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Never married translate Spanish

2,684 parallel translation
I was never married.
Nunca estuve casada.
Would I had never married my daughter there.
Si nunca hubiera casado a mi hija ahí.
quite beautiful, but she never married.
Era hermosa, pero nunca se casó.
- You never married.
- Nunca te has casado.
I never married, sahib.
No te has casado, sahib.
I would've never married you if mother hadn't pressurised me.
No me hubiera casado contigo si madre no me hubiera obligado
Good family, never married.
Buena familia, nunca se casó.
You know, I knew I should have never married a shia.
Sabes, yo sabía que no me deberia haber casado con un chií.
You were never married?
- ¿ Nunca estuviste casado?
No, I never married.
Nunca me casé.
Never married, no children, but a stellar career.
Nunca casado, sin niños, pero una carrera estelar.
When a man's your age and he's never married it's usually one of two reasons.
Cuando un hombre llega a tu edad y nunca se ha casado normalmente es por una de dos razones.
Never married his mother.
Nunca me casé con su madre.
So tell me, russell, why have you never married?
Así que dime, Russell, ¿ por qué no te casaste?
I'm never getting married.
Yo no voy a casarme jamás.
"Sadassa" isn't my real name, I've never been married.
Szedaze no es mi nombre real...
I never ever wish to get married.
Nunca jamás deseo casarme.
Tej Dhanraj can never get married!
Tej Dhanraj no puede casarse nunca!
I should never have married a Muslim man!
¡ Nunca debí casarme con un Musulmán!
You're clearly not married, and you have obviously never been engaged.
¿ Tú qué sabes? No eres casado y obviamente nunca te has comprometido.
I'll never get married.
Nunca me casaré.
I've never been married and I'm 63.
Es un honor hablar contigo. Eres una auténtica leyenda.
I've never heard my dad say it to my mom, but they've been married for like 30 years. Wow.
Ni mi padre que yo no he escuchado haberle dicho a su madre y está casado desde hace 30 años.
I will stop worrying about being a boring old married couple because we never will be.
Dejaré de preocuparme por ser una pareja aburrida porque nunca lo seremos.
No, you've never been married.
No, nunca has estado casado.
Remember when we swear in the tree house that we would never get married?
¿ Recuerdas cuando juramos en la casa del árbol que nunca se casaría?
I should never have got married
Yo nunca me debí haber casado
Then she left the village with a married man and left me behind with a relative who was never there, until grandma said enough and took me with her to the farm.
Después se fue del pueblo con un hombre casado y me dejó con una pariente suya que era como si no estuviese, hasta que la abuela se hartó y me llevó con ella.
.. then Anjali will never get married.
.. Anjali nunca se casará.
In fact, I'm very curious to meet this mysterious sister you never mentioned the entire time we were married.
De hecho, tengo mucha curiosidad por conocer a esta hermana misteriosa que nunca mencionaste en todo el tiempo que estuvimos casados.
Of course there are, but it never occurs to me to act on it because - because I'm married...
Por supuesto que sí pero nunca se me ocurriría liarme con ellas porque...
I thought getting married would make a difference, but I guess you never know.
Pensaba casarse haría una diferencia, pero creo que nunca se sabe.
PlayingAlice - the one who never got married
Para mi, fue como una película de amantes, y una especie de homenaje a cine en general.
I married him a year out of High School'cause he was cute, he was sure of himself, and he told me he'd never work in a goddamn coal mine.
Me case con él al año de salir de la secundaria por que era mono, estaba seguro de si mismo y me dijo que nunca iba a trabajar en una condenada mina de carbón.
Never did anything wrong up to now. Looks like we're getting married.
Nunca hice algo tan mal como ahora.
All those years married to a lawman, he never taught you how to shoot?
Todos estos años casada con un hombre de ley... ¿ Nunca le enseñó a disparar?
Uh... Clay and I, we would never get married.
Clay y yo nunca nos casaremos.
The things is, we've never actually been a couple and usually you're a couple before you get married.
La cosa es que nunca hemos actuado como una pareja y normalmente eres una pareja antes de casarte.
You've never been married.
Nunca has estado casado.
I was never married and I didn't call you bitchy.
Yo nunca he estado casado y nunca te he llamado putilla.
You never thought about getting married?
¿ Nunca has pensado en casarte?
I am never getting married.
Nunca me casaré.
We were never really married.
En realidad nunca estuvimos casados.
Waiting for a man you're not married to, who may never return.
Esperando a un hombre con quien no te has casado, quien puede nunca regresar.
Never married.
Nunca se casó.
All I cared about was being successful, And now I'm gonna die and I never got married Or had children!
Todo lo que quería era ser exitosa y ahora voy a morir sin haberme casado ni tener hijos!
She never said anything about being married.
Jamás mencionó estar casada.
Never been married.
- Nunca ha estado casado.
After my wife died, I was sure I'd never get married again.
Después de que mi esposa murió, estaba seguro que nunca me casaría de nuevo.
I decided not to call you anymore... because you said you never want to get married or have children, and it kind of freaked me out.
Decidí no llamarte nunca más... porque dijiste que nunca querrías casarte o tener hijos, y me hizo flipar.
She's crying because she knows I'll never be a general,... and I'll never get married or have children,... and my name dies with me.
Llora porque sabe que nunca llegaré a ser general, y que no me casaré ni tendré hijos, mi apellido no tendrá sucesor.

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