame for what happened,... therefore nothing will happen to you.
Ni tu mamá ni tú tienen la culpa de lo que ocurrió, por lo tanto nada les va a pasar.
No! Neither of you will. I'm the one who's growing moldy.
El moho, entre vosotras, ¡ lo hago yo!
In that case, neither of you will be around for the finish.
En ese caso, ninguno de ustedes va a ver el final.
You will have neither more nor less than you had when you came.
Tendrán ni más ni menos lo que tenían cuando vinieron.
Neither will I forget you.
Yo tampoco la olvidaré.
I won't having any trouble seeing you. Neither will the Gooks.
Nosotros no tendremos problemas, y los amarillos tampoco.
You will know neither joy nor grief, only calm and cold.
No conocerás ni la dicha ni la pena, sólo calma y frío.
Neither my son nor I will ever make any claim on you or your money.
Ni mi hijo ni yo jamás reclamaremos ni un centavo.
Then neither will I condemn you.
Entonces yo tampoco te condenaré.
Neither Father nor Fumiko will force you into something that you don't want to do.
Ni tu padre ni Fumiko te forzarán a hacer algo que no quieras.
You will learn nothing from us... Neither of our ships, nor of our men!
No conseguirás nada de nosotras... nada de nuestros barcos, ni de nuestros hombres!
In just a moment you will enter a strange province that knows neither north nor south - a place we call the twilight zone.
En un momento se adentrarán en una extraña región... que no conoce ni norte ni sur. Un lugar llamado La dimensión desconocida.
neither will i 60
will you 5002
will you marry me 800
will you forgive me 58
will you be okay 42
will you come with me 163
will you come 134
will you join me 44
will you go out with me 27
will you come with us 24
will you 5002
will you marry me 800
will you forgive me 58
will you be okay 42
will you come with me 163
will you come 134
will you join me 44
will you go out with me 27
will you come with us 24
will you go 60
will you please shut up 18
will you do me a favor 69
will you help me 291
will you excuse me 209
will you call me 59
will you join us 62
will you listen to me 75
will you do that for me 50
will you shut up 272
will you please shut up 18
will you do me a favor 69
will you help me 291
will you excuse me 209
will you call me 59
will you join us 62
will you listen to me 75
will you do that for me 50
will you shut up 272