Next tuesday translate Spanish
592 parallel translation
Would you care to come fox-hunting with the young people next Tuesday?
¿ Le importaría venir para ir de cacería con los jóvenes, el próximo martes?
"It's a lucky thing for the city that next Tuesday is election day, as the citizens will thus be saved the expense of impeaching the mayor and the sheriff."
Llama Kruger. Ahí va una declaración al rojo vivo del gobernador.
I'll throw a guard around the Criminal Court building and panel a special jury. And I'll watch Maxey Campo die in the chair in 90 days from next Tuesday.
Le daré escolta a cada jurado, designaré un jurado especial y veré como muere Maxey Campo en la silla dentro de 90 días.
Well, personally, I'm going to stop drinking next Tuesday afternoon at 3 : 00 sharp. ( LAUGHS )
Yo dejaré de beber el próximo martes a las 3 : 00 de la tarde.
To call on you Next tuesday Right here In this flat.
Que te venga a ver aquí, a este piso.
But we'll make it next Tuesday night for sure.
Iremos el martes por la noche.
And can you beat it? With next Tuesday election day!
Vaya noticia. ¡ El próximo martes es día de elecciones!
You won't need a mother for your children... till next Tuesday, will you?
No necesitarás una madre... antes del martes que viene, ¿ verdad?
Well, it'll be seven months next Tuesday. And believe me, the first seven months are the hardest.
El próximo martes hago siete meses y le aseguro que los siete primeros son los peores.
Don't forget next Tuesday.
No te olvides del martes.
Well, your board of directors doesn't meet until next Tuesday.
Tu directorio no se reúne hasta el próximo martes.
Well, oddly enough, I'll be busy next Tuesday evening.
Bueno, extrañamente, estaré ocupada la noche del martes.
Sentence will be passed on you at 10 : 00 a.m. next Tuesday, the 15th.
La sentencia se le comunicará a las 10 : 00 a. m. El próximo jueves, día 15.
"It's lucky for the city that next Tuesday is Election Day as the citizens will thus be saved the expense of impeaching the mayor and the sheriff". That's all. Call you back.
"Como el martes hay elecciones los ciudadanos se ahorrarán el gasto de procesar al Alcalde y al Shériff".
We'll see you next Tuesday.
La veremos el martes que viene.
Look, Pete, her divorce decree cannot be entered until next Tuesday.
Escucha, Pete, la sentencia del divorcio no será firme hasta el martes.
Well, it seems your divorce from Mr. Stokes will not be final until next Tuesday.
Tu divorcio con el señor Stokes no es válido hasta el próximo martes.
The decree can't be entered until next Tuesday.
No es firme hasta el martes.
Then we can be married next Tuesday.
Podemos casarnos el martes.
- Next Tuesday.
- El próximo martes.
How about next Tuesday at 4 : 00?
¿ Qué le parece el próximo martes a las cuatro?
Ten years next Tuesday.
Diez años el próximo martes.
There's a smoking concert at the Red Lion next Tuesday night, you know.
La noche del martes habrá un concierto para fumadores en el Red Lion.
- Next Tuesday, chowder head.
- ¡ El martes, besugo!
- Next Tuesday?
- ¿ El próximo martes?
Next Tuesday then.
El próximo, pues.
And 12 years from now, it'll still be next Tuesday.
Dentro de doce años, aún será el próximo martes.
- Next Tuesday?
- ¿ El martes próximo?
Then I'll send my automobile to bring you up next Tuesday.
Entonces enviaré mi automóvil a recogeros el martes.
We've booked you and Mr. Kent on the Southern Queen sailing next Tuesday.
Hemos reservado para usted y el Sr. Kent en el Southern Queen que zarpa el martes.
This is for the Seamen's Fund brawl next Tuesday night at the Catfish.
Es para la recaudación del Fondo de los marineros, en el Catfish, el martes a la noche.
I am to leave next Tuesday.
Debo irme el próximo martes.
Listen, gentlemen, the president of Consolidated Motors... is coming here next Tuesday to inspect our plant personally.
Caballeros, el presidente de Consolidated Motors... viene el próximo martes a inspeccionar nuestra planta.
We--we'll celebrate the anniversary of our third week together next Tuesday.
Celebraremos nuestra tercera semana juntos el martes que viene.
Ma'am, next Tuesday, is the feast of the Conception.
Señora, el martes que viene es la fiesta de la Concepción.
I've got passage for us... on a Portuguese steamer sailing next Tuesday.
Mira, tengo pasajes en un vapor portugués que zarpa el próximo martes.
Beaker, I aim to conduct myself so that YOU'll vote for me, come next Tuesday.
Mi intención es que todos me votéis el próximo miércoles.
- Five months, next Tuesday
- Cinco meses, el próximo jueves
You know, you could leave her there till next Tuesday, then you could sneak safely away as planned.
Podría dejarla detenida hasta el martes, así podría escaparse como tenía planeado. Sí.
The moon's full next Tuesday, so we're pretty close to deadline.
El próximo martes es luna llena, así que la fecha se acerca.
- Now this won't be on the stands until next Tuesday.
Saldrá a la venta el próximo martes.
We can yakety-yak till next Tuesday. Where's it getting us?
Estaremos de cháchara hasta el martes. ¿ Adónde llegaremos?
Next lecture at half past Tuesday.
La próxima lección, el martes.
Yeah, see us the second Tuesday of next week.
El segundo martes de la semana que viene.
Look, next day it is last night we don't start and Tuesday evening is the morning we ain't coming.
El día siguiente ser la última noche que no empezar y el martes por la noche ser la mañana que no venir.
Arrange your next half day for Tuesday... and persuade him to take you into the country. Me!
Planeé tu descanso para el martes, invítale a pasear.
Next Monday or Tuesday.
El próximo lunes o martes.
"will be removed from Miramont Place, Pimlico, on Tuesday next."
"será extraída de Miramont Place, en Pimlico, el martes próximo." Ojala.
- Next Tuesday.
Y tenemos mucho que hacer.
"Mr. Blair Lunsford has announced " that on Tuesday next, " he will ship $ 50,000 in gold by train to Eagle Ford
El Sr. Blair Lunsford ha anunciado que el próximo martes, embarcará 50.000 $ en oro por tren a Eagle Ford para sufragar todos los costes de la construcción del ferrocarril.
In what other country could a man who fought against you be permitted to serve as judge over you be permitted to run for re-election! ... and bespeak your suffrage on Tuesday next, at the polls.
¿ En qué otro país, a un hombre que ha luchado contra vosotros, se le permite servir como Juez, se le permite presentarse a la reelección y pedir vuestro sufragio para las votaciones del próximo martes?
tuesday 416
tuesdays 25
tuesday morning 19
tuesday night 38
next up 200
next time 1734
next week 481
next question 224
next friday 28
next year 228
tuesdays 25
tuesday morning 19
tuesday night 38
next up 200
next time 1734
next week 481
next question 224
next friday 28
next year 228
next weekend 53
next step 29
next stop 249
next month 127
next time i see you 33
next one 80
next saturday 30
next door 79
next sunday 24
next of kin 40
next step 29
next stop 249
next month 127
next time i see you 33
next one 80
next saturday 30
next door 79
next sunday 24
next of kin 40